7A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 Go Baby Go: Cars help children close the mobility gap Continued from Page 1A cost $30,000 and is often not available until the children are 3 years old at the earliest. Logan said there are 55 sites across Oregon now where vol- unteers have been trained to assemble and modify the small electric cars, which cost about $200 each. They have been RXW¿WWHG IRU FKLOGUHQ ZLWK FH- rebral palsy, Down syndrome and other cognitive disorders. He estimates 3,000 kids across Oregon could be helped by such FDUV+LVRI¿FH¶VJRDOLVWRPDNH sure all their families know the program is available. Getting ready for school Barlow, who learned about Go Baby Go at a conference, said she quickly saw the pro- gram’s potential as a low-cost option to help children with dis- abilities close the mobility gap. “I looked at my caseload, and looked at which kids weren’t ambulating,” Barlow said of how she selected the six kids getting cars. Some have Down syndrome, she said, while VRPHKDYHRWKHUFRJQLWLYHGH¿- ciencies. Kristin Norris said her son, Daniel, who received a Spider- Man-themed Dodge Viper look- alike Friday, has hydrocephalus, ZKLFKLQYROYHVDEXLOGXSRIÀX- id in the cavities of the brain. “He just turned 4 — but he’s more like a 10-month-old baby,” Norris said. “They told me he’d do noth- ing and that he would be a veg- etable,” said Norris, adding she learned from doctors of Daniel’s ailment several months into her pregnancy and was urged to get an abortion. But her son has proven doc- tors wrong all his life, she said. Norris hopes the car will help Daniel keep up with his older Photos by Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian LEFT: Daniel Norris, 4, sits in his new Spider-Man-themed toy car while his mom, Kristin, watches during the Go Baby Go event. RIGHT: A very tired Daniel Norris, 4, center, falls asleep in his new Spider-Man-themed toy car. Kyla Hernandez, 2, smiles as she sits in her Doc McStuff- ins-themed toy car while her mom, Chelsea, right, watch- es during the Go Baby Go event. brother, 8, and sister, 6, and inte- JUDWHTXLFNHULQKLV¿UVW\HDURI preschool. Kyla, who had been trained on the cars beforehand, took to driving immediately. Some kids cried in the driver’s seat, put on performance in front of the crowd of adults gathered for the occasion. Some, like Daniel, fell asleep. Logan said it can take a week or more for kids to get used to the cars, but the effect is marked. Kids using the cars show faster increases in mobility and social ease, he said, plus the cool factor of the cars helps the kids inte- grate easier with more mobile peers. Stutznegger said the service district helped his daughter with Liam Hawkins, 14 months, center, looks around in his new Frozen-themed toy car during the Go Baby Go event. Surrounding Liam are his sister, Annabelle, left, father, Jason, center, brother, Wyatt, right, and mother, Alicia, right. a sensory processing disorder, and he felt a need to pay them back. Stutznegger paid for three of the ride-on cars and is fund- ing a few more. More businesses and indi- viduals are showing interest in funding the cars, Barlow said, and the district hopes to keep several on hand for kids looking WRJURZWKHLUFRQ¿GHQFHEHKLQG the wheel. Deviney: He ‘is facing some very serious charges’ Continued from Page 1A Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Russell Wayne Deviney, right, appears for a status hearing at the Clatsop County Courthouse Friday. Cannon Beach Police and FBI agents found Deviney behind a locked gate in a privately owned wooded area south of Cannon Beach after a passer-by reported seeing him and called police. Defense attorney James von Boeckmann said he is waiting for the state to provide text mes- sages between his client and the victim. On Friday, District Attorney Josh Marquis called the case an “online luring situation.” According to court docu- ments, the girl believed Devin- ey was an 18-year-old named James Russell, or “JR,” who chatted with her on Instagram. Meeting him at a location near her home, she was kidnapped and later sexually assaulted, ac- cording to documents. “Mr. Deviney is facing some very serious charges,” Marquis said. Deviney pleaded not guilty to 12 felony charges in May, in- FOXGLQJ¿UVWGHJUHHNLGQDSSLQJ ¿UVWGHJUHHUDSHDQG¿UVWGHJUHH sodomy, and remains in custody on $1 million bail. 0DUTXLV VDLG KLV RI¿FH LV waiting on the crime lab to pull those text messages from two SKRQHVFRQ¿VFDWHGIURP'HYLQ- ey. The state agreed to request any existing copies of texts from investigators to forward to the defense. Von Boeckmann said he is also seeking social media corre- spondence. 7KH VWDWH KDV KDG GLI¿FXOW\ recovering the Wal-Mart sur- veillance video, Marquis said. 7KH '$¶V RI¿FH LV VHHNLQJ D court order to prevent the store from destroying or altering the video in any way. Deviney is scheduled for a ¿QDO UHVROXWLRQ FRQIHUHQFH RQ Dec. 11. A trial date has not been set. CL ASSIF IE D M ARK ETPL A CE P lace classified ad s o n lin e at w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m o r call 503-325-3211 CL ASSIF IE D IN DEX ANNOUNCEMENTS 055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Care Centers 035 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lost & Found 040 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personals 050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional Services 061 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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