ASOC seeks submissions, proposals for fall production ASTORIA — The Astor Street Opry Company production committee meets on a regular basis to augment and create the ASOC Playhouse calendar of events, shows, fundraisers and other activities. The committee is currently seeking submissions for a fall production and director pro- posals. The fall show will run Oct. 9 to 24 with auditions on Aug. 23 and 24. Plays can be anything from original work to published, drama to comedies. The proposal needs to in- clude ASOC budget and pro- posal forms. Forms can be obtained by contacting Judith 1LODQG DW MQLODQG#SDFL¿HU com or calling 503-791-1037. Completed proposals can be submitted by email WR MQLODQG#SDFL¿HUFRP RU mailed to ASOC at P.O. Box 743, Astoria, OR 97103 for FRQVLGHUDWLRQDWWKH¿UVW7XHV- day in June production com- mittee meeting. Production committee members include: Judith Niland, Steven Nice, Bill Carr, Mary Ritter, ChrisLynn Taylor, Becka Blacksten, Kim Werst, Sandi Hilton and Terry MacDonald. Loyalty Day Follies holds auditions Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club hosts educational outreach at CCC ILWACO, Wash. — For the sec- ond year in a row, the tradi- tional Loyalty Days Weekend on the Long Beach Peninsula begins with a local show fea- turing a variety of vocal, in- strumental and comic talents from the area. The Loyalty Day Follies, a family-friendly event for all ages, will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, May 1 at the River City Playhouse. Auditions for this talent show will be held at 1 p.m. Sat- urday, April 25 at the playhouse, located at 127 Lake St. S.E. In addition to those pic- tured preparing to audition, youngsters from Ocean Park and Long Beach Elementary School will play piano and sing with their classmates. Organizers also hope to hear from vintage crooner Pete Hanner. Live music is strongly en- couraged. Vocalists are asked to bring sheet music. Piano accompaniment is available at the audition as well as at the performance. Patriotic songs are not required, but commu- nity and family-oriented mate- rial is welcome. ASTORIA — The Sunset Em- pire Amateur Radio Club will offer a variety of amateur ra- dio demonstrations Saturday, April 25 at Clatsop Communi- ty College. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon in Room 207 of Towler Hall. The public is invited, and refresh- ments will be served. By the end of the demon- strations, visitors will have a better understanding of the amateur radio hobby and the wide range of activities it Submitted photo can offer, how the ham radio Clockwise from left: Rita Smith, Kenny Price, Ken Price Jr, and Robert Scherrer practice for technology can apply to other Follies auditions. SURIHVVLRQDO¿HOGVDQGLWVLP- portance in providing an emer- gency communication system during natural disasters when standard communications sys- 1 p.m. Saturday, April 25 tems are disrupted. The live demonstrations River City Playhouse will include: 127 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Washington • Echolink: a technology 360-665-4421 that allows a licensed amateur radio operator to communicate For anyone unable to come tor Barbara Bate at 360-665- to other licensed users world- to the April 25 audition or in EDWHJR¿VK#JPDLOFRP wide. Instead of being limited need of additional informa- or cell/text her at 360-244- to the repeater coverage area, tion, phone or email coordina- 5566. the operator using a computer Auditions Grammy-winning guitarist plays peninsula Catch Doug Smith, flutist Judy Koch Smith in Long Beach LONG BEACH, WASH. — The Pen- insula Arts Center welcomes back acoustic guitarist Doug Smith at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 25. Tickets are $12, and doors open at 6:30 p.m. Smith is a 2005 Grammy Award winner and the 2006 winner of the prestigious Win- ¿HOG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )LQJHUVW\OH Guitar Competition. His playing has been heard on the big screen in the popular ¿OP ³$XJXVW 5XVK´ DQG his original compositions are heard everywhere from NPR DQG7&0 WR ³0DUWKD 6WHZDUW´ DQG³*RRG0RUQLQJ$PHULFD´ His playing combines folk, classical and jazz elements and has been called a cross between Chet Atkins, Leo Kottke and Michael Hedges. Popular originals such as ³5HQHZDO´DQG³2UGHURI0DJ- QLWXGH´ FOHYHU DUUDQJHPHQWV 8 | April 23, 2015 | VXFKDVKLVPHGOH\RI³$YH0D- ULD´DQG³&DQ¶W+HOS)DOOLQJLQ /RYH´GD]]OLQJSLHFHVOLNHWKH WRXUGHIRUFH³6WDUVDQG6WULSHV )RUHYHU´DQGKLVG\QDPLFVWDJH presence have dazzled audienc- es around the world including Japan, Taiwan and China. Smith won a Grammy, along with 11 other great guitarists, for his contribution to the Henry 0DQFLQLWULEXWH&'³3LQN*XL- WDU´ZKLFKZRQLQWKHFDWHJRU\ Amateur radio demos 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 25 Room 207, Towler Hall Clatsop Community College 1651 Lexington Ave., Astoria Free or smart phone can connect to a repeater anywhere in the world to communicate with other operators using that re- peater. • IRLP: Internet Radio Linking Project allows two ra- dios to be linked through the Internet. Repeaters may be linked so that groups of ama- teurs using two distant repeat- ers can communicate. • Morse Code and Light- ship Columbia: a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights or clicks. Each letter or numeral is represented by a unique sequence of short and ORQJVLJQDOVFDOOHG³GRWV´DQG ³GDVKHV´ • Packet Radio: a digital ra- dio communications mode that VHQGVWH[WDQG¿OHVLQFOXGLQJ small computer programs). ‡ .QDSSD +LJK 6FKRRO¶V amateur radio program • Clatsop County Repeater Coverage Map • Emergency communica- tions For more information, visit, email W7BU@sunset-em-, or search Face- book for Sunset Empire Am- DWHXU 5DGLR &OXE 6($5& 6($5&¶V PLVVLRQ LV WR DG- vance the cause of amateur ra- dio by educating the public on the hobby and to help facilitate emergency communications by assisting in maintaining re- peater links. of Best Pop Instrumental CD. By himself, he has a dozen CDs to his credit. He has shared the stage with such guitar luminaries as Lau- rence Juber, Tommy Emmanuel and Andy McKee, and he just ¿QLVKHG XS DQRWKHU WRXU RI -D- pan. +LVZLIHÀDXWLVWDQGYRFDOLVW Judy Koch Smith will be joining him at the arts center. The Peninsula Arts Center LVORFDWHGDW3DFL¿F$YH1 For information call 360-901- 0962. To make reservations, Submitted photo go to www.peninsulaartscenter. Flutist Judy Koch Smith and Grammy-winning guitarist Doug Smith will perform at the Peninsula Arts Center. org