The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, June 01, 2015, Image 5

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Engagement shocks daughter Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Annie: My father-in-law
died four years ago. He had strug-
gled with some health issues for a
while and then went into the hos-
pital for what was supposed to be a
simple procedure and never made
it out. It broke my heart. And it was
cry. Both of his parents were like the
parents I wish I’d had. I adored his
Here’s the problem. A few months
ago, my mother-in-law started dating
a nice guy from her church. He’s a
widower, and she and my father-in-
law were friends with him and his
late wife. Last night, my mother-in-
law arrived home from her date and
announced that they were engaged!
gratulated her, and he seems genu-
inely happy for both of them.
But not me. I feel upset. I feel like
my own mother is remarrying after
my father died, and I don’t like it. I
am happy that my mother-in-law has
found love again when we are lucky
hurt at the same time. I know this is
totally crazy, so how do I move past
these feelings? — Daughter-in-Law
Dear Daughter-in-Law: Your
letter is actually very sweet. You
love your in-laws, and you recog-
nize that your reaction is unwarrant-
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Kathy Mitchell
Marcy Sugar
ed and want to change it. Good for
you. First, we are glad that no one
is taking advantage of Mom. She
has been friends with this man for
years. Second, like many children,
you fear a new marriage will dimin-
ish Dad’s position in the family. But
rest assured, this won’t happen. A
new marriage doesn’t erase Dad or
the wonderful memories all of you
have. This is an entirely different
relationship. But it allows Mom to
have a companion and be less lonely.
In years to come, you will be grate-
ful. Try to fake being happy for her
until you discover that you truly
Dear Annie: Recently, I attend-
ed a three-hour cooking class for
seniors. While waiting for the class
to start, I chatted with the person
next to me, who was the only other
person there. A few minutes later, a
third class member walked in, came
right up into my face and loudly ex-
claimed, “I hope you are not going
to be obnoxious!” I looked at her and
said kindly, “What did I do to make
you say that?” She turned away, ig-
nored me and walked to her seat.
Even the instructor was taken aback.
At the end of the class, I ap-
proached this woman and asked,
“I’m curious. Why did you make the
comment that you hoped I was not
going to be obnoxious?” She replied,
“Oh, I do that all the time! Some-
times I’ll go to a movie and say, ‘I
hope you aren’t going to laugh at
lot.’” She told me she does it “for
fun” and suggested I try it. My reply
thing like that to anyone.”
Annie, I was shocked by this
woman’s behavior, especially in a
class for seniors. (The class was fab-
ulous, but I left shaking my head.) —
Shocked Senior
Dear Shocked: This is a woman
whose ego demands that she be the
center of attention. She believes her
outrageous behavior makes her im-
portant, but it’s simply obnoxious.
Toddlers and teenagers do things to
shock others because they can be
very self-focused. Most people out-
grow it. You gave her the response
she wanted, but she deserved to be
completely ignored.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Telling the
truth keeps things simple. But which truth
should you tell? There are many angles you
could take on the matter at hand. Consider
saying nothing at all, at least until your feel-
ings have settled.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Today your
tendency is to grip the controls harder than
is necessary. This limits your range of mo-
tion and puts a damper on your response
time. If you took your hands off the controls
for a minute, what would happen?
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Enjoy this
balanced moment of life. There’s less fric-
tion around you now that you’ve resolved
your feelings about a certain someone.
Still, there’s not enough peace in the atmo-
sphere for things to be boring!
CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you could
move, where would you go? You probably
won’t go there anytime soon, but there are
elements of this place you could bring into
your life now, and the emotional benefits
would be fortifying.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Relationships
need the right spatial balance. Too much
closeness fast-tracks you to boring-land.
Too much distance, and the relationship
lacks momentum. Merely being aware of
this will help you find the optimum spacing.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re ready
for the kind of challenge that will make you
think deeply. This could come in the form of a
difficult job, an impossible person or a heady
piece of writing.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There are many
ways to cultivate good fortune, the most ef-
fective of which is to embody it. When you
think of yourself as a genie in service to oth-
ers, you’ll bring upon yourself a most auspi-
cious energy.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You see the
potential in others. Be careful. Potential is not
reality. Don’t let the blind spot caused by hope
and kindness keep you from moving toward
more opportune situations.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). No
one is saintly all the time, not even the actual
saints. To be human is to make mistakes of-
ten, sometimes massively. Cultivating a kind-
er, gentler inner voice is the order of the day.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If you find
yourself alone, you won’t be for long. Your cre-
ative mind is like a beacon to other creative
minds, and they’ll find you in even the most
uninspiring of environments.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You don’t
have to fret over appearances. You’ve al-
ready put so much energy into learning how
to best present yourself and your work that it
is now second nature for you to make a stel-
lar impression.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The desti-
nation is unclear. The end-goal is changing.
These are good reasons to slow down. If you
don’t know where you’re going, there’s no
sense in setting a speed record to get there.
year comes at you like a huge wave, spec-
tacular and unavoidable. You’re the rising
tide, more fulfilled with each new develop-
ment. Love is your adventure in August,
your solace in October. What you do for your
co-workers will lead to positive changes at
work. You’ll be voted into a position in No-
vember. Cancer and Scorpio people adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 16, 22, 39
and 50.