The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, May 20, 2015, Image 5

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Should women pay on dates? Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Annie: I recently dat-
ed a woman who never offered
to pay for a meal, a movie or so
much as an ice cream cone. We
went out several times.
We’re both in our late 50s
and earn good incomes. She
says she won’t pay for things
until she is in a committed rela-
tionship. I have no problem pay-
ing for anything that I invite her
to. But she would suggest things
for us to do and never offer to
pay. What’s the etiquette these
days? — Ron
Dear Ron: This is often a
generational issue. Women who
were brought up to believe the
man pays for everything some-
times have difficulty sharing
the costs. And some men resist
it, as well. But women who feel
uncomfortable paying half the
tab in a restaurant can recipro-
cate by inviting the guy over for
a home-cooked meal or getting
tickets to a play or a concert.
A woman who refuses to make
any effort in that direction is not
playing fair.
Dear Annie: Last fall we
had a baby girl, and at the last
minute, I decided on the name
“Jane.” Unaware of this, my hus-
band’s cousin’s wife commented
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Marcy Sugar
that she had always loved the
name “Jane” and that she and her
husband had picked it out as the
name they would someday give
their child. Had I known this, I
would have selected a different
name for my child.
Well, this cousin is now preg-
nant with a girl. And even though
our child is named “Jane,” they
are planning to name theirs the
same. I know I can’t tell them to
change it because I had it first,
but it still upsets my husband
and me. I believe, out of respect,
they should pick a different
name. After all, there were a lot
of names I wanted, but they were
already taken, so I chose some-
thing else.
Am I wrong? How do I calm
down about this? — I Picked It
Dear Picked: No one has a
monopoly on baby names, even
if you are close relatives. This
cousin picked “Jane” inde-
pendently of you. And you ad-
mit selecting “Jane” at the last
minute. No one is intentionally
trying to hurt someone else or
deprive them of being special.
We agree that it is easier when
close family members choose
different names, but truly, it is
not as important as you think.
In fact, in some families, cous-
ins are named after the same
grandparent and carry the same
name across generations. It is
considered an honor.
Here’s how you calm down:
Your child was born first. Peo-
ple already know her as “Jane.”
When the cousin’s child is
born, people will be inclined
to give her a nickname in or-
der to differentiate between
the two babies. Adopting a
lighthearted attitude about this
will smooth everyone’s ruffled
feathers, including yours, and
will allow your child and her
newest cousin to become good
friends. They will think hav-
ing the same name is amazing
and wonderful. Please don’t be
so upset that you inadvertently
teach them otherwise.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Failure is
the truck stop of all experience. It’s where
you fuel up, eat and more. You’ll never get
to success without passing failure first.
Knowing this makes you less judgmental
of all, including yourself.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Some-
times you wonder whether anyone will
buy what you’re selling. Don’t be so un-
sure. Also, focusing too externally can be
a detriment. Today, the gifts from you to
you will have the most value.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Howev-
er badly they need to, not everyone can
articulate what they are going through.
That’s where you come in — to speak for
the ones who can’t say what’s going on
with them.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your
self-esteem isn’t just about you. What you
think of yourself will affect all the people
around you who know you and/or love
you, especially those related to you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Is there such a
thing as secret communication? If you’re
sending it on paper, over the Internet or
in any public forum, the answer is no.
There are no secrets. Eventually, it will all
come out.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Striving for
beauty is useless because the uncon-
trollable aspects of beauty are almost al-
ways what make it happen. But you can
always try to make it better. That’s how
you’ll spend your time today and be most
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When you
love someone, the idea reads. You worry
about whether or not it’s being projected
accurately, though pretty much everyone
around you can tell.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The day’s
mission seems daunting, and that’s why
you need to be a believer. Eventually you’ll
find your way. This is how you’ll get there:
Think of the end and then back up, step
by step.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your
weird uncle or wild aunt will have some
bearing on the day’s events, if not directly,
then by the association of your lineage.
Just remember, you’re connected to more
people than those in your bloodline.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one
is born knowing what they are interested
in. A person has to be exposed to poten-
tial interests to find them. You’ll do this for
another, and later it will come back to you.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When
you feel your feelings, you then can relay
them accurately. That’s one more reason
it’s not good to deny or stuff your feelings
into distractions such as food.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). What’s
your take on time these days? Are you in
the moment, up to the moment, moment
to moment? Tonight will change it all as
you revel in the past.
The others will be trying to catch up to you
this year. You’ll be prolific. Whatever it is
you love to produce — smiles, phone calls,
cookies, kind words, doodles, deals, your
special product — you’ll turn out record
amounts. July shows you carefully plotting,
and August shows you going full force.
Sagittarius and Leo people adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 45, 24, 31, 1 and 17.