12A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian People listen during the Oregon LNG permit public hearing at the Warrenton Community Center Wednesday. LNG: ‘What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?’ Continued from Page 1A ‘Prime site’ Warrenton Planning Direc- tor Skip Urling recommended that Kearns approve Oregon /1*¶V DSSOLFDWLRQV EXW ZLWK FRQGLWLRQV DWWDFKHG )RU H[- ample, the company must take measures to mitigate the proj- HFW¶VLPSDFWRQWUDI¿FÀRZDQG public infrastructure. A series of consultants for 2UHJRQ /1* WHVWL¿HG WR WKH company’s efforts to minimize WKH LPSDFW RQ WUDI¿F SXEOLF ZRUNV ZHWODQGV DQG ¿VKLQJ operations — and to shore up, with state-of-the-art geotech- nical and design methods, the VHLVPLF VWDELOLW\ RI WKH /1* tanks and facilities. This project, which has been UH¿QHGLQUHVSRQVHWRIHHGEDFN from local, state and federal agencies, “has been scrutinized probably more than any project you’ve seen,” said Mike Con- nors, the Portland attorney rep- UHVHQWLQJ2UHJRQ/1* He said the city decided a decade ago to amend its com- prehensive plan and rezone the land to allow for the type of in- dustrial development the com- pany is proposing. “For decades, this particu- ODUVLWHKDVEHHQLGHQWL¿HGDVD prime site for a heavy, marine industrial use, and the city has made attempts to try to entice or encourage development,” he said, adding that “the question any young people that can stay here.” %XW *HRUJLD 0DULQFRYLFK DQ/1*RSSRQHQWIURP$VWRULD saw the jobs issue from a differ- ent angle. “They say we don’t care about jobs,” she said. “We care about jobs — and if you ruin the environment, you don’t have any jobs for anybody.” Yes and no “I think we all want the 7KH /1* VXSSRUWHUV PD\ same thing. We want a good have been outnumbered, but living environment. We want their message was consistent. a place we can enjoy and that Again and again, they focused ZHFDQEHSURXGRI´VDLG/LVD on the need for family-wage /DPSLQJ DQ /1* VXSSRUW- jobs in Warrenton; some even er and former Warrenton city ZRUH EXWWRQV UHDGLQJ ³/1* commissioner. “I think we can = JOBS.” The company has FRH[LVWZLWKWKLV/1*SURMHFW promised that the three- to four- if it’s done right.” &DURO /XFDV RI *HDUKDUW year construction period would provide thousands of new jobs H[SUHVVHG WKH LPSDWLHQFH DQG and deliver about 150 perma- LQFUHGXOLW\ RI /1* RSSRQHQWV Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian ZKRKDYHIRXJKWDJDLQVW/1* nent jobs. Daniel Kearns, a Portland land use attorney, speaks during an Oregon LNG permit public ³-REVKHUHDUHKDUGWR¿QG´ entering the community since hearing at the Warrenton Community Center Wednesday. Dick Hellberg, a former War- 2004: “Why are we here after renton city commissioner, so many years?” “We’ve said ‘no,’ and we’ve of whether this type of use is mendation to approve the eliminating wildlife habitats. said. “Without jobs for people, appropriate in this particular pipeline and terminal permits, In addition, she reminded we’re going to continue to give said ‘no,’ and we’ve said ‘no,’” location has already been deter- *ROGEHUJVDLGWKH/1*SURMHFW Kearns that earlier this week food to the food bank without /XFDVVDLG³,W¶VWKHROGVD\LQJ mined.” violates multiple provisions in a federal judge in Portland solving the problem,” he said. What part of ‘no’ don’t you un- +RZHYHU/DXUHQ*ROGEHUJ the city code, including the cri- XSKHOGDPDJLVWUDWH¶V¿QGLQJV “And we’re not going to have derstand?” the staff attorney for Columbia WHULRQLQYROYLQJSXEOLFEHQH¿W Riverkeeper — a Hood Riv- She quoted the U.S. Envi- er-based environmental group ronmental Protection Agency WKDW RSSRVHV WKH /1* SURMHFW as stating the project will not — argued that the city’s deci- provide the kind of economic sion to designate the area for in- EHQH¿W WKDW WKH DSSOLFDQW DQG dustrial development “does not local governments anticipate; predetermine that an industrial instead, the project will con- development of this magnitude tribute to the further degra- is appropriate.” dation of the Columbia River Despite Urling’s recom- estuary while changing or WKDW 2UHJRQ /1*¶V FKDOOHQJH to a U.S. Army Corps of En- gineers easement on the pro- posed site arose only after the statute of limitations had run out. The ruling underlined the fact that part of the site is, at the moment, unavailable to the company. Lease:/RPPDVVRQSODQVWRNHHS the building’s businesses the same Fishermen’s Cooperative Pack- ing Co., from the Port of Asto- The Red Building includes ria for $120,000. They planned the Bridgewater Bistro, of- WR VSHQG PLOOLRQ ¿[LQJ LW ¿FHVDQG7KH/RIWDWWKH5HG up. Building, an event space up- At an Astoria Develop- stairs. At the last meeting, ment Commission meeting in /RPPDVVRQ VDLG KH SODQV WR 2010, city councilors voted keep the businesses the same. to give Union Fish Proper- In 2004, partners Ryan ties a $350,000 loan to help Davis and Helligso, working ZLWK ¿UVWÀRRU UHQRYDWLRQV under Union Fish Properties, and a $325,000 grant to help bought the Red Building , the write down previous loans. last structure from the Union Then-Community Develop- Continued from Page 1A ment Director Brett Estes said at the time that the urban re- newal district had been largely created to establish a confer- ence center. /DVW PRQWK WKH $VWRULD Development Commission DJUHHGWRH[WHQGWKHORDQXQWLO February. In anticipation of a possible sale, the commission later agreed to transfer the loan to Cary and Helligso, in- stead of Union Fish, and fur- WKHUH[WHQGWKHGXHGDWH Specializing in the restoration & preservation of wood windows and leaded glass in homes and historic buildings. 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