5A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 EMERALD HEIGHTS APARTMENTS Affordable Place to Call Home EQUAL HOUSING O PP OR TU NI TY Astoria, OR Call 325-8221 for more information © 2015 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 31, No. 32 Asto ria Fo rest Pro d ucts , LLC Ladybugs love aphids. Aphids are among the most common plant pests. of s. All bugs are part Nature needs insect nce. the ecological bala ow plants for food or gr When people ts, and often eat these plan pests. s ct se in n, tio ra co de think of insects as that leads people to are pests. Some help But, not all bugs s. When they do that, er gardeners and farm eneficial insects.” “b em th ll ca people Aphids damage plants by feeding on them and by carrying diseases from plant to plant. One farmer’s field can host millions of aphids. Draw the other half of this ladybug. Ah, bonjour! Welcome to Café des Insectes. My name is Claude, and I will be your waiter today. Have a seat and use the code in this menu to discover some delightful facts about insect eating habits. Bon appetit! 10 Pier 1 • Su ite 301 Astoria , O regon 97103 Astoria, Warrenton, & Seaside 1100 Northwest Ridge Road Hammond OR 97121 reservations 800-562-8506 Info 503-861-2606 Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest West West Inc. Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. West Inc. Northwest Northwest West Inc. West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Northwest West Inc. Income Tax Preparation 762 Avenue G, Seaside, OR 97138 503-738-3480 WARRENTON 861-3252 1167 S.E. MARLIN McCALL TIRE CENTER SEASIDE 738-9243 2155 S ROOSEVELT Heathers COUNTRY HAVEN AFH 503-325-2438 87943 Highway 202, Astoria, OR 97103 A large praying mantis can eat a small Ladybugs sometimes roll over and play dead if they are disturbed. Many predators will not eat an insect that doesn’t move. Find the ladybug that is different. The female praying mantis will eat its Standards Link: Life Science: Understand that animals have structures and behaviors that help in growth and survival. after reproduction. The praying mantis is the only known insect that can turn its head and look over its shoulder. It waits for an insect to stray close, and then snaps it up with a lightning grab of its strong forelegs. It can move twice as fast as a housefly. House spiders can survive without food or water for several Spiders first paralyze their insect victims and then suck out the Moberg & Rust attorneys at law 842 Broadway Street Seaside, or 97138 (503) 738-6380 LOWER COLUMBIA family practice CLINIC Thomas S. Duncan, MD Susan L. Skinner, CNM, CFNP 595 18th, Astoria • 325-9131 Emergency Office Hours: 503-861-5515 M A R T IN L A L VE Y P .C . A storia office • 10 Pier O n e, Ste 303 A storia, O R 97103 Ph on e: 503-325-5509 • Toll Free: 866-509-3516 What is the value for each bug in these equations? Each bug has a value from 1 to 5, and no two critters have the same value. When young, praying mantises eat aphids, leafhoppers, mosquitoes, caterpillars and other soft-bodied insects. Later they eat larger insects, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets and other pest insects. Standards Link: Math: Solve problems using mathematical reasoning. T C Home Furnishings 1033 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon 97103 (503)325-5620 M orga n Civil Engineering P O B ox 358 • M a n za n ita 503-368-6186 MARITIME TEXACO 1701 Marine Dr Astoria, OR 97103 1-503-325-7812 10 Pier 1 Ste. 308 | Astoria 503-741-3300 These pirates are good guys. They don’t hurt plants, people or pets. They don’t eat grain. They eat insects that eat grain. Farmers put them into grain bins to eat the insect pests. Then they are easily removed before the grain is used. PORT OF ASTORIA 503.325.0411 34747 Hwy 101 Bus. Astoria Sta Vocabula ndards Link: use anto ry: Understand a nym nd reading s in speaking, and writin g. How many pirate bugs can you find on this page? AN D TO W IN G Lewis & Clark Oregon Timber , LLC M a n a ged by the Ca m pbell Grou p, L L C Something strange is going on in the garden, and Bug Muldoon, beetle private investigator, tries to figure out how the ants and the wasps are involved. Unscramble the title of this book. Then check it out at your local library this summer! Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Read age-appropriate text in a variety of genres. LADYBUGS PRAYING MANTIS APHIDS DISEASES CHEMICAL PIRATE SPIDER GRAIN BALANCE CROP HURT PESTS DEAD HELP Find the words in the puzzle, then in this week’s Kid Scoop stories and activities. U S L A C I M E H C L E S D I H P A R S D A E D E R I F E E U S D L A P R S D C N T I R B E T S P A S N C E S U E E S L Po rtla n d & Asto ria | Setting the standard in sleep medicine for over 30 years 2120 Exchange St | Suite 302 | Astoria 503.325.3126 G A N I A R G P C A T M D T R U H S S B Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. ASTORIA | 503-556-0410 Bird Report Write a paragraph reporting on your favorite bird. The Hallmark Include at least at three facts Resort 1400 about this bird. S Hemlock, Cannon Beach, OR Deadline: August 503-436-0366 16 Published: Week of Sept. 13 Send your story to: Look through the newspaper and underline five facts. Next, find and circle five opinions. Where did you find most of the facts? Where did you find most of the opinions? COLUMBIA RIVER Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Identify fact and opinion in text. ANSWER: “Swarm, isn’t it?” The D a ily A storia n ha s severa l rou tes a va ila ble in the A storia a rea . Ca ll 503-325-3211 for m ore in form a tion . Tha nks to the follow ing bu sinesses for su pporting New spa pers In E du ca tion w w w .d a ilya sto ria n .co m /site/n ew spa pers_ in _ ed u ca tio n / • Appelo Archives Center • Sam’s Seaside Café • Hees Enterprises, Inc • Quackenbush Buliders Inc. • Bridgewater Bistro • Clatsop Truck & Equipment • Clatsop Behaviorial Healthcare (503) 325-5180 2095 M a rin e D rive | Astoria L I P Y O I A T I N Fact and Opinion N EW SPAPER CARRIERS N EEDED T ERRY ’ S P LUMBING • Le’s Income Tax • Kuuma Saavi Works • Bergerson Construction • Diane Barendse, CPA • Lazerquick Seaside/Astoria • Mark J. Lang, Attorney at Law • Premium Adjustable Beds • Suzanne Elise Assisted Living • Solum Roofing & Gutters • Astoria Marine Construction • Jonathon’s LTD • Seaside Oregon Visitors Bureau Great Ocean Da Yang Seafoods LTD. BAR PILOTS Please include your school and grade. Providing safe passage since 1846 CLATSOP POWER EQUIPMENT INC. 34912 HWY. 101 BUSINESS ASTORIA | (503) 325-0792 263 W E xcha n ge • Astoria | (877) 435-7790