10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2015 Pot: Paying taxes with cash could be tricky Continued from Page 1A Marijuana taxes are pro- MHFWHGWRWRWDOPLOOLRQ in the fiscal year beginning -XO\ Marijuana businesses typically operate on a cash basis because banks are un- willing to provide accounts WR WKH FDQQDELV LQGXVWU\ 7KH 86 'HSDUWPHQW RI the Treasury issued guid- ance to banks in 2014 that they could do business with state-sanctioned marijua- na businesses, but future presidential administrations could reverse that policy and the burden is still on fi- nancial institutions to report suspicious activities such as GUXJWUDIILFNLQJ “The banks are worried about jeopardizing their federal charter because the feds still consider marijua- na to be illegal,” said Tom Towslee, a spokesman for the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, which will implement Oregon’s new UHFUHDWLRQDOSRWUHJXODWLRQV Riverwalk: Orr, Trabucco seek new 10-year lease Continued from Page 1A after getting a closer look at WKHLQQ¶V¿QDQFHV The Port has moved to ter- minate the lease held by Brad Smithart, the operator, who has fallen behind in payments to the Port, the city and Clatsop &RXQW\ The Port’s Board of Com- missioners has scheduled a VSHFLDO VHVVLRQ DW SP WR- QLJKWWRKHDUSURSRVDOV “I think that they will un- derstand what are the imme- diate opportunities of outside people wanting to come in and take over this hotel,” Knight said of the public PHHWLQJ Orr, who graduated from Astoria High School and the University of Oregon, said he remembers the inn when it was the Thunderbird and Red /LRQ “When I was a kid it was the place to go,” said Orr, who leads a salmon processing and VDOHV FRPSDQ\ ³$QG WKHUH¶V no reason why it still couldn’t be among the top hotels in As- WRULD7KHORFDWLRQ²\RXFDQ¶W EHDWLW´ Marina village Orr and Trabucco de- scribed the potential for a marina village, with the Riv- erwalk Inn part of a string of Uniontown properties like the Cannery Pier Hotel, Bridge- water Bistro and Holiday Inn ([SUHVV The Port property, which is now underused, could be redeveloped to help connect visitors and cruise ship passen- gers with the Riverwalk, the Astoria Riverfront Trolley and GRZQWRZQ Other suitors have talked about the Riverwalk Inn more DVDEXGJHWKRWHO “I think it’s the last iconic property that hasn’t been ad- dressed in Astoria,” Trabucco VDLG Trabucco’s name surfaced earlier in connection with the Riverwalk Inn, but the devel- oper had said his group was Stephen and Karen Allen, the couple behind the Wet Dog &DIH $VWRULD %UHZLQJ &R and Pier 11, are also interested Partnership LQWKHSURMHFW Orr and Trabucco are seek- The partnership has set ing a new, 10-year lease for the aside $350,000 to pay off any property, with three 5-year re- GHEWVUHODWHGWRWKHOHDVH QHZDORSWLRQV7KHSDUWQHUVKLS The letter of intent indicates is also interested in the site of the partnership would invest a a former restaurant, lounge and minimum of $2 million to sta- FRIIHHVKRS bilize the hotel and then sig- Orr and his wife, Sara Ful- QL¿FDQWO\XSJUDGHWKHJURXQGV ton Orr, would hold majority URRPVDQGH[WHULRUIDFDGH ownership interest in Astoria “This is probably a project Hospitality Ventures, accord- that I wouldn’t do if it weren’t ing to a letter of intent deliv- in Astoria,” said Orr, who said HUHG WR WKH 3RUW ODVW ZHHN the city where he grew up has Fulton Orr’s brother, Stephen ³D VSHFLDO SODFH LQ P\ KHDUW Fulton, serves as a Port com- I’d like to do something local PLVVLRQHU LQ$VWRULD´ no longer interested after it ap- peared other contenders had a FRQWUDFW Tax rates $OWKRXJK 2UHJRQ¶V percent sales tax on recre- ational marijuana takes ef- fect in January, consumers will likely initially pay a KLJKHUUDWH7KDWLVEHFDXVH state-licensed recreational pot retailers expect to open in late 2016, and the Legis- lature passed a higher tax UDWH ² SHUFHQW ² RQ medical marijuana dispen- sary sales to recreational FXVWRPHUV That tax also takes effect in January so consumers will have a short window to buy limited amounts of tax-free recreational pot from med- ical marijuana dispensaries VWDUWLQJ 2FW $OWKRXJK all adults in Oregon age 21 and older can now possess marijuana, there is currently no legal outlet where people FDQEX\WKHGUXJ During a hearing in May, Department of Revenue leg- islative coordinator Dean- na Mack told lawmakers it would be challenging for the agency to handle the FDVK SD\PHQWV 0DFN VDLG Oregon could follow the ex- ample of Washington state, where recreational canna- bis businesses can pay their taxes in cash at the state FDSLWDO “We figure we’d do something like what Wash- ington is doing, requiring them to bring the cash to 2O\PSLD´ 0DFN VDLG ³0\ understanding is even to se- cure the premises will take a couple months with con- WUDFWRUV´ Drop boxes Mack said the state could also install drop box- es around the state for pot businesses to deposit cash tax payments, if business owners or employees cannot WUDYHOWR6DOHP Towslee said the Oregon Liquor Control Commission does not plan to accept large DPRXQWVRIFDVK “The really large amounts of cash are going to be collected in taxes,” 7RZVOHHVDLG Cannabis businesses will have to pay the com- mission’s application and licensing fees, but “both of those are handled online,” 7RZVOHHVDLG³,W¶VJRLQJWR have to be done some way RWKHU WKDQ FDVK 6R DOO WKH plans we had to accept large amounts of aromatic cash DUHRIIWKHWDEOH´ The Capital Bureau is a collaboration between EO Media Group and Pamplin Media Group. 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