THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 2015 COMMUNITY 1B SOLE SURVIVOR PICKY PICKERS TALK OF THE TOWN E ver watch the documentary series “American Pickers” on the +LVWRU\ &KDQQHO ZZZKLVWRU\FRPVKRZVDPHULFDQSLFNHUV" Mike Wolfe (pictured left) and Frank Fritz (pictured right) of An- tique Archaeology ( are well-traveled ³SLFNHUV´ZKRDUHVFRXULQJWKH86ORRNLQJIRUYDOXDEOHDQGRIWHQ forgotten, antiques and memorabilia to restore. According to their press release, the duo are “on a mission to re- cycle America, restore forgotten relics to their former glory, and learn a thing or two about American history along the way.” The pair are SLFWXUHGFRXUWHV\RI+LVWRU\FRP 6RZK\VKRXOG\RXFDUH"7KH\¶UHKHDGHGWROregon WR¿OPLQ September, that’s why, and they’re “looking for leads and would love WRH[SORUHZKDW\RXPD\KDYH7KH\DUHRQWKHKXQWIRULQWHUHVWLQJ FKDUDFWHUVZLWKLQWHUHVWLQJDQGXQLTXHLWHPV6RPHRIWKHLWHPVWKH\ are looking for include: vintage bicycles, toys, unusual radios, mov- ie memorabilia, advertising, military items, folk art, vintage musical HTXLSPHQW YLQWDJH DXWRPRWLYH LWHPV HDUO\ ¿UH¿JKWLQJ HTXLSPHQW YLQWDJHFORWKLQJSUHVZHVWHUQJHDU´