10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 Wetlands: ‘I didn’t think the project would go this long’ Continued from Page 1A Sarah Lertora knew about the wetland from her older sis- ter Rachel Lertora ,doing it as a freshman, and their mother, Ashley Lertora volunteering to lead students. She said it was a chance to see classroom specimens in the wild, such as the northern red-legged frogs she said she saw leaping off of banks into the inlets. Her mother Ashley Lerto- ra, with the Oregon Depart- ment of Forestry, worked with groups of students monitoring water quality, including tem- perature, oxygen content and turbidity. “I’ve run tests in the lab before, but never in nature,” said Claire Albright, one of Lertora’s students. “This is the ¿UVW¿HOGWULS,¶YHJRQHRQWKLV year.” This week, the students found themselves back in FODVV SUHSDULQJ UHÀHFWLRQ HV- says on their time in the wet- lands, and preparing for their ¿QDO SURMHFW SUHVHQWDWLRQV WR peers on what they observed. EDWARD STRATTON — The Daily Astorian Astoria High School sci- ence instructor Lee Cain said the presence of tree swallows, four of their eggs found in a nesting box, in- dicates the wetlands at the Astoria Mitigation Bank are doing well. saw an opportunity with the mitigation bank across Youngs Bay at the airport, monitored for the past 18 years. “I came along in 1998 and was looking for something to do with kids,” Cain said. “So we look at whether this is functioning as a proper wet- A continuing land. I didn’t think the project experiment In an era of school auster- would go this long.” Lee has gathered volun- LW\IRU¿HOGWULSV&DLQVDLGKH Map courtesy of Lee Cain The Astoria Mitigation Bank, just southeast of the Astoria Regional Airport and west of the Lewis and Clark Bridge, was created to offset development by the Port of Astoria. teers from a menagerie of environmental and natural resource groups to lead the students around, even getting sponsorship andT-shirts for the ODVW IRXU \HDUV IURP QRQSUR¿W lending group Craft3. ³,W ¿WV ZLWK RXU PLVVLRQ´ Andrew Mattingly said. He’s a commercial portfolio adminis- trator with the group, who led students around the wetlands checking nesting boxes for bird eggs. Julie Tennis, an indepen- dent volunteer who works for WKH 3DFL¿F (GXFDWLRQ ,QVWL- tute in Olympia, Wash., that encourages teachers to get their kids outside, said Cain’s project is an example of how teachers on strapped budgets FDQ¿QGQHZOHDUQLQJRSSRU- tunities. She studies bees on her own time, and is helping students assess the abun- dance of them at the mitiga- tion bank. “It’s accessible,” she said of the bank, less than two miles DVWKHFURZÀLHVIURPWKHKLJK school. “It’s relevant, because it’s the local environment.” Students looked rather hes- LWDQWZKHQ¿UVWDUULYLQJDWWKH wetlands, Tennis said. “But then that sense of exploration and curiosity takes over,” she said. By the end of their time, kids were enthusiastically slogging through the brush, nets waving, trying to catch as many bees as possible. Emerging trends In the 17 years his students have been monitoring the wetlands, Cain said he’s seen some trends emerging, both positive and negative. “Everything is early this year,” he said about the mild winter, which has led to an early blooming and arrival of many animals, including the tree swallow, a migratory spe- cies that winters as far south as Central America before traveling to North America in the spring. Cain beamed at the larger-than-usual numbers of WKHELUGVVWXGHQWVZHUH¿QGLQJ in the nest boxes around the wetlands. “If they’re here in decent numbers, it means the wet- lands are in good condition,” Cain said. The property has also seen a spread of the invasive, nox- ious weed yellow iris, which Cain added volunteers over the years have started to cut down on, with the help of targeted herbicide spraying. He’s noticed native marsh wrens declining, but Cain’s upbeat about other arrivals at the mitigation bank. ³$IWHU \HDUV ZH¶UH ¿- nally seeing a native mussel colonizing it,” he said of the native clams that have started appearing. His students will present their reports as a class proj- ect, before their research joins the volumes of observations stretching back beyond their birth. ‘Fake Willy’: Model emits orca sounds Continued from Page 1A HILLARY BORRUD — Capital Bureau Rep. Bill Kennemer, R-Oregon City, spoke to a group of about 70 recreational anglers and members of the sportfishing industry in front of the state Capitol building Tuesday. Sportfishers were in Salem to oppose the appointment of Astoria resident Bruce Buck- master to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. Sportfishers said they want Gov. Kate Brown to appoint a commissioner from their industry. Buckmaster:6SRUW¿VKHUVZDQW Gov. Kate Brown to appoint a commissioner from their industry Continued from Page 1A In a surprise move, the committee held back the governor’s two reappoint- ments — Holly Akenson of Enterprise, and Michael Fin- ley of Medford — because senators said they want new commissioners who will take a more active role in helping the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to fix its long-term budget problems. The agency has a $345 million proposed budget for 2015 through 2017 but as committee member Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, said Tuesday, it is also $32 million short of the revenue necessary to balance that budget. “In short, the agency’s upside down,” Boquist said. “It’s in serious financial problems.” Atkinson said he would bring his experience work- ing on corporate turnarounds to the commission, and he would push for the state to more effectively market fishing and hunting opportu- nities in Oregon. Buckmas- ter said he would also apply his business experience to improve the agency’s finan- cial health and would like the state to rank the agency’s programs in terms of their importance to its mission. Atkinson said he initial- ly considered what it could mean to his professional rep- utation if he takes a position overseeing an agency that is in financial trouble. Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-John Day, said this was a valid concern. “It’s doing everything it can to alienate its customer base,” Ferrioli said of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, which receives much of its revenue from hunting and fishing fees. “You want the job, you got it. I’m going to vote for both of you. But I’m going to tell you something, I’m not sure you’re going to like me a year from now because I voted to confirm you. You’re worried about your credibil- ity senator? You should be.” Ferrioli and other sena- tors said another reason they did not vote on the two re- appointments Tuesday, aside from the desire for commis- sioners who would take a more active role in oversee- ing the agency’s budget and policies, was they want more balance among interests on the committee. Buckmaster previously owned a salmon feed compa- ny and served on the board of Salmon for All, a group that represents commercial fishermen, processors and other businesses on the Low- er Columbia River. Atkinson is a fly-fisherman, former state senator and Republican candidate for governor. Liz Hamilton, of the Northwest Steelheaders, said the Fish and Wildlife Commission is already im- balanced because it lacks a member from the sportfish- ing industry. “This doubles down on that imbalance,” Hamilton said of Brown’s appointees. Oregon is implementing a plan to phase out gillnet- ting on the main stem of the Columbia River by 2017 and increase the portion of fish allocated to sportfishers. The sportfishing industry raised concerns that Buck- master could undermine im- plementation of that plan, something that Buckmaster said Tuesday he would not do. Tom Hester of Poulsen Cascade Tackle in Clacka- mas asked the senators to vote “no” on Buckmaster’s appointment because “it’s very plain for all to see that there is no balance at all” on the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. Hester said, if the Senate confirms Buck- master’s appointment to the commission, there will be two commissioners from the commercial fishing industry and none from the sport- fishing industry, despite its contributions to the econo- my. “That is not a balance, it’s a stacked deck,” Hester said. “Oppose Buckmaster, put someone from our side in there.” Opponents have de- scribed Buckmaster as a lob- byist for Salmon for All, but Buckmaster said Tuesday he was never paid to serve as a lobbyist and only registered with the state as a lobbyist because that is required for anyone who frequently tes- tifies before the Legislature. Among those who spoke in support of Buckmaster Tuesday was Paul Lumley, executive director for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. “He understands that the only way our region can have successful fisheries is by rebuilding abundance, a view that the tribes have shared for decades” Lumley said. Atkinson said Buckmas- ter was among the first peo- ple he met in the state Cap- itol building and although they do not agree on every- thing, they became good enough friends that Atkinson met up with Buckmaster on a boat trip past Astoria. “I want strong personal relationships on the com- mission, even with people you might not 100 percent agree with,” Atkinson said. “I don’t think anyone’s in- terested in doing a manage- ment by consensus that’s a slow death.” The Senate Committee on Rules already sent the 92 other candidates in Brown’s latest round of appointments to the full Senate last week, after separating out the Fish and Wildlife Commission candidates. The Capital Bureau is a collaboration between EO Media Group and Pamplin Media Group. Technology, which had unsuc- cessfully tested lightly pulsing, the experiment in Puget Sound HOHFWUL¿HGSDGVPHDQWWRLUULWDWH proved relatively unsuccessful, sea lions off docks. The last and the fake orca mostly dis- experiment failed because the appeared from mention after brackish water in Astoria wasn’t salty enough for sea lions to no- 1996. Knight said the man vol- tice the small shocks from the unteered to drive the fake orca pads after getting wet and laying down to Astoria and have it on docks. Knight said he was pulled around in the water near told the pads had been improved the East End Mooring Basin, for Astoria’s conditions, and that where hundreds to thousands of Smith-Root representatives will sea lions congregate, depending be in Astoria today to test them RQWKHVHDVRQDQGWKH¿VKUXQV out. 6HYHUDO RWKHU VLJQL¿FDQW Port staff will tow the mod- el around, while it emits orca news items popped up at the Port Commission meeting sounds. “I observed two orcas at Tuesday: • The Port Commission vot- Buoy 25 yesterday,” said Port Commissioner James Campbell, ed unanimously to authorize who operates a marine towing Knight to sign a license agree- company. “Hopefully we can ment with the National Oceanic coax them up to the east basin.” and Atmospheric Administra- Knight said he also heard tion and other agencies to in- back from Smith-Root Fisheries stall a 30-foot meteorological tower and a Trimble GPS unit at the Astoria Regional Airport, provided it doesn’t interfere with the U.S. Coast Guard’s op- erations. It approved a related access agreement for Battelle Memorial Institute from Rich- land, Wash. • Knight reported the Riv- erwalk Inn, owned by Brad Smithart, appears to be in tran- sition of ownership to Ganesh Sonpatki, a Portland budget hotel operator. By February, Fi- nancial Manager Jim Grey es- timated Smithart owed upward of $179,000 in delinquent rent, although he’s since embarked on a repayment plan. Smithart also RZHGDQXQVSHFL¿HGDPRXQWLQ transient room taxes to the city of Astoria, along with more than $16,000 in IRS tax liens. Smi- thart is preparing for the expan- sion of his downtown business, the Arc Arcade. Supporting you for a Lifetime of Health WomenHeart of North Oregon Coast community support connection E D Meetings: 3 rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm CMH Health & Wellness Pavilion 3rd Floor Conference Room 2165 Exchange Street Astoria, OR May 20: Martha Pine, yoga instructor June 17: Dr. Diana Rinkevich, cardiologist Join your local chapter of WomenHeart, an organization for women living with or at risk of heart disease. This chapter is sponsored by Columbia Memorial Hospital. Contact Michele Abrahams for more information at WH-NorthOregonCoast@ womenheart.org. WomenHeart is the only national organization dedicated to advancing women’s heart health through advocacy, community education and patient support. As the leading voice for the 42 million American women living with or at risk of heart disease, WomenHeart advocates for equal access to quality care and provides information and resources to help women take charge of their heart health. &YDIBOHF4U"TUPSJB0SFHPOt XXXDPMVNCJBNFNPSJBMPSHt"1MBOFUSFF%FTJHOBUFE)PTQJUBM