FEATURES 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2015 Teacher upset by graduation Tomorrow’s horoscope Dear Annie: Graduation is com- ing up, and I don’t know what to do. You see, most of the seniors aren’t TXDOL¿HG WR JUDGXDWH DW DOO 6RPH of them have been truant for half of the years they were here. At least 15 seniors were absent from class for their entire senior year, and at least 20 percent lack grade-level reading and writing skills. For some, college will be impossible. Every year, we have “alumni” who return to school because they either graduated without necessary FUHGHQWLDOVRUÀXQNHGRXWRIFROOHJH and need academic help. I never give passing grades to kids who don’t show up to class, but if they perform some token service, the school grad- uates them anyway. 6KRXOG , JR WR WKLV \HDU¶V JUDG- uation ceremony? I haven’t gone in two years, and when asked, I VD\ ZK\ 6RPHWLPHV , ZRUU\ WKDW I appear unkind, because this is a low-income, troubled neighborhood and high school graduation means a lot to these families. I just don’t like what I see as a deception because either the parents haven’t made sure the kids go to school, or the school lies to the kids and tells them every- WKLQJLV¿QH:KDWGR\RXVXJJHVW" — Teacher Dear Teacher: There is only so ARIES (March 21-April 19). There are many things out of your control, but if you take charge of one or two major things that are very much within your realm of influence, you’ll create a different future than the one that’s been handed to you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Leonardo da Vinci wrote that “he who has access to the fountain does not go to the water-pot.” You have fountain-level access to whatever you need to make a project fly. Use it. This is your moment. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have someone powerful on your side, rooting for you to do whatever it takes for maximum vi- tality — and that someone is you. All success will spring from taking good care of yourself. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You can’t fully enjoy yourself when you know others have been left out of the pleasure. You thrive on being helpful. The generous acts that you think will take your energy will actually renew it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your joy is in the creative process. If it doesn’t turn out perfect- ly, that in no way robs you of the excitement that comes with making the effort. You may not have all the skills you need yet, but with each try, you’re getting them. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Sometimes you do the things you need to do to be hap- py, and yet the happiness doesn’t come. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done enough to deserve it. That’s something. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In order to break out of the constraints, issues and prob- lems of the day, you’ll need a different view. Treat the day as if it were a coin you could WDQFHZDV¿QDOO\DEOHWRJHWSUHJ- nant and have a little girl 18 months ago. Now, with further assistance, she is pregnant with twins. Creators It’s exciting but expensive to Syndicate Inc. JLYH D EDE\ VKRZHU :KDW LV WKH proper etiquette? I really like her, Kathy Mitchell and she was the matron of honor and DWP\ZHGGLQJWKUHH\HDUVDJR:H Marcy Sugar worked together then and now have lunch once every month or so, but much you can do, and you are al- we are no longer super-close. — UHDG\ GRLQJ LW :H XQGHUVWDQG WKDW Second Baby Shower? you don’t feel it is fair for kids to Dear Second: Are you asking graduate when they haven’t done the whether you should host twice or work, shown up for class or achieved attend twice? You are not obligat- the required standards. You are al- ed to do either, but it is especial- UHDG\ JLYLQJ WKHVH NLGV ÀXQNLQJ ly onerous to host a second baby grades. But unless the other teachers shower, so you are off the hook for and the school administration are that. Many women opt not to have willing to hold them back, they will second baby showers, because they graduate anyway. And your school is already were provided with plenty not the only one that operates in this of nice things that can be handed fashion. GRZQWRDVHFRQGFKLOG:LWKWZLQV :KLOH LW VHUYHV QR SXUSRVH IRU however, the need is greater, so a parents or kids to believe gradua- second shower is understandable. tion will happen whether or not it’s But it should not overburden peo- deserved, for some, the humiliation SOH ZKR JDYH JHQHURXVO\ WKH ¿UVW of not graduating doesn’t spur them time. Guests should include only to achieve more. It makes them give close family, very close friends and up. Ask yourself what you hope to those who were not invited to the accomplish as an educator, and then ¿UVWEDE\VKRZHU,I\RXFKRRVHWR seek the best way to achieve it. attend a second shower, you might Dear Annie: I have a friend consider a token gift rather than a who, after lots of medical assis- pricey item. Annie’s Mailbox FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. toss, catch and turnover on your hand to dis- cover its flip side. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Account for what is right in relationships. Make a list of what you love about your current connec- tions. Your focus on the positive will make it grow and overtake any negativity that’s there. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). If there’s not enough to do, you’ll work slowly, take detours and, at the last minute, meet a deadline. If you have too much to do, you’ll work quickly, take shortcuts and meet your deadline just as well. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Share your wisdom, and in all likelihood, no one will listen. It’s not you; it’s just the kind of day it is. However, if you share a kind word instead, your audience will be all ears. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Helping others sometimes means you get nothing back, not even the certainty that you did some good. Yet you keep helping. It’s your nature to do so and your preferred way of living. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Pare down your needs of others. You’ve grown to rely on someone, and it’s interfering with your usual state of self-sufficiency. Take steps to regain your independence. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 10). You’re like the ocean tides — over time, you’ll beat a rocky shore into fine sand. Persistent efforts will change the landscape of your life. July brings declarations of love. Travel is best in July and October. People will give you the answer they think you want, so make it clear what you want and then hold them to it. Aries and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 40, 11, 19 and 16.