FRIDAYEXTRA ! BLOWN AWAY The Daily Astorian Friday, September 4, 2015 Weekend Edition Photos by Katherine Lacaze/EO Media Group LEFT: The finish line at the Hood to Coast and Portland to Coast relays last Saturday, before the windstorm. RIGHT: After the storm. Strong windstorm produces sweet and sour reviews of an ‘unforgettable’ Hood to Coast By KATHERINE LACAZE EO Media Group ‘It’s part of living on the Oregon Coast.’ H ood to Coast brought several customary sights to Seaside last Saturday. Throughout the day, runners and walkers could be spotted traveling their last leg along 12th Avenue, crossing a pedestrian bridge over U.S. Highway 101 and heading to the Prom. Vans were decked out in team spirit and decorated with messages about the race, such as “Beer Garden or Bust” and “HTC 2015.” Flocks of peo- SOH¿OOHGGRZQWRZQ What was not expected ZDV D ¿QLVK OLQH ZKLFK WRRN about six days to set up, that turned into a treacherous mess when winds up to 85 mph hit the North Coast. Some tents were com- pletely knocked over. Others timidly held ground but were VHHQÀDSSLQJDQGTXLYHULQJLQ the wind, threatening to col- lapse any minute. There would be no ram- bunctious celebration, no music and no beer garden. At about 8 a.m. Saturday, organizers for the Hood to Coast and Portland to Coast relays sent out alerts that the WUDGLWLRQDO¿QLVKSDUW\RQWKH EHDFKZDVRI¿FLDOO\FDQFHOHG — Doug Barker event coordinator, Seaside Chamber of Commerce Runners made the best of the day as they hit Seaside. Makeshift after-party Participants were advised to use extreme caution and put VDIHW\¿UVW Because the tent city was in shambles, runners were di- UHFWHGWRDUHYLVHG¿QLVKOLQH on Broadway and funneled into downtown. At the Shilo Inn on Broad- way, teams were provided VRPH UHIUHVKPHQWV ¿UVW DLG and an opportunity to take team pictures downstairs in WKH FURZGHG :KDOH %DQTXHW Rooms. Portland Running Co. had a pop-up store inside the hotel lobby Saturday after- noon. Of course, the contingency plan offered a vastly different atmosphere from the tradi- tional beach party with lights, live music, multiple vendors and the Seaside Chamber of Commerce’s Beer and Wine Garden. When comparing this year’s event to those of previ- ous years, members of Fever Fighters, a team from Port- land, referenced the lack of DQ DXWKHQWLF ¿QLVK SDUW\ DQG the temperamental weather as the primary discrepancies. The weather along the nearly 200-mile route from Portland varied from thunderstorms, wind and rain to muggy and hot. Some people made the best of the situation, taking an additional sense of accom- plishment from surviving the VWRUP 2Q WKH RI¿FLDO +RRG and Portland to Coast Relays’ Facebook page, participants talked about dodging fall- en tree limbs and debris and battling wind and rain to run uphill. Several described their experiences as “epic,” “a year to remember” and “unforget- table.” See STORM, Page 3C 3 W AY S TO GE T Y O U R CO PY TOD AY ! OR DER ON LIN E w w w .DiscoverO /order S TOP BY ON E OF OU R 3 LOCATION S A storia • 949 Exchange St. Seaside • 1555 N . Roosevelt Dr. Long Beach • 205 Bolstad A ve. E. #2 o r CALL HOLLY LAR K IN S at 503-325-3211, x227 Em ail: hlarkins@