The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 09, 2015, Image 3

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Trial set for Astoria man
Duo convicted of toddler
accused of abusing toddler sodomy violate probation
The child was transferred to Legacy Emanuel
Medical Center in Portland for further treatment.
Upon investigation, police arrested and booked
A trial has been set this fall for the 22-year-old
Astoria man accused of abusing an 18-month-old Marquez-Mondragon on Feb. 13.
lawyer Kris Kaino said he plans to call
Judge Philip Nelson scheduled a tri-
medical experts to testify during the
al to begin Oct. 27 for Alan Francisco
Marquez-Mondragon during a hearing
“This is an assault case involving a
Wednesday in Clatsop County Circuit
small child. Most of it is medical expert
opinions,” Kaino said. “We are going to
Marquez-Mondragon pleaded not
set a trial date Oct. 27, as far enough out
to make sure doctors are available.”
Kaino noted he is still negotiating
The charges against Marquez-Mon-
the case with the prosecution in an ef-
dragon allege that between Jan. 1 and
Alan Marquez-
fort to possibly settle prior to trial.
Feb. 13, he “did unlawfully and know-
“We are still negotiating the case,”
ingly cause serious injury,” to the child,
he said. “We are in the process of still
while assuming care and custody.
The prosecution further alleges the victim did trying to work out some sort of resolution.”
Marquez-Mondragon, who appeared in court
not precipitate the attack.
Astoria Police received a report from Colum- Wednesday, is being held in custody on $500,000
ELD0HPRULDO+RVSLWDOWKDWDFKLOGODWHULGHQWL¿HG bail and is ordered to have no contact with the
as the victim, was admitted with a fractured arm, victim.
The Daily Astorian
Man accused of assaulting
woman with Starbucks bottle
The Daily Astorian
An Astoria man pleaded not
guilty Wednesday to alleged-
ly assaulting a woman with a
Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino
Richard Wayne Sanders,
46, is being charged with
second-degree assault for the
Starbucks bottle incident and
fourth-degree assault for an-
other alleged incident of do-
mestic violence against the
The reported assault with
the Starbucks bottle, common-
ly found in grocery stores, oc-
curred June 29, according to
the indictment. The other al-
leged abuse happened between
Jan. 1 and Feb. 11. Prosecutor
Dawn Buzzard said the woman
needed four staples in the back
of her head after being hit with ers has been in and out of prison
the glass bottle. Sanders claims for the past 26 years.
he was falling down and the al-
gree sodomy in Multnomah
leged assault was an accident.
County 1988. While
The woman also
he was in prison he
suffered a cracked rib
was convicted of
from the earlier abuse,
criminal conspiracy
Buzzard said.
for supplying contra-
Sanders made an
initial appearance in
In 2010, he was
Clatsop County Cir-
cuit Court via video
gree burglary in Clat-
link from jail the day
sop County. Last year,
after the bottle assault
he was convicted in
on June 30.
He kept bringing Richard Wayne Clatsop County for
up the alleged vic-
reckless endangering
tim’s struggles with
and giving false information.
Sanders, who is being repre-
“The whole reason we went
through this is she has a drug sented by defense attorney Mary
Ann Murck, remains in custody
problem,” he said.
At the hearing, District Attor- on $500,000 bail. He is due back
ney Josh Marquis noted Sanders in court Aug. 7 for an early reso-
lengthy criminal history. Sand- lution conference.
College hosts tribute to the Columbia
The Daily Astorian
Clatsop Community Col-
lege will host its second annu-
al “A Tribute to the Columbia
River” conference from 7 to 9
p.m. July 17 and 9 to 11 a.m.
July 18 in its Columbia Hall
Room 219 on the college’s
main campus in Astoria.
The conference celebrates
the impact of the Columbia
The 2015 program in-
• Rich Turner from the Na-
tional Marine Fisheries Ser-
in the lower Columbia.
• Joe Leahy will provide a
retrospective on the automo-
bile-passenger ferries from
1921 through 1966.
• Mark Paulson will pro-
vide a history of the Colum-
bia River Bar Pilots and their
• Lt. Cmdr. Torrey
Bertheau of the U.S. Coast
Guard will talk about the
Coast Guard’s operations on
the lower Columbia.
• Kobe Kytr and Mary
Garvey will perform songs
The events are open to the
public. Participants may reg-
ister for one or both days for
$15 a day.
In addition, an optional ca-
tered dinner will be held at 6
p.m. July 17, and a breakfast
will be available 8 a.m. July 18
prior to the morning session.
The cost for each meal is $15.
Space is limited and ear-
ly registration is encouraged.
Register by emailing rmcclel- or call-
ing 503-894-0187.
Permanent Westport Ferry landing in place
The Daily Astorian
Since the Oscar B — the
new ferry between Puget
Island, Wash., and West-
port — began service four
months ago, crews have
continued work on a new
ferry landing on the Ore-
gon-side of the Columbia
The permanent West-
port Ferry landing became
operational this week,
marking the end of a near-
ly decade-long process of
updating the ferry and land-
ings on the Lower Columbia
A temporary dock was in
use since February, and re-
quired a weight limit to only
handle cars and trucks up to
8 tons. As of Tuesday, the
weight limit has been lifted.
Work on the new land-
ing cost nearly $2.5 million.
About $1.83 million came
from the federal Ferry Boat
Clatsop County, which ap-
plied for the federal fund-
ing, is covering the remain-
ing costs.
“(The project) finally
came to a head this year with
the vessel being finished
and put in service,” Clatsop
County Public Works Direc-
tor Michael Summers said.
“There is a whole new land-
ing in Westport and com-
pletely revamped one on the
Washington side.”
Westport couple
sentenced to
two years in prison
tionships, but they have to follow the proce-
dure in order to protect the person they are
in a relationship with,” Hoover said.
Bethany-Ann Jacob admitted Wednes-
day to violating her probation by having
casual sex with an 18-year-old man, having
sex with Mackully Jacob and using mari-
The Daily Astorian
She told the court about her issues
The Westport couple convicted of at- with compulsiveness and how she was
tempting to sodomize their 2-year-old addressing her problems in mental health
daughter twice over the past two years re- and drug programs. She said she had a
relapse prevention plan, if given
cently violated their probation by
one more chance at probation.
having sex with each other and
“I do have the tendency to
with strangers.
get impulsive when I get over-
Judge Paula Brownhill found
whelmed emotionally,” she
the couple in violation of their
said. “It is something I have
probation during a hearing
addressed in my mental health
Wednesday in Clatsop County
treatment and drug treatment.”
Circuit Court.
Mackully Jacob admitted to
Mackully Anthony Jacob
violating his probation by hav-
and Bethany-Ann Jessup Jacob,
ing casual sex with a girl he be-
both 22, were both sentenced
lieved was over 18 because she
Wednesday to two years in pris-
on. The couple was first placed Anthony Jacob was able to buy cigarettes, hav-
ing sex with Bethany-Ann Ja-
on probation after taking a plea
cob and not telling his employer
deal in April and pleading guilty
at Astoria Forest Products about
to a lesser charge of first-degree
his felony conviction.
attempted sodomy, after orig-
The reason for probation
inally being charged with two
instead of prison time was be-
counts of first-degree sodomy.
cause Mackully and Betha-
The attempted sodomy oc-
ny-Ann Jacob cooperated with
curred on two occasions between
the state and were amenable to
Jan. 1, 2013 and Jan. 1, 2015. The
treatment, according to sentenc-
couple’s daughter is reportedly
ing documents.
staying with relatives.
“Usually we would send
Jessup Jacob
people like that to the pen right
cult time for (your daughter) be-
off, but we decided to give
cause of your behavior,” Judge
Brownhill told the couple. “As soon as you them a chance at probation,” Clatsop
are put on probation after making this deal, County Chief Deputy District Attorney
you both go out and have indiscriminate sex Ron Brown said.
Mackully Jacob arrived at the St.
with people you don’t know. You are not
engaged in sex-offender treatment. You are John Medical Center emergency room
not addressing the issues that got you here in Longview, Wash., in January with his
parents and admitted to hospital staff
A condition of the couple’s probation that he and Bethany-Ann Jacob had in-
was to not engage in any intimate relation- appropriate relations with their daughter,
ships or sexual encounters until entering according to a Longview Police report.
He told police the inappropriate ac-
sex-offender treatment and gaining approv-
DO IURP WKH WKHUDSLVW DQG SUREDWLRQ RI¿FHU tion happened twice in one night at their
home on Old Mill Town Road in West-
to be in an intimate relationship.
The condition is common for sex-abuse port while he and his wife were high on
cases, according to the couple’s probation Adderall, a prescription drug often used
to treat narcolepsy and attention-deficit
“We don’t step in the way of their rela- hyperactivity disorder.
County parks worker rescues
driver from burning vehicle
The Daily Astorian
Evan Cain, a seasonal
worker for the Clatsop County
Parks Division, helped rescue
a driver from a burning vehicle
Tuesday on Highway 202.
Cain was driving on High-
way 202 about six miles
southeast of Olney around
11 a.m. when he came upon
a dump truck on the shoulder
of the road engulfed in smoke
cording to the county parks
The 87-year-old driver was
nearly overcome by smoke
when Cain helped him out of
the vehicle’s cab.
Cain sprayed the vehicle
because he was out of cell-
Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber
N orth w es t H a rdw oods • Lon gview , W A
Contact: Steve Axtell • 360-430-0885 or John Anderson • 360-269-2500
Just som e of the
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• Ro ck Bo tto m Bo ys
Friday July 10 th
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“K araok e D ave”
Clatsop Post 12
1132 Exchange Street 325-5771
2014 5 C LATS O P
F or m ore in form a tion go to w w w .cla tsopfa irgrou n d
“ It’s S a turd a y Night
a nd a in’t got nob od y?”
Saturday Night Church
Seaside Calvary Church
Saturday at 7 PM & Wednesday at 7 PM
Corner of Ave A & Hwy 101
Across from McDonalds in Seaside
Specia l tha n k s to a ll in volved in his ca re for
the la st tw o a n d a ha lf yea rs sta rtin g w ith D r.
Aa ron Sa sa k i a n d sta ff; D r. Rin k evich a n d sta ff;
M ed ix a n d Colu m bia M em oria l H ospita l;
everyon e a t H om e H ea lth Ca re; a n d Physica l
Thera py a n d Ca rd ia c Reha b. K en n eth rea lly
en joyed his w ork ou ts w ith a ll his thera pists.
An extra specia l tha n k -you to N orm
Stu tzn egger a n d sta ff a t Pa cific Coa st
M ed ica l Su pply for bein g a t ou r beck a n d
ca ll; tha n k you to Ren ee’ a n d Ga il of
Ca ld w ell’s M ortu a ry w ho m a d e a d ifficu lt
tim e so m u ch ea sier; tha n k you to Steve
Allen for the u se of the D esd em on a
Clu b for the Celebra tion of L ife a n d to
M a rk a n d K a ri Alfon se for their
grea t food .
• BM X Extrem e Freestyle Tea m
• Oreg o n Rep tile M a n
• S teve the Pretty Go o d
• S o m ethin g Rid icu lo u s
W ith all the
trim m ings
scene after Cain was able to
make a 911 call once in cell
W e w ou ld like to tha n k everyon e
for a ll the ca rds, flow ers, food,
don a tion s a n d w ords of
en cou ra gem en t a fter the loss
of ou r loved on e, K en n eth.
Taco Salad
$ . ea.
0 0
phone range, drove the driver
to Columbia Memorial Hos-
Olney-Walluski Fire and
th ru
The fa m ily
of Ken n eth
H a gem a n Sr.