THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Port board stays same; Hazen wins Health District race By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian Three Port of Astoria commissioners up for elec- tion or re-election faced no competition in the special district election Tuesday. Bill Hunsinger of Astoria, a commercial ¿VKHUPDQ DQG ORQJWLPH longshoreman, retained Position 3 with nearly 87 percent of the votes. Thir- teen percent went to the write-in candidate section. Hunsinger is serving his third elected term since defeating Oregon State University Extension Sea Grant agent Jim Bergeron in 2007. Former sheriff and Clatsop County com- missioner John Raichl of Astoria, appointed to Po- VLWLRQLQWR¿OO5LF Gerttula’s remaining year, retained his seat with 95 percent of the votes. So did Robert Mushen of Cannon Beach, a retired doctor appointed to Posi- WLRQWR¿OO-DFN%ODQG¶V remaining year, with more than 93 percent of the votes. Gerttula resigned from Position 5 of the Port Commission in May 2014, as did Bland from Position 4. Jeff Hazen Other countywide races The Clatsop Care Cen- ter Health District featured possibly the most compet- itive race in Clatsop Coun- ty. Jeff Hazen defeated Janet Miltenberger 1,487 votes (55.5 percent) to 1,184 (44.2 percent). Nancy Winters in Position 3, Paul Radu in Position 5, Heath- er Reynolds in Position 6 and William “Mitch” Mitchum in Position 7 all ran unopposed, with at least 97 percent of the votes. In the Union Health District, Elaine Norling, *OHQ %RULQJ DQG &KXFN Edgar all ran unopposed and received at least 98 percent of votes. For full election results, visit NKYK 'DUNDDQG0LULWR visit Sou’wester SEAVIEW, Wash. — -RLQ 'DUND DQG 0LUL DW p.m. Thursday for live mu- sic on the final night of their ZHHNORQJ $UWLVW 5HVLGHQF\ at the Sou’wester Lodge, 3728 J Place in Seaview. The Sou’wester Artist Residency program offers ZHHNO\ UHVLGHQFLHV GXULQJ the summer at a reduced rate for people wishing to devote themselves to their creative pursuits. To learn more about the Residency Program or to apply, contact the Sou’wester at 360-642- 2542 or souwesterlodge@ NORTH COAST 3A &O\GHNHHSV&DQQRQ%HDFK¿UHVHDW All other races were uncontested other positions on the board had no candidates. Colleen Dohrn, Norma Painter and Karen Hurd each ran unopposed for the Hamlet Rural Fire Protec- By ERICK BENGEL and tion District. Each received EDWARD STRATTON at least 96 percent of the EO Media Group vote. One position had no and The Daily Astorian candidate. Sharon Clyde Christopher Wilbur Ronald Larsen, Stan Only one rural fire dis- Johnson and John Jolley trict race in Tuesday’s spe- district. Each received at con Cove and includes the both ran unopposed for the cial district election was least 94 percent of votes. QRUWKHDVW WLS RI 7LOODPRRN John Day-Fernhill Rural contested. Fire Protection District. Wilbur, also a Cannon County. In the Cannon Beach Ru- Beach resident, said he will The board has a vacancy Each received 100 percent ral Fire Protection District run again on the next go- WR¿OOEHFDXVHLWVQRZIRUPHU of votes. One position had Board, Sharon Clyde re- DURXQG³,¶OONHHSWU\LQJWLOO president, Alfred Aya, re- no candidates. Dale Webster and Su- tained Position 5. I get it,” he said. signed late last month. Clyde, Clyde received 196 Upon hearing the news, the vice president, automati- VDQ 6WXQNDUG ERWK UDQ votes, or 65.5 percent. Her Clyde said, “I’m just happy. I cally became president; the unopposed for the Knap- challenger, Chris Wilbur, ORYHWKH¿UHGLVWULFWDQG,UH- board voted member Garry pa-Svensen-Burnside Ru- ral Fire Protection District. received 102 votes, or 33 DOO\OLNHEHLQJRQWKHERDUG´ Smith vice president. percent. She said, however, that Clyde said she hopes Each received at least 99 “Not too bad for my first Wilbur “would have done a Wilbur will apply for the percent of votes. *DU\ 'LFN -RKQ 0HLQHUV political contest,” Wilbur good job.” vacancy. IV and Ted Warila all ran un- said, smiling. “Sharon’s The five-member fire Other fire districts opposed for the Lewis and EHHQZRUNLQJDWWKLVDORQJ board manages the tax dol- 6WHZDUW 3RWWHU 0DUN &ODUN 5XUDO )LUH 3URWHFWLRQ time. I have nothing but lars that come from the pro- positive thoughts.” tection district’s residents Truax, Lawrence Pfund and District. Each received at He added he is happy for and helps set the policies Ashley Kraushaar all ran least 99 percent of votes. Larry Boxman, Joan Jones &O\GH DQG NQRZV VKH ZLOO of Cannon Beach Fire and unopposed for the Gearhart Rural Fire Protection Dis- and Barbara Smith all ran un- “continue to serve the com- Rescue. munity well.” Formed in 1947, the fire trict. Each received at least RSSRVHGIRUWKH0LVW%HUNHQ- feld Rural Fire Protection Clyde, a Cannon Beach protection district covers 99 percent of the vote. Sandra Lerma, ran un- District. Each received at resident, has been on the approximately five square board since 1996. miles and runs from the opposed for the Elsie-Vine- least 89 percent of votes. For full election results, Bob Carelli and Linda U.S. Highway 101 and U.S. maple Rural Fire Protection %HFN6ZHHQH\ UDQ XQRS- Highway 26 junction south District and received 100 visit posed for the Cannon Beach toward Arch Cape and Fal- percent of the vote. Two k88h9vh Election: Clatsop Community College board is entering a new era of leadership Continued from Page 1A Clatsop Community College Clatsop Community College’s Board of Direc- tors is entering a new era. Paul Gillum, the board’s longest-tenured member, did not file for re-election. Gillum joined the college board in Zone 2, Position 4 in 1999. Five-sevenths of the college board was up for election. Each can- didate ran unopposed, re- ceiving at least 97 percent of votes. Anne Teaford-Cantor of Astoria, who ran for Gil- lum’s position, is the lone new candidate for the col- lege board. She is a mem- ber of the steering commit- tee for the Lower Columbia Diversity Project. .DUHQ %XUNH RI .QDS- pa, the retired head of the college’s nursing program, was appointed in April 2014 to fill the remainder of Clatsop County Com- PLVVLRQHU 'LUN 5RKQH¶V term in Zone 1, Position 1. Rohne, a Brownsmead resident elected in 2007 to the college board, said he DVNHG%XUNHWRUHSODFHKLP Robert Duehmig of As- toria was appointed in De- FHPEHU WR UHSODFH )UDQN Satterwhite in Zone 2, Position 3. Satterwhite re- signed after 16 years on the board. Tessa James Scheller of Warrenton was appointed to Zone 3, Position 6 in 2010 and elected in 2011. Seaside Public Library director Esther Moberg was appointed to Zone 3, Position 7 in December to replace Larry McKinley, Coa st River Bu sin ess Jou rn a l is n ow in clu d ed w ith you r Da ily Astoria n N EW! O n the first Frida y of every m on th, Da ily A storia n rea ders w ill receive the CRBJ a s a n a dded bon u s CRBJ is the on ly bu sin ess jou rn a l tha t focu ses exclu sively on the Colu m bia -Pa cific region . It provides the region ’s m ost com prehen sive covera ge of the bu sin ess com m u n ity in Cla tsop a n d Pa cific cou n ties in a high-qu a lity, fu ll-color ta bloid Look for the CRBJ the first Frida y of every m on th in the Da ily A storia n a n d get 24/7 a ccess to the region ’s best bu sin ess n ew s on Da ilyA storia n .com who was appointed in April to replace Kirsten Ayles of Warrenton. Ayles, an ac- countant for Warrenton, UHVLJQHGDIWHUWDNLQJDVLP- ilar job in Seattle for King County, Wash. McKinley, the Northwest Area Man- ager for the Oregon De- partment of Transporta- WLRQ UHVLJQHG DIWHU WDNLQJ a position as Access Man- agement Program Manager with ODOT in Salem. For full election results, visit k88h9vh $! !!% " "#!#' " '$! "#!#" "&!&#'$# $#!"" "!%&""""# "$%! ##!"""# !!!" #!%& !# !" #"#!#& !%"# Already have a job but want new skills? Goodwill can help! $!!!#!" !%#!# '$%'$!!!" """'$!$#' !$#$!#! !!"##&! T HE D AILY A STORIAN Visit w w w .Da ilyA storia n .com /su bscribe or 503-325-3211 for con ven ien t hom e delivery &&&#& &&!