7A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015 Bridges: Quakes are a threat to many of the older bridges Readying for the big one Continued from Page 1A RUQHFHVVDULO\VWUXFWXUDOO\GH¿- cient, but also not meeting cur- rent design standards for their WUDI¿FYROXPH The report on Oregon’s bridges, issued earlier this month, was based on Fed- eral Highway Administra- WLRQ GDWD 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ IRU $PHULFDKDGKRSHGWKH¿QG- LQJVZRXOGLQÀXHQFH2UHJRQ WR PDNH D ODUJHU LQYHVWPHQW LQWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ%XWWKH2U- HJRQ /HJLVODWXUH DQG *RY .DWH %URZQ KDYH IDLOHG WR reach agreement on a new $343 million transportation SDFNDJH ³:H KDYH ELOOLRQV RI GRO- lars of need to go out and ret- UR¿WWKHVHQHHGV´VDLG7UDYLV %URXZHUDVSRNHVPDQIRUWKH Oregon Department of Trans- SRUWDWLRQ LQ 6DOHP ³:H¶UH YHU\ UDUHO\ IXQGLQJ EULGJHV to increase their capacity to FDUU\SHRSOH´ %URXZHU VDLG WR UHSODFH all 2,700 of Oregon’s bridg- es on a 100-year cycle, twice the usual lifetime recom- mended for many, the depart- PHQW ZRXOG KDYH WR UHSODFH D\HDU7KHVWDWHFXUUHQWO\ replaces one or two a year, he said, focusing limited re- sources on repair rather than UHSODFHPHQW 3ODQVWR¿[ %\ WKH HQG RI 2FWREHU the replacement of Asto- ULD¶V VWUXFWXUDOO\ GH¿FLHQW \HDUROG ,UYLQJ $YHQXH %ULGJH QHDU WK 6WUHHW LQ $VWRULDZLOOEHFRPSOHWH “It was getting to the point ZKHUH D ORDGHG ¿UH WUXFN FRXOGQ¶W FURVV WKH EULGJH´ said Lance Clark, a construc- tion inspector working on the project, adding many of the bolts in the bridge’s substruc- ture had rusted and were fall- LQJDSDUWGXULQJUHPRYDO 7KH QHZ ,UYLQJ $YHQXH bridge will be sturdier, Clark said, using a single span, big- ger girders and anchoring of each approach to the bridge JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian People watch from the West Broadway Bridge as a paddleboat floats down the Necanicum River. into stronger geologic forma- WLRQVRQWKHKLOOVLGH7KHIHG- HUDO JRYHUQPHQW LV IXQGLQJ SHUFHQWRIWKHPLOOLRQ SURMHFW ZLWK WKH FLW\ FRYHU- LQJSHUFHQW A three-year, $16 million rehabilitation project is re- placing and strengthening SLOLQJV DORQJ 86 +LJKZD\ 101 underneath the 91-year- ROG/HZLVDQG&ODUN%ULGJH listed in the report as func- tionally obsolete, and the \HDUROG2OG