The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 23, 2015, Image 21

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    Learn to hike Oregon’s history
Author William Sullivan gives presentation
MANZANITA — The Manzanita
library will host author William
L. Sullivan for a presentation at 7
p.m. Thursday, July 30.
Sullivan’s slide show presen-
tation will take attendees on an
armchair hiker’s tour of Oregon’s
most scenic historic sites. Based
on his outdoor guidebook, “Hiing
Oregon’s History,” the presenta-
tion follows Lewis and Clark’s
trail across Tillamook head and
traces Chief Joseph’s trail of tears
through Hells Canyon.
Expect tips on dramatic hik-
ing trails to ¿re lookouts, light-
houses and gold mines, too,
mixed in with anecdotes about
trailside wildÀowers and geolo-
gy. It’s a glimpse into Oregon’s
largest museum: the great out-
Sullivan is the author of 10
books about Oregon.
North Tillamook Library
in Manzanita is part of the Til-
lamook County Library and is
located at 571 Laneda Ave. For
more information, call 503-368-
6665 or visit
Submitted photo
Author William Sullivan will give a presentation about hiking and Oregon’s history at the
Manzanita library on Thursday, July 30.
Trail’s End opens new photography show
Peer into ‘Window-to-the-world’ work by Richard Newman
GEARHART — Richard New-
man is the featured artist in
August for Trail’s End Art
Gallery. His show, “Win-
phy,” will include his most
recent works printed on pearl-
ized metallic paper, glass, alu-
minum and wood. The opening
reception will be held from 3 to
5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1during
Gearhart’s ArtWalk. Along
with other members’ work, the
show will be open through the
month of August. The gallery is
located at 656 A St.
Newman grew up in Cleve-
land, Ohio, and now splits his
time between Beaverton and
Gearhart. In high school and
college he was a photographer
for his newspaper and year-
book. In his senior year of high
school he was hired as an assis-
tant photographer for the city
of Cleveland, were he learned
the ¿ne art of photography and
darkroom applications. After
college, he entered the business
world in fabric and design as a
store manager, consultant and
sales manager.
His love of photography
never faded and when the dig-
ital age of photography start-
ed, he traded in his old 35mm
camera and now uses a Nikon
810 with various lenses and an
Apple computer to catalog and
artfully compose them.
At the 2014 Trail’s End an-
nual juried show, he received
Submitted photo
“Oregon Wood Duck” by Richard Newman.
Submitted photo
“Bridge of Sighs” by Richard Newman.
Submitted photo
“St. John’s Bridge at Sunset” by Richard
the Best of Show Award for
his photograph of the Port-
land Marquee on aluminum.
His photographs are hung in
various coffee shops in Bea-
verton, he has developed his
own website at
dow-to-the-world-photogra-, and his work is for
sale on Etsy. Recently his pho-
tographs of the Bridge of Sighs
and the Leaning Tower of Pisa
in black and white were sold to
ABC television and used on the
“Criminal Minds” TV show.
Newman answered the
following questions about his
What or who most in-
spired you to be a photog-
Growing up, I always loved
the photographs in Life mag-
azine. These pictures reached
out from all parts of the world
and showed both the beauty
in landscapes as well as the
reality of life. The one person
I admired the most was
Ansel Adams, who exclusively
worked in black and white
and took scenic photographs
of the western United States.
What type of photogra-
phy do you prefer and why?
I especially like to take pic-
tures of landscapes, nature,
sports and historical objects. I
am fascinated by the various
textures that nature has
provided. I use various types
of media to show the details
of my work. Currently, I enjoy
using aluminum, glass and
wood to enhance the compo-
sition of my work.
What do you like best
about your work?
What I try to do is capture
the images in an artistic way
by composition or enhanc-
ing them on the computer
to offer a new perspective.
I try to use photography as
an art form, using a camera
and a lens like an artist uses a
palette and brush.

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July 23, 2015 | | 11