OPINION 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2015 GUEST COLUMN Founded in 1873 STEPHEN A. FORRESTER, Editor & Publisher LAURA SELLERS, Managing Editor BETTY SMITH, Advertising Manager Oregonians tilt left on climate, wages CARL EARL, Systems Manager By ADAM DAVIS For EO Media Group JOHN D. BRUIJN, Production Manager DEBRA BLOOM, Business Manager HEATHER RAMSDELL, Circulation Manager F or the last two months, Oregon voters have watched a parade of personalities march DFURVVWKHQDWLRQDOVWDJH From Chinese President Hu Jintao to Pope Francis to presiden- tial candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, they’re all talking about issues that are important to 2UHJRQLDQV LQFOXGLQJ FRQVXPHU- ism, income inequality and climate FKDQJH Water under the bridge Compiled by Bob Duke From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers Daily Astorian/File Photo 10 years ago this week — 2005 Fort Clatsop, one of Clatsop County’s most cherished landmarks and the focal point of the upcoming Lewis and Clark 200th anniversary, was de- VWUR\HGE\¿UHODWH0RQGD\QLJKW Fire investigators converged at the park this morning to examine the re- PDLQVRIWKHUHSOLFDORJVWUXFWXUHIRUFOXHVWRWKHVWDUWRIWKH¿UHZKLFKZDV ¿UVWUHSRUWHGDWSP But even as the ruins still smoldered, an exhausted and at times tearful Chip Jenkins, superintendent of the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park, said a new Fort Clatsop would rise from the ashes to replace the build- LQJHUHFWHGE\YROXQWHHUV\HDUVDJR ³