Continued from page 10 14. Lucy’s Books 348 12th St. 15. In the Boudoir 1004 Commercial St. In the Boudoir envelopes all your senses with fine linens, lotions and soaps, gifts and specialty home decor, all beautifully presented in a welcoming, luxurious and visual at- mosphere. 16. Sea Gypsy Gifts 1001 Commercial St. Check out new items and find a sale on all handmade jewelry. Sea Gypsy Gifts features artwork, handmade bath and body products, candles, glass gar- den flowers, whimsical bottle lamps, garden decor, furniture and more. Snacks and refreshments will be served. 17. North Coast Food Web 577 18th St. Join the North Coast Food Web for an open house and refreshments. Then, after art walk, head to the Columbian Theater for the Winter Food Film Festival screen- ing of “Big Night” at 9:30 p.m. The festival is a fundraiser to construct a community kitchen at the NCFW’s new building; once completed, the kitchen will host classes and workshops to teach cooking skills to people of all ages and walks of life. 18. Finn Ware 1116 Commercial St. Augusta Anderson of Nomadic Artistry is a second-generation Swede and a third-generation Norwegian who grew up Petersburg, Alaska. She creates beautiful Sami jewelry for men and women from reindeer leather, pewter thread and antler. Stop in and enjoy 20 percent off her jewelry. 19. Pacific Pro Realty 207 12th St. The Pacific Pro Realty team is thrilled to join art walk this month showing new work by Rachel Jensen. Live music and refreshments will be provided by Chris LaPointe and Grant Bell. 20. Holly McHone Jewelers 1150 Commercial St. Holly McHone Jewelers prepare for their eighth trip to Antwerp, Belgium, to buy dia- monds for customers. Holly leaves April 18. She finds the best diamond values in Ant- werp by comparing the cut, color, clarity and cost of hundreds of diamonds, or as many as it takes. Learn more about this fun experi- ence at Holly McHone Jewelers. Enjoy some Belgian beer and chocolate during art walk. 21. Massage Therapy Practice by Amy Finn & Michelle Malin 42 Seventh St., Suite 103 Amy Finn and Michelle Malin invite all to come celebrate during the launch party of their new massage therapy business, located in the old Fisher Bros. building. Finn graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego and performs Swedish, sports and tuina massage. Malin has been a licensed massage therapist since 2009. The two women have husbands in the U.S. Coast Guard and met in Astoria. Recycled decor and furnishings were constructed by Finn, and you’ll find art for sale by local artists Kari Young, Rodney Martinez and Finn, as well as Malin’s mother-in-law, artist Kathleen Carrillo from Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Refreshments will be available starting at 5:30 p.m. A photo of the John Day Fossil Beds by Carol Smith at Tempo Gallery. RESTAURANT PARTICIPANTS 22. Astoria Coffeehouse & Bistro 243 11th St. SUBMITED PHOTOS ART WALK MAP “Depoe Bay” a watercolor by R. Hazelton at Luminari Arts. Enjoy ‘Big Night’ meal at Fulio’s 0H\HU 0HPRULDO 7UXVW 7KH IXQGLQJ ZLOO VXSSRUW WKH ¿UVW \HDU RI KDQGVRQ FODVVHV GH- VLJQHGWRDGGUHVVDZLGHUDQJH RIQHHGVDQGDJHJURXSV $VSDUWRIWKH³%LJ1LJKW´ FHOHEUDWLRQ3HWHU5RVFRHFKHI DQG RZQHU RI )XOLR¶V 3DVWDULD DQG7XVFDQ6WHDNKRXVHLQ$V- WRULDZLOOEHFRRNLQJDVSHFLDO ³%LJ1LJKWGLQQHU´:KHQ%LJ 1LJKW¿UVWSUHPLHUHGLQ 5RVFRH ZDV LQVSLUHG WR KRVW D ZHHNO\ UHFUHDWLRQ¶V RI WKH ¿OP¶V HODERUDWH EDQTXHW PHDO DW KLV 3RUWODQG UHVWDXUDQW &R]]H ³,W EHFDPH D UXQDZD\ KLW IRUPH´5RVFRHVD\V³6WLOOWR WKLV GD\ , JHW SHRSOH YLVLWLQJ $VWRULD ZKR WDON DERXW WKRVH GLQQHUV´ ,Q VXSSRUW RI 1&):¶V ZRUN5RVFRHLVKRVWLQJDVL[ FRXUVH³%LJ 1LJKW´ EDQTXHW DW )XOLR¶V ZLWK D SRUWLRQ RI WKH Then watch the film at Columbian Theater ASTORIA — “Big Night” is DQDZDUGZLQQLQJ¿OPDERXW D IDLOLQJ ,WDOLDQ UHVWDXUDQW¶V ODVW JORULRXV EDQTXHW ,W LV DOVRWKHJUDQG¿QDOHRI1RUWK &RDVW)RRG:HE¶V)RRG)LOP )HVWLYDORQHSDUWRIDFDSLWDO FDPSDLJQWRIXQGDWHDFKLQJ NLWFKHQ WR EHQH¿W DQ\RQH LQ WKHFRPPXQLW\ZKRORQJVWR OHDUQWRFRRNKDVKHDOWKUH- ODWHG GLHWDU\ FKDOOHQJHV QHHGVDQLQIXVLRQRIHQWKXVL- DVPIRUWKHDUWRIFRRNLQJRU LVORRNLQJWRFUHDWHIDEXORXV PHDOVRQDWLQ\EXGJHW 0DUN \RXU FDOHQGDUV IRU 6DWXUGD\$SULODQGEULQJ DIULHQGWR$VWRULD¶VKLVWRULF &ROXPELDQ 7KHDWHU WR HQ- MR\ WKLV FODVVLF IRRG ¿OP VWDUULQJ 6WDQOH\ 7XFFL 7RQ\ 6KDORXE ,VDEHOOD 5RVVHOLQL DQG WKH PHDO \RX ZLOO QHYHU IRUJHW 'RQDWLRQV DW WKH GRRU DQG SURFHHGV IURP VSHFLDO PRYLHWKHPHG DSSHWL]HUV ZLOO EHQH¿WWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKH NLWFKHQDW1&):¶VQHZKRPH DWWK6W :LWKWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKH NLWFKHQ WKLV VSULQJ 1&): ZLOO ODXQFK &RRNLQJ 8S &RPPXQLW\DVHULHVRIFODVV- HV DLPHG DW SROLVKLQJ VNLOOV GLVFRYHULQJ WKH ERXQW\ RI IUHVK LQJUHGLHQWV WR EH IRXQG ORFDOO\ LPSURYLQJ FROOHFWLYH KHDOWK DQG LJQLWLQJ D SDVVLRQ IRUFRRNLQJIURPVFUDWFK7KH SURMHFWZDVUHFHQWO\DZDUGHGD JUDVVURRWVJUDQWIURP SURFHHGV JRLQJ WR WKH NLWFK- HQ SURMHFW 6HDWLQJ LV OLPLWHG DQG UHVHUYDWLRQV DUH UHTXLUHG 7LFNHWV DUH HDFK DQG FDQ EHUHVHUYHGE\FDOOLQJ)XOLR¶V DW 7KHXOWLPDWHGLQQHUDQGD PRYLH QLJKW RXW EHJLQV ZLWK GLQQHU DW )XOLR¶V DW SP D VWUROO WKURXJK GRZQWRZQ $V- WRULD¶V 6HFRQG 6DWXUGD\ $UW :DON DQG HQGV ZLWK D SP VKRZLQJ RI WKH ¿OP DW WKH &ROXPELDQ 7KHDWHU $ ¿OPVSHFL¿F FRFNWDLO ZLOO EH IHDWXUHG LQ WKH &ROXPELDQ¶V 9RRGRR5RRPFRFNWDLOORXQJH SULRUWRWKHVKRZDQGWKHPHG VPDOO ELWHV ZLOO EH RIIHUHG E\ 1&):¶V $FFLGHQWDO &DWHULQJ WHDP )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW 1RUWK &RDVW )RRG :HE DQGWKH&RRNLQJ8S&RPPX- QLW\ SURMHFW YLVLW ZZZQRUWK- FRDVWIRRGZHERUJ April 11 th P ERFORM AN CES 7 pm April 12 th 2 pm at the P erform ing A rts C enter 1111 16TH STREET, ASTORIA Available at the door 5 1 $ s et ck ti “Sara laDowskie,” a wood carving by M. DeWaide at Luminari Arts. Children 12 & under FREE when accompanied by an adult. Sponsored in part through a grant from the Clatsop County Cultural Coalition. a href=” ”>Really Useful Group April 9, 2015 | | 11