FEATURES 8A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 Woman puts up with verbal abuse Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: I have been with “Joe” since his wife died nine years ago. The problem is, we have differ- ent styles of communication. $W¿UVWLWZDVQ¶WWRREDG,KDYH WULHG WR DQDO\]H RXU ¿JKWV WR VHH what I could do differently or what we could do together to make it bet- ter. But I have settled on the fact that Joe can never be wrong, and LW DIIHFWV HYHU\WKLQJ +H ZRQ¶W GR anything in a new way, cannot say KH¶V VRUU\ IRU DQ\WKLQJ KH KDV VDLG RUGRQHZRQ¶WDGPLWWRKXUWLQJP\ IHHOLQJV DQG RIWHQ ZRQ¶W EHOLHYH what I say. Worse, when he gets an LGHDLQKLVKHDGKHZRQ¶WFKDQJHLW even when presented with new in- formation that proves him wrong. And when I suggest he reconsider, he often makes comments that are below the belt and painful for me. ,W¶VIUXVWUDWLQJ Joe is 75, and I am 66. We live WRJHWKHU DQG GRQ¶W ZDQW WR PRYH , NQRZ KH ZRQ¶W JR IRU FRXQVHO- ing, nor will he believe anything he reads that contradicts his im- pressions. How do I keep my san- ity and stop these fights? — Need Your Help Dear Need: /HW¶V XQGHUVWDQG this. You are willing to put up with what sounds like frequent verbal DEXVH EHFDXVH \RX GRQ¶W ZDQW WR “ax” is something you use to chop wood. If the speaker had “axed her,” VKH ZRXOGQ¶W EH DEOH WR DQVZHU now, would she? “Ask” should Creators rhyme with “task.” Syndicate Inc. Last week, for the umpteenth Kathy Mitchell time, I heard someone say, “We and are having a sells event.” The Marcy Sugar word is “sales.” You are having a sale where you hope to sell things. You are not having a “sell.” And move? Does Joe have any redeem- why do people continue to say “I ing qualities that make up for his done this” or “I seen that” or “they stubborn ignorance and disagree- come over yesterday.” These peo- DEOHQDWXUH":HGRQ¶WVHHORYHKHUH ple have been to school and pre- We see fear of being alone. You sumably learned the proper tense cannot make Joe become a better for verb usage. communicator unless he works at Why are we so careless in our LW ZKLFK KH ZRQ¶W 2QO\ \RX FDQ VSHHFK" 2. $QQLH , IHHO EHWWHU decide whether you are willing to now. — Shepherdsville, Ky. tolerate this in order to stay with Dear Shepherdsville: Glad to him. Some counseling for you alone KHOS6RPHNLGVGRQ¶WSD\WKDWPXFK might be helpful. attention in school. And how your Dear Annie: Why do people pay friends and family members speak so little attention to the proper pro- FDQEHDJUHDWHULQÀXHQFHWKDQZKDW nunciation of certain words? you learn in a short class. Rules of This morning, I received a tele- grammar, if not reinforced at home, phone call from a salesclerk, who often go by the wayside. informed me that something I had Standards have relaxed a great ordered was no longer available, but deal, but still, people who cannot she had “fount” a similar item if I correctly pronounce words are con- FDUHG WR VXEVWLWXWH ,¶G OLNH WR VXE- sidered uneducated or worse, and it stitute “found” for “fount.” can affect the jobs they get and the $OVR ,¶YH KHDUG VHYHUDO SHRSOH people they attract, which shapes say “ax” when they mean “ask.” An the rest of their lives. Annie’s Mailbox FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE ARIES (March 21-April 19). Just when you think it can’t get better, it does. The same goes for the opposite dynamic. You can count on the universe pushing you another mile in whatever direction you’re traveling. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). For today, there’s no feeling like the feeling of accom- plishment. Knowing that there was a time when you had nothing except the gump- tion to make something substantial out of it is priceless. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Everyone you know finds this ground unfamiliar. Go forward anyway — you’ll be a trailblazer. Your sophisticated taste eventually will move everyone into the future. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re a humanist. You don’t want to make fun of the world; you’d much rather make fun of yourself. That’s what makes people laugh the hardest, and today they’ll relate to your vulnerability. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Hard to believe, but there are actually some people who find the colloquialism “whatever” to be a curse word. Avoid the expression today, as your people will be even more sensitive than usual. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Here’s the recipe for a stellar day: Do something for yourself, do something for a friend, and do your duty. Once those three are covered, you’ll be feeling pretty good about the world. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You can’t do it all in one day, but at least you can list it all so that you won’t forget later. Otherwise, the less pressing (but possibly more plea- surable) items might fall through the cracks. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). What you have is not what you want. That’s fine, be- cause you’re finding a way to make it work. Do the business at hand, and the business you wish for will come. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Inter- rupting is immature and disrespectful, and yet many people have this annoying habit. When you get interrupted once, you’ll chalk it up to the other person’s excitement. Twice, though? Maybe it’s time to walk away. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ll be doing what it takes to be the bigger person and rise above it — whatever “it” happens to be for you right now. You don’t mind trying a little harder than the others, because you have a feeling it will benefit you in the end. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). A daring person will inspire you to break a few rules. It’s how you become a vivacious renegade. Later, you’ll look back on today and note that it was a turning point. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Multitask- ing will be an exercise in silliness. What you do while trying to do something else will be, of course, ineffective. One thing at a time will get it done. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 20). It’s your year to make things official. Cel- ebrate the successes you achieve in June. In July, you’ll be reaching into new emo- tional territory. A VIP will come into your life in August. The sale of your possessions or property will bring about a big and wel- come change in September. January will bring strong love. Aquarius and Capricorn people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 13, 29, 14 and 50.