NORTH COAST THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 Job Corps students train to help with new oil spills Fire restrictions to tighten in Clatsop, Tillamook state forests The Daily Astorian The Oregon Department of Forestry announced it will WLJKWHQ ¿UH SUHYHQWLRQ UXOHV starting Friday in northwest- ern Oregon, including the Clatsop and Tillamook state sorests and private lands in the Northwest Oregon Forest Protective Association. “In order to keep commu- QLWLHVVDIHDQGDYRLGZLOG¿UH risk, we’ll begin restrictions on public use of the forest on Friday. These restrictions EDQ ¿UHZRUNV H[SORGLQJ WDUJHWV FDPS¿UHV RXWVLGH of designated locations, and RWKHU ¿UHSURQH DFWLYLWLHV´ Mike Cafferata, the depart- ment’s district forester, said in a news release. “These restrictions respond to the extremely dry conditions we’re experiencing and to the Sunset Grade Fire, which we believe was started by one of these activities last weekend.” The restrictions are as fol- lows: • Smoking will be prohib- ited while traveling, except in closed vehicles on im- proved roads; ‡2SHQ¿UHVZLOOEHSUR- KLELWHGLQFOXGLQJFDPS¿UHV FKDUFRDO ¿UHV FRRNLQJ ¿UHV 3A DQG ZDUPLQJ ¿UHV H[FHSW at designated locations. The use of wood-burning devic- es, used in conjunction with temporary dwellings, includ- ing tents and trailers, is also prohibited. Portable cooking VWRYHVXVLQJOLTXH¿HGRUERW- tled fuels are allowed; • Use of motor vehicles, including motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, will be prohibited, except on im- proved roads and designated areas; • Possession of the follow- LQJ ¿UH¿JKWLQJ HTXLSPHQW is required while traveling, except on state highways, county roads and driveways: one shovel and one gallon of water or one operational 2-and-a-half pound or larger ¿UHH[WLQJXLVKHU ‡8VHRI¿UHZRUNVZLOOEH prohibited; • Use of exploding targets will prohibited; • Cutting, grinding and welding of metal will be pro- hibited. Contact the Tillamook, Astoria or Forest Grove dis- WULFW RI¿FHV IRU PRUH LQIRU- PDWLRQDERXW¿UHSUHYHQWLRQ rules. Contact information is available at www.oregon. gov/ODF/pages/offices. aspx. Pool of responders Large pool needed for spill response Angela Moretti, an en- vironmental project man- ager with Global, said the company keeps such a large pool of responders because many will be unavailable when needed. “Just being there and watching it all come to play is better than read- ing about it in a book,” said Micah Domingcil, 21, from Kauai, Hawaii. He and other students reen- acted an oil spill near the mouth of the Columbia River, taking out oil con- tainment booms. While the training does not prepare for every type of response, Moretti said, it readies them for deck work, cleanup, line-handling and oil skimming. “We’re teaching them to be safe mariners,” Capt. Len Tumbarello, head of Tongue Point’s seamanship program, said of the train- ing. Tongue Point has 120 students training on its vessel, the Ironwood, in two different classes. Each goes through work-based learning and an internship to give them real-world experience before graduat- ing. Despite the large en- rollment and the program’s existence since 1980, Tum- barello said it only has eight to 10 work-based learning sites for students and wants more. By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian Whether readying the Arctic-bound oil-drilling platform Polar Pioneer in Seattle or helping clean an oil spill in Santa Barbara, Tongue Point Job Corps Center’s seamanship stu- dents are translating their training into work experi- ence. Their placement up Submitted photo and down the West Coast stemmed from an oil spill Several Tongue Point Job Corps Center students trained response and intern partner- in oil spill response onboard Marine Spill Response Cor- ship formed late last year poration’s barge the Oregon Responder Tuesday. They with Global Diving & Sal- included, from left, Manuel Pedro, Noel Rezada, Adrian vage, Inc., a global diving Dominguez, Timothy Alexander, Jalil Marshall, Micah contractor based in Seattle. Domingcil and Sergio Maya. The company maintains a MORE INFORMATION: pool of oil spill responders around the country and has For more information on Tongue Point Job Corps Center so far qualified more than and how to host student internships, contact work-based 70 students at Tongue Point. Learning Specialist Carla Pitts at 503-338-4989 or pitts. Eight of those students For information on employing gradu- were trained Tuesday on ating students, contact Career Transition Specialist Roger Marine Spill Response Cor- Riutta at poration’s barge, the Ore- gon Responder, homeported Billy O’Reilly, 19, a sea- Tongue Point looking for at the Port of Astoria’s Pier manship student from Seat- laborers. 2. Fourteen others who had tle who went home to work “They were people who already been qualified as oil on the rig. if they were in the mar- spill responders returned O’Reilly said he and fel- ketplace, we’d hire them,” to campus Tuesday after low students cleaned out said Kerry Walsh, a salvage a monthlong job of help- bilge tanks, painted and oth- master and marine casualty ing ready Shell Oil Co.’s erwise freshened up the rig. project manager with Glob- oil-drilling rig Polar Pio- They earned $18 an hour, al who had glowing reviews neer. The platform left Mon- and 50 percent more for of the students. day morning amid protests overtime. nation center, and as ongoing and an attempted blockade The students taken to advocates for individuals ac- by kayakers to drill oil wells Seattle had already gone Dear friends & family of cessing services. in the Arctic Ocean. through oil spill training All volunteers need to at- “We did 12 (hours) on, with Global. The company’s WHQGWKH¿UVWWUDLQLQJRQ-XQH 12 off, seven days a week employees were all busy 25. Training requirements for the last 29 days,” said with the oil rig and called Wayne will be at the vary depending on the type of volunteer position. Con- Pig ‘n’ Pancake in Astoria on tact Chris Wright, volunteer June 20th between 2 and 3 p.m. coordinator, at 503-325-3426, Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber All are invited to stop by RU VWRS E\ WKH RI¿FH DW Duane St. to receive a volun- N orth w es t H a rdw oods • Lon gview , W A for a visit with him. teer packet. Contact: Steve Axtell • 360-430-0885 or John Anderson • 360-269-2500 Volunteer training to help respond to domestic violence, sexual assault The Daily Astorian Volunteer training for those who want to help indi- viduals who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault begins from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 25 at The Har- bor. The training includes ba- sics in compassionate commu- nication, crisis intervention, active listening, the impact of oppression on individuals and communities, domestic vio- lence and the law and other topics. The training is taught by educators from The Harbor as well as experienced guest speakers from the community. Volunteer opportunities are available at the shelter and during community events and special projects. Some volunteers work in the client VHUYLFH RI¿FH 'pMj 9X¶V GR- Baked Potato Bar with all the trimmings Friday June 19 th $ .0 0 6 W ayne Le d ford W A NTED The June edition available at a newsstand near you al ssjourn erbusine /coastriv Issue 6 • e 10 • faceb olum V rn ou crbizj FREE Y FRIDA E FIRST ED TH PUBLISH CH MONTH OF EA 15 e 20 Jun : Inside e st v a ing t market E l a Re impro n e t nt y s see signs of an u o C ag s in nes Busi y of e Jo g th niclin Chro ight: spotl stry Indu n egio ific R -Pac mbia Colu the “K araok e D ave” at 6 pm ASTORIA AMERICAN LEGION If you r fam ily or organization enjoy the show and the benefits from the visitors w ho w ant to experience the 4th of Ju ly in Seasid e, ou r fu nd cou ld greatly benefit from you r d onation. sop al estate C o l m a eb t uilders and re H rs is rke S for skilled wo 8 page NEW mand r region De in ou high ard S ram receives 11 aw ge NEW og DC pr nce pa SB celle for ex w to gro 16 NEW ty S Growers Ra LL ym C ond page Quali ana in mariju e in hous 4 pm ‘til gone T he Seasid e 4th of Ju ly Firew orks show is the prem ier su m m er event in the P acific N orthw est.  A s you know , fam ilies m ake a trad ition of visiting the Seasid e beach to celebrate this holid ay, m aking Ind epend ence D ay the official start of the su m m er season.  T here is no ad m ission charge to visit the beach, so you r sponsorships and d onations fu nd the firew orks, w hich cover the costs of the d isplay, sou nd system , sanitation, secu rity and set- u p. ERVED PRES e Building WEL y L and Malon Deale 30 page TS RTMEN .......................2 3 DEP New A s.................. ces .......... .................... re.. ..... ..... ...2 .....24 th n, wi Dura Rudy ing hous rve Rese hart Gear the ent. lopm deve Select you r level of Sponsorship, and m ake you r d onation payable to the Firew ork s Fu n d , then m ail it, along w ith you r contact inform ation to Th e Firew ork s Fu n d , P .O . B ox 7, Seasid e, O R  97138.  You can also u se the d onation bu tton at w w w .seasid echam , or call u s at the C ham ber, 503.738.6391. of a m .co back the astorian e to mov ex@daily ess el to grav BESSEX /jb s up pick JOSHUA ices Serv rete nc m Co Custo Tita nium S a lute: R om a n Ca nd le: Cherry Bom b : Bottle R ocket: Firecra cker: S p inner: S p a rkler: $5 ,000 $2 ,5 00 $1,000 $5 00 $2 5 0 $100 und er $100 Main es, New Pla n & Mo ctio New Fac ate, Constru 03 3-37 com Real Est 800-64 ournal. crbizj www. crbizjou rn a 1132 Exchange Street 325-5771 Enroll Now for Summer Camps and Fall 2015 C h eck w ebsite for sponsorsh ip benefits. 4th of Ju ly Firew orks sponsored by Seaside C h am ber of C om m erce and th e C ity of Seaside 2 locations TO SE RVE Y O U Also, now loca ted in the Pa rk M ed ica l b u ild in g We n ow ca rry S cru b s & Fo o tw ea r a ll your fa vorite bra nds a cross from Colu m bia M em oria l H ospita l 2158 E X CH ANGE ST | SU IT E 106 Offering Summer Camps in two convenient locations! Vis it ou r w eb s ite for ou r s ched u le, tu ition a n d regis tra tion in form a tion 3631 Hw y 101 N. • G ea rha rt • 503-717-1637 429 S E M a rlin Ave • W a rren ton • 503-861-1637 f or m ore in f orm a tion : w w w .getyouda em a il: encoregea rha rt@m F or a ll you r m ed ica l su pply n eed s CERTIFIED & QUALIFIED S TAFF ON S ITE Show your m edica l ID /na m e ta g fo r a d d itio n a l d isco un ts P A CIFIC C O AST MEDICAL SUPPLY 1062 MARINE DRIVE and 2158 EXCHANGE STREET (STE 106) ASTORIA SALES • RENTALS • DELIVERY 503-338-0349 • TOLL-FREE: 1-877-311-0349 HOME MEDICAL • RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS HOURS: MON-FRI 8:30AM-5:00PM CLOSED SATURDAYS • 24 HOURS ON CALL Accredited by The Joint Commission We gladly bill insurance