coast July 23, 2015 weekend arts & entertainment 4 10 12 14 COASTAL LIFE Fire safety 101 Indoors or out, planning equals prevention on the North Coast ARTS Visit 35 artists in 23 locations throughout Astoria FEATURE Oregon Story Sessions Stories. Poems. Songs. Secrets. Beer. Contests. Surf Rock. DINING Mouth of the Columbia Calibrated for tourists, Tom’s Fish & Chips serves locals fast STEPPING OUT........ .............................................................. 5, 6, 7 CROSSWORD........... ....................................................................17 CW MARKETPLACE........ ....................................................... 18, 19 GRAB BAG ....... ..........................................................................23 Find it all online and more! COASTWEEKEND.COM features full calendar listings, keyword searches and easy sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. | | on the cover The Oregon Story Sessions, an Astoria event planned at three venues July 25, is about calling attention to and celebrating Oregon writers and musicians. Submitted image ADVERTISING MANAGER: BETTY SMITH CONTRIBUTORS: DWIGHT CASWELL MARILYN GILBAUGH RYAN HUME MATT LOVE To advertise in Coast Weekend, call 503-325-3211 or contact your local sales representative. © 2015 COAST WEEKEND ASTORIA — Astoria Parks Attendees should bring PXQLW\ )RXQGDWLRQ WR UDLVH and Recreation announces the their own lawn chairs and PRQH\ IRU $VWRULD 3DUNV DQG next event in its Park After EODQNHWVWRHQMR\WKH¿OP Recreation scholarships. Dark summer 2015 series. Proceeds go to the Astoria Go to www.astoriaparks. All ages are invited to Parks, Recreation and Com- com for more information watch the classic 1985 sci- HQFH¿FWLRQFRPHG\DGYHQWXUH movie “Back to the Future,” GLUHFWHG E\ 5REHUW =HPHFNLV and starring Michael J. Fox DQG &KULVWRSKHU /OR\G RQ 9 p.m. Saturday, July 25 6DWXUGD\-XO\ McClure Park ,QWKH¿OPWHHQDJHU0DUW\ 0F)O\LVDFFLGHQWDOO\VHQW Eighth Street and Grand Avenue, Astoria \HDUVLQWRWKHSDVWWRYLD a time-traveling DeLorean in- All ages YHQWHGE\KLVIULHQG'U(P- PHWW ³'RF´ %URZQ 0F)O\ $5 meets his high-school-age Submitted photo parents and must make sure Watch “Back to the Future” Saturday, July 25 at PMcClure Park in Astoria. WKH\ XQLWH LQ RUGHU WR VDYH KLV RZQ H[LVWHQFH ² RQO\ one problem: He accidental- O\ EHFRPHV KLV PRWKHU¶V UR- PDQWLF LQWHUHVW 0F)O\ PXVW UHSDLU WKH GDPDJH WR KLVWRU\ E\ FDXVLQJ KLV SDUHQWVWREH to fall in love, and, with the help of his eccentric scientist IULHQGKHPXVW¿QGDZD\WR UHWXUQWR7KH¿OPLVUDW- ed PG. The movie screening will take place at McClure Park, ORFDWHG DW (LJKWK 6WUHHW DQG Grand Avenue. The park opens at 8 p.m., and the movie starts at 9 p.m. 7KHUH LV D HQWU\ IHH DQG IRRGE\WKH1RUWK&RDVW)RRG Web and beer will be available for sale. Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. New items for publication consideration must be submit- ted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. To submit an item, contact Rebecca Sedlak See story on Page 12 COAST WEEKEND PHOTOS: JOSHUA BESSEX Astoria Parks and Rec continues Park After Dark events with next film screening ‘Back to the Future’ Astoria Studio Tour COAST WEEKEND EDITOR: REBECCA SEDLAK Watch, travel ‘Back to the Future’ at McClure Park Phone: 503.325.3211 Ext. 217 or 800.781.3211 Fax: 503.325.6573 E-mail: Address: P.O.Box 210 • 949 Exchange St. Astoria, OR 97103 Coast Weekend is published every Thursday by the EO Media Group, all rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced with- out consent of the publisher. Coast Weekend appears weekly in The Daily Astorian and the Chinook Observer. July 23, 2015 | | 3