FEATURES 8A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 Should mom change her trust? Tomorrow’s horoscope Dear Annie: I am an 83-year- old widow in good health. My daughter lives about two hours away. She is 50 and well edu- cated and has been in a long- term relationship with an older retired man. She does a lot of care-giving for him and his fam- ily members. Three years ago, my daughter lost her job during an economic downturn and has made no at- tempt to find other employment. I have been giving her mon- ey every month and paid for a course in massage therapy, but she has not attempted to find a job in that field. She received insurance money to repair her home when it flooded over the winter, but she hasn’t done the repairs. Instead, she camps out at her boyfriend’s apartment. When I ask, she will come help me with certain things. She is my only child, and there are no other close rela- tives. I am not wealthy, but am comfortable. My daughter will inherit trust money and my house when I die, and this bothers me. I don’t want what my husband and I worked and planned for to eventually go to her boyfriend and his family. I am thinking of ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll find a problem, and you’ll upgrade it. That’s not the same as solving it, but it’s fine for now. This is just a temporary fix to make your time with this problem more comfortable. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Great peo- ple are courteous, generous and selfless. Those posing as great people may be full of ego and pride and in need of attention. Differentiate and associate accordingly. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You don’t need advice and reassurance to make de- cisions, because you have the confidence to assume responsibility for the major ar- eas of your life. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Try not to judge other people’s relationships. And if they are so happy it makes you sick, don’t be cynical. But don’t be an idealist, either. Happily-ever-afters are seldom that. Some- times they smack of poisoned apples. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). When the plan changes, you change, too. Going with the flow is usually the right way. Your flexibility will be appreciated — although, don’t wor- ry, they sense that you’re also pretty tough if the situation calls for it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your smile casts a spell. You usually use that power for good, but sometimes it helps you do some- thing against the rules, which also can be good. Some rules are made to be broken. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your loved ones will rise to the occasion, as long as they know what’s expected of them. You’ll have to lay it out clearly, and once you do, you may be surprised at what you’re really needing from them. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You want Annie’s Mailbox Creators Syndicate Inc. Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar changing the trust, leaving her a fixed amount and giving the rest to a charity. Are there other al- ternatives? — A. Dear A.: There are always alternatives. You could leave your daughter the house and trust only under certain con- ditions, in order to exclude the boyfriend and his family, although that won’t necessar- ily change how your daughter chooses to live her life. But there is also nothing wrong with giving some (or all) of your money to a charity that would appreciate it. Please talk to an estate attorney, who will help you figure out the various possibilities and put them in writing. Dear Annie: I need to know whether I was out of line. My husband and I have been friends with “Nancy” for years. Last Christmas, she sent us pajamas as a gift. I called her and left a message saying we have nev- er worn pajamas, and not only that, but I am not a size 3x. I wrote her a note and told her I returned the pajamas for some- thing I like better. We haven’t heard from her or her husband since. Was I im- proper? Is this a reason to end a long friendship? — C. Dear C.: When someone gives you a gift, you don’t tell them you dislike it, it’s the wrong size, you never wear such things or that you had to return it. It sounds rude and un- grateful, and we don’t believe you intended to come across that way. Instead, you sim- ply say, “Thank you for your thoughtfulness. It was kind of you to remember us.” And then you get to do whatever you like with the gift. If you value this friendship and want to mend fences, call or write Nancy. Say that you are terribly sorry to have been so ill mannered when thank- ing them for their gift, and you hope they will forgive you. We hope they will, too. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. to meet up with old and new friends, and the secret to doing so is simple: Ask them. Stick out your hand and your heart. Invite them over and into your world. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Most people don’t lie without a reason. The key to honest relationships is to make it OK for the other person to tell the truth. Your loved ones will go to great lengths not to invoke your anger or sadness. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Peo- ple have different tastes and tolerances. One person’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is another person’s one-star review. Steer clear of topics that are likely to highlight the differences between you and your cohorts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Gen- tly holding people accountable for their actions is a sign of love. When someone doesn’t do what he or she intends to do, and you ask about it, you’re showing that you’re paying attention. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Perspec- tive shifts can be gradual, but the one you experience today will be abrupt. You won’t have time to get used to your new view of things, but you can accept it fully just the same if you drop your defenses. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 6). As you grow, your world changes. That’s why this year requires constant, ongoing reassessment. You’ll add new supporters to your team in June. The kind of effort you put into a relationship this summer is new for you and will open you to more joy. September and November bring the best financial opportunities. Capricorn and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky num- bers are: 45, 2, 14, 39 and 50.