J Jesse Lee Falls He’s paid his dues — now he plays his music and shares his knowledge Jesse Lee Falls has come full circle. His life story reads like a ballad full of highs and lows, bumps and grinds. It’s hardly a new story: an out-of-work guitar player, broke and broken — no money, no car, no home. Four years ago that was Falls. VERSE ONE: How low can you go “It was around four years ago when one af- ternoon my buddy and I, both out of work, are sitting on his front porch drinking beer,” says Falls. “I’ll never know why, but suddenly I get up, go inside.” He gets on the computer and looks at Craig- VOLVW+H¿QGVDQDGIURPD%HQW%HDW3URGXF tions, a recording company in Sherwood. “It was a big ad, and it was clear that they knew what they were talking about. I’ve spent over 20 years studying the business of the mu- sic business,” Falls 9 p.m. Saturday, April 18 VD\V ³%RWWRP OLQH Astoria Event Center %HQW%HDW LV ORRNLQJ 255 Ninth St., Astoria to sign singer-song- writers. I see this one tickettomato.com opportunity, and I 503-861-3820 promise myself I will $10 do whatever it takes to make this work. I get my catalog of music and my demo and — re- member I’m broke — hitchhike from Astoria to %HQW%HDW¶VVWXGLR ³&DOOLWWKHODZRIDWWUDFWLRQRUSRVLWLYHDI¿U PDWLRQZKDWHYHU,¶PD¿UPEHOLHYHU´KHVD\V ³(YHUVLQFH,UHDGWKDW%HQW%HDWDGHYHU\JRDO I’ve set, I’ve accomplished.” Jesse Lee Falls Band CD Release Party VERSE TWO: He’s Back! )RXU%HQW%HDWLQWHUYLHZVDUHFRUGLQJFRQ tract, new CDs and two about-to-be released videos: Hello, Jesse Lee Falls. On Saturday, $SULOWKH-HVVH/HH)DOOV%DQG&'5HOHDVH 3DUW\ LV VHW WR URFN WKH UDIWHUV RI WKH $VWRULD Event Center. Falls and his band are celebrating WKHLUQHZDOEXP³3OD\0\*XLWDU´7KHEDQG includes Justin Kerley, Keith Warren, Calen Uh- OLJ-HII'RWWHU(ULQ/HH$WNLQVRQ&XUWLV%XU QHWW6KHOE\