The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, September 18, 2015, Image 5

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Let’s not go quietly
he corporations don’t care
about us. They have all the
money and time in the world.
They don’t get tired. They don’t
have to sleep. They don’t run out
of steam.
They own legislatures. They
make their own laws. They own
the executive branch. The gov-
ernment bails them out when
they fail. They don’t go to jail.
They own the courts. They
bought and paid for the Su-
preme Law of the Land. They
claim that they are people, too.
People who don’t eat, don’t
drink and don’t breathe. They
never die. They don’t repro-
duce. They could care less about
the planet that we leave to our
They have all the time in the
world. They never go away or
concede defeat. They know that
they win by just one little step at
a time.
gas plants and pipelines? The
corporations don’t live here.
The LNG comes from Canada
and will go overseas. They don’t
have to give The Daily Astorian
any statement. They have no
conscience. They don’t need our
actly what they want to.
Who in the Lower Columbia
pipelines? Follow the money.
It sometimes spills too. Politi-
cians, planners and their new
owners who approve these riv-
erfront schemes think we forget.
We remember Nov. 8, 2010,
when the Clatsop County Board
of Commissioners hustled
through its approval of the LNG
pipeline without any emergency
ings prepared by LNG (despite
the LNG’s attorney’s earlier ad-
mission on Oct. 27 that he had
misled the board). All the while,
the board expressly avoided any
further public testimony.
But let us not forget our lone
voices in the wilderness either.
Thank you, Dirk Rohne and
Drew Herzig.
When is enough, enough?
The choices are clear. We can
wallow in helpless apathy, alone
and afraid at the end of the earth,
or we can all get mad at what
they are doing to our planet,
and stand up peacefully together
against them.
It is getting late. It has to start
somewhere. Wear a little red.
We will see each other around.
We the people have done it be-
The end of racism begins at home
ur neighbor to the east, Clatskanie, is
like most towns, divided. Ex-Chief of
Police Marvin Hoover has given a black
eye to the city by his ranting, raving and
show of disrespectful and blatant bigotry
formed the city of his racist remarks who
complaint triggered retaliation,” The Dai-
ly Astorian, Sept. 10).
The punishment for the chief? He
retired, ending the investigation, has re-
ceived a bonus and a glowing public state-
ment in the local newspaper by Clatskanie
Mayor Diane Pohl.
It is hard for me to wrap my brain
around this — I want to believe that only
those raised in a cave would demonstrate
this kind of limited thinking and behav-
ior, and yet this was the chief of police, a
public man, a man who defends the city,
who looks out for us. Surely he knows
that opening our eyes to different cultures,
languages and heritage will make us rich-
color doesn’t dictate who we are?
Sadly, racism isn’t born in public, it is
well seeded at home before it ever sees
the light of day. Similar to brainwashing,
these smart people do stupid things pub-
licly because they think their opinion is
shared by all. That you also think people
are lesser because of their color, heritage,
language or gender, and therefore support
the idea that they don’t deserve the same
privileges in life you do. What a crock.
The good news is we can all lead the
way to change. We can shape what our
children learn at home. Talk with them,
tonight, about right and wrong. Share the
story of the Claskanie Police to help em-
phasize it. Talk about racism and equal-
Stone or Zack Gibson thank them for
coming forward. Their outcomes so far
have not been pleasant, but they were right
of lung and breast cancers. Is
Oregon LNG also under-
states the negative impacts of
light and noise pollution at the
LNG terminal. These terminals
will operate around the clock,
lighting the night sky as part of
their 24-hour surveillance re-
quirements and creating loud
noises as they convert natural
gas into LNG. Noise exposure
causes cardiovascular disease,
including increased blood pres-
sure, arrhythmias, stroke and
ischemic heart disease; cog-
nitive impairment in children;
sleep disturbance and resultant
fatigue, hypertension, and in-
creased rates of accidents and
injuries; and exacerbation of
mental health disorders.
The siting of the proposed
gas pipelines are threats to
public safety due to corrosion,
The proposed LNG facility and
gas pipelines would be located
in areas of Oregon predicted,
during the lifetime of the pro-
posed facilities, to suffer the
most destructive seismic event
and tsunami in U.S. history.
Who will be available and ca-
pable of responding to an emer-
gency of this type and scope?
For the health of our commu-
nities, we say no Oregon LNG.
ing to consider, isn’t it?
Rally members care
If you are concerned, as you
hank you, city of Astoria for should be, attend the Federal
his is in response to Jason
another great service fair. So Energy Regulatory Commission
Kost’s letter, “Black Lives
many fun things for children to (FERC) public hearing set for Matter” (The Daily Astorian,
experience — adults, as well.
Monday at the Clatsop County Sept. 11). I will not rise to the
The employees who rep- Fairgrounds. Two sessions are bait of defending city Councilor
resented various departments available for you to speak up Drew Herzig from such vitriolic
were awesome. The Public or submit your thoughts on what defamation, although I am sur-
Works people had great props WKLVPHDQVIRUWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQ prised that The Daily Astorian
and pictures. They were happy for Astoria to Warrenton, as the published this personal attack,
to talk about their jobs, and how building gets under way, for and at such extraordinary length
things work, and why. I learned corporate greed to devastate our — isn’t there a word limit?
a lot, and have appreciation for coastal towns.
I am writing as a participant
the work these men and women
Not to mention other im- in the Black Lives Matter rally.
do. We are lucky to have these portant issues like public safety About half of the marchers, in-
if there is a breach in security, cluding myself, were from the
Thank you all. And yes, the jeopardizing salmon runs, pol- congregation of Grace Episco-
hot dogs and snacks were really lution, etc. I would think ev- SDO&KXUFKHDVLO\LGHQWL¿HGE\
ery business owner in Astoria our church banner. The Rev.
Faulty information
DIANE FINUCANE would be wanting to avoid this /DQFH 3HHOHU VSRNH EULHÀ\ DV
Here is your chance
was disappointed to read the
ave you ever wanted to tell
article “Ranchers criticize
We were, and are, not part of
it would cut down on people
the government what you
shopping in downtown Astoria. a “movement,” but marched in IRUHVWPDQDJHPHQW¿UH¿JKWLQJ
think? Well, now is your chance. Avian help, research
Now is the time, don’t protest and compassion for so tactics” (Capital Press, Sept. 7).
hank you for the thoughtful be shy. Come one, come all, many black lives snuffed out in There were a lot of quotes from
Don’t miss it.
editorial on seabirds (“All it’s fair. And it is at the fair- our country, and in grief over the ranchers and very few from any-
The Federal Energy Regula-
tory Commission (FERC) will eyes on the canaries,” The Daily grounds from 1-4 and 6-9 p.m. massacre at the African Meth- RQHZLWKH[SHULHQFHLQZLOG¿UH
hold a meeting at the Clatsop Astorian, Sept. 3) and your ap- Monday. It promises to be en- odist Episcopal (AME) church ecology and behavior — a rath-
County Fairgrounds on Mon- preciation of the Wildlife Cen- tertaining as they try to bluff us in Charleston, S.C., as we also er biased selection of quotes.
day, Sept. 21, to hear testimo- ter of the North Coast’s efforts into thinking about jobs as the pray for the slain, and their as-
Had the reporters bothered
ny about the proposed Oregon to care for injured and starving reason for building LNG tanks sailant.
LNG export/import terminal at birds. Seabirds comprise the in Warrenton, when all we have
Peace be with you, Mr. Kost. cialist, the story might have
Warrenton. There will be two majority of patients at the center. to do is follow the money, right
KARIN TEMPLE had a different spin. Under cer-
In addition to assisting de- up to the stockholders who ha-
sessions: 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 9
Astoria tain conditions of drought, high
temperatures, low humidity and
p.m. Each person wanting to tes- bilitated individuals, the center ven’t even heard of Astoria or
high winds, one cannot stop
tify will probably get the usual serves as a node for the type of Warrenton.
three minutes to have their say, research and monitoring that the
Come on folks, this is a de-
regon Physicians for Social ¿UHVURDUDFURVVRQHLQFKJUDVV
editorial pointed out is needed.
so make it count.
mocracy, this is our commu-
Responsibility has deep VWXEEOH :H FDQQRW ¿UHSURRI D
Carefully kept seabird in- nity. Time to vote no, loud and
If you aren’t sure what you
could say, please don’t stay WDNHUHFRUGVUHÀHFWYDULDWLRQLQ clear. Be there, tell FERC this is concerns about the potentially forest — and it’s delusional to
ocean conditions, human im- not wanted, not needed. Exit devastating, direct and indirect suggest it.
home. Here are some points:
impacts of the proposed Oregon
The real culprit in losses
If you are from the Lower pacts, and trends over time. The LNG.
Columbia area, you could talk center also provides carcasses
LAREE JOHNSON LNG project for local residents are private property owners.
Research has shown that re-
about the proposed location — of non-surviving birds to sci-
Astoria and communities.
right on a major earthquake/ HQWL¿F LQYHVWLJDWRUV DURXQG WKH
impacts of air pollution from the home ignition zone (no more
tsunami zone on the beach of country. Information on plastic
Sweep the roads
terminal and tankers. This proj- than 200 feet out) is all that is
the Skipanon Peninsula dredge ingestion, harmful algal blooms,
s an avid bicyclist who ect would degrade air quality at needed to preclude most home
spoils, with a water table level and seabird diet has been gained
rides in Astoria almost dai- the terminal and in surrounding ¿UHORVVHV
through these contributions.
of only six feet deep.
Numerous review studies
The underlying theme of ly, I must comment on the ex- communities. LNG operations
When Clatsop County got a
chance to vote on the proposed all the center’s facets is to en- cessive amount of wood chips, emit air pollutants including have documented that thinning
pipeline that supplies the termi- courage children and adults to glass, rocks, and other detritus diesel emissions, carbon mon- the forest does not work to pre-
with gas (some of it Canadi- keep compassion and empathy that line the bike lanes on Ma- oxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur FOXGH VORZ RU KDOW ¿UHV XQGHU
Climate policy now nal
in their personal lives; to take rine Drive and the New Youngs oxides, and polycyclic aromat- VHYHUH ¿UH ZHDWKHU FRQGLWLRQV
an), they voted 67 percent no.
want to thank my represen-
ic hydrocarbons from process as were experienced during the
If you are from Warrenton, a moment to practice kindness Bay Bridge.
tative, Rob Nosse, for partic- I’m guessing you don’t want towards another life and respect
I called the Oregon Depart- equipment, diesel generators Canyon Fire by John Day and
ipating in the Oregon Climate your home or business insur- all life on earth.
ment of Transportation months and pumps, tankers, harbor tugs many other large blazes this
Fall Kickoff last week. He wrote ance rates to go up because
We are grateful for the tre- ago to request that the state and support vehicles.
Grazing grasses to stubble,
a haiku to highlight the need you suddenly live in a blast mendous efforts of our volun- roads be swept, but I don’t think
LNG tankers, some 125
to act on climate change. The zone. Warrenton is already try- teers and continued support any sweeping has occurred in per year, and the security ves- even if it were effective —
event featured broad efforts of ing to challenge the new Fed- from the community, and will response. Why? With all the sels that accompany them, are which it is not — would have
local environmental enthusiasts; eral Emergency Management continue to help keep an eye on bicyclist visitors and tourists to required to run their engines numerous collateral damages.
from sixth graders who started $JHQF\ )(0$ ÀRRG PDSV the marine canaries.
this area, the impediments to during the entire cargo loading Loss of forage and hiding cover
the climate-based “Two Green for the same insurance reasons
SHARNELLE FEE safe and friendly bicycling are cycle. Diesel exhaust particu- for wildlife, compaction of soils,
Leaves” blog, to six Oregon — rates possibly going up. It
late matter is associated with damage to riparian areas, pollu-
Executive director, Wildlife surely a deterrent.
legislators who have supported might make a person wonder
To those who say bicyclists impaired pulmonary develop- tion of water, spread of weeds,
Center of the North Coast
progressive climate legislation.
DEBORAH JAQUES should share in the cost of main- ment in adolescents; increased and so on.
what could happen if they live,
The Cap and Dividend bill or have a business, in both the
Taken together, livestock are
3DFL¿F(FR/RJLF tenance, I reply, “I already pay cardiopulmonary and all-cause
proposal in Oregon is gaining ÀRRGDQGEODVW]RQHV
PRUWDOLW\ SXOPRQDU\ LQÀDP- the single biggest factor degrad-
Astoria taxes as a motorist.”
Please don’t double dip. mation; increased severity and LQJ RXU SXEOLF ODQGV :LOG¿UHV
If you are from Astoria, I
to the environment and Orego- doubt you want to add hundreds
Routine maintenance is all frequency of asthma attacks, do not destroy the forest, they
nians alike. Higher carbon costs and hundreds of trucks trans- $ZIXO/1*WUDI¿F
I’m asking for. I make a call to emergency room visits, and rejuvenate them. That should be
as anyone caught in ODOT once a year, and sweep- hospital admissions in children; the message if it were based on
have historically reduced the use porting construction materials
WUDI¿F 6XQGD\ ZLWK WKH ing usually takes place, but it increased rates of heart attack in science, not the ill-informed and
of carbon-based fuels, which from the proposed staging area
is essential for stabilizing the at Tongue Point, through down- recent End of the World Rod doesn’t look like it has occurred adults; increased risk of stroke; self-serving opinions of ranch-
global climate. By distributing town Astoria, and over to the Run, and all the cool vintage this time around.
increased neurodevelopmental ers.
carbon tax revenue, utility bills Skipanon, for the four-year con- cars from Long Beach, Wash?
JEFFREY NELSON disorders including autism and
could be reduced for most Ore- struction period, especially after How about Hood to Coast, As-
Astoria lowered IQ; and increased risks
WKHLQFUHDVHLQWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQ toria Regatta, Fourth of July or
Join us this fall to encourage Astoria experienced this past any of the many other events
staged on the coast, not to
legislators that the time to enact summer. Yikes.
strong climate policy is now.
,I\RXDUHDFRPPHUFLDO¿VK- mention just a regular summer
JEFFREY DAVIS erman, Oregon LNG’s proposal day this past season? We are
Portland to dredge 1.2 million cubic yards on the map, and we better start
DFUHVRIFULWLFDO¿VKKDE- thinking about an exit strategy.
How about emergency ve-
itat, right beside the Skipanon,
The people say no!
for a ship turning basin, isn’t go- hicles trying to get through
o the city of Warrenton re- ing to help. You have been hurt with, say, 486 heavy truck trips
and 812 personnel vehicle/light
gas (LNG) permit (“Warrenton
The $22 billion of annual duty truck trips per day that
staff gives OK to LNG permits,” commerce on the Columbia Oregon LNG says it will use
The Daily Astorian, Sept. 1):
River will be interrupted by the WRFRQVWUXFWWKH¿UVWPLOHVRI
I am a native of this town, 500-yard security zones around the pipeline for Oregon LNG
born across the street from the the proposed 125 tankers per proposed in Warrenton?
Warrenton Grade School foot- year. Imagine the negative im-
Oh, by the way, how do they
EDOO¿HOGRQ1LQWK6WUHHW,KDYH pact that could have on jobs get LNG to the Warrenton facil-
lived here my entire life of 78 throughout the Columbia River ity? It will take 36-inch diameter
Entry-level Customer Service Representative
years. I wish to stay here, but if basin.
pipelines built through Clatsop
this plant is built I will have to
If you breathe air anywhere, County, using a staging and
for The Daily Astorian’s circulation department. A can-do attitude and
move elsewhere.
especially in the Lower Colum- storage site at Tongue Point, as
willingness to learn are necessary. You will help customers in person,
When I was in my teen bia area, why would you want stated from the Oregon LNG
by phone and through email, plus do data-entry and create reports.
years, I used to duck hunt at the 2.6 billion tons of carbon diox- Draft Environmental Impact
This position is also a back-up driver, delivering products as needed.
location of the proposed LNG ide, plus methane gas, released Statement (DEIS), Volume II,
Must be able to lift up to 40 pounds and be willing to learn to drive a
construction site. I had to wear annually into the atmosphere?
Appendix E1, from page 4-307.
delivery van. Driving and criminal background checks will be completed
hip boots, because at high tide
The map indicates the stag-
There are so many more rea-
pre-hire. Hours are generally 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.
the water would rise from the sons this project is a really bad ing area for a contractor and
Columbia River and Youngs idea for this area we call our pipe storage yard will be Tongue
Benefits include paid time off (PTO), insurances and a
Bay almost all the way to the home, but I’ll leave that to you. Point. The company proposes its
401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan.
Skipanon River dike. The site is
Oh, by the way, if you have a vehicles will travel through town
Send resume and letter of interest to
not stable for this project.
over the Youngs Bay Bridge on
red shirt, please wear it.
EO Media Group, PO Box 2048, Salem, OR  97308-2048,
Skip Urling, the planning
CARL DOMINEY U.S. Highway 101 or the narrow
by fax to 503-371-2935 or e-mail
director who wants this project,
Astoria Oregon Highway 202. Interest-
did not come from this area and
knows nothing about the histo-
ry of the land here. He has no
doubt spent time in college, and
was taught or received a degree
in planning. He learned how
to plan, but the college did not
teach him the most important
thing that goes with a degree,
and that is pure common sense.
The city made a big mistake
in choosing an outsider for the
job to plan for the city’s best
interests. This is not the right
choice. Remember: To the peo-
ple, for the people, and by the
Great service fair