Academy visits Coast Guard Column shines light on awareness NORTH COAST • 3A PAGE 2A MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 142nd YEAR, No. 193 ONE DOLLAR WHAT A DRAG! ‘Gentlemen Janes’ raise money for historic district JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian Marco Davis, performing as Daylight Cums, is showered with praise and money, while dancing to the song “Big Spender” at the Jane Barnes Revue at the Astoria Event Center Saturday. The money from the event went to the Astoria Downtown Historic District Association. $QQXDOIDVKLRQVKRZFHOHEUDWHV$VWRULD¶VZLFNHGSDVW By DERRICK DePLEDGE The Daily Astorian C ole Jannusch sells insurance for a living. But on Saturday night, he VOLSSHG LQWR D WLJKW¿WWLQJ VOHHYH- less dress and garter, donned a ZLJFRZER\KDWDQGEURZQERRWV DQGVDVKD\HGGRZQWKHFDWZDONDW the Astoria Event Center to Shania 7ZDLQ¶V ³:KRVH %HG +DYH