Fine-feathered friends Celebrate spring with a flock of backyard chickens o you long for a more idyllic life, but aren’t sure how to get it? Is there a bit of farmer lurking LQ\RXURWKHUZLVHFLWL¿HGVRXO"+DYH\RXHYHU looked up from the pale, factory-farmed eggs on your plate and felt like breakfast ought to taste a whole lot better? ,I \RX¶YH RIIHUHG D UHVRXQGLQJ ³\HV´ WR WKH TXHVWLRQV DERYH KDYH D OLWWOH H[WUD VSDFH LQ \RXU garden, and are ready to take your lo- FDYRUH FRPPLWPHQW WR WKH QH[W OHYHO WKHUH¶VDFKDQFHWKDWDÀRFNRIEDFN\DUG chickens could be just right for you. You don’t need to know a lot to get started keeping chickens — part of their FKDUP LV WKHLU RYHUDOO VLPSOLFLW\ ² EXW you do need to know a little. To get you going, here, in an eggshell, are the basics. D From brooder to coop Once home, you’ll need a brooder for your little ones ²DFR]\VSDFHWKDWZLOOEHWKHLUTXDUWHUVXQWLOWKH\¶UHIXO- O\ IHDWKHUHG DQG FDQ OLYH LQ DQ RXWGRRU FRRS WKUHH WR IRXU months). Your brooder should be small and simple to clean (wooden crates work well, as do wire dog kennels). Place it RXW RI GUDIWV DQG FORVH HQRXJK IRU IUHTXHQW FKHFNLQJ ZKLOH FKLFNVDUHVPDOODQGEHVXUHWRHTXLSLW with a heat lamp for temperature control, DVZHOODVWKHREYLRXVIHHGHUDQGZDWHUHU When they mature from chicks to pul- OHWV LPPDWXUH KHQV PRYH \RXU ELUGV gradually to the coop — a few hours at a time each day — in the same way you ZRXOG³KDUGHQRII´SODQWVIRUWKHJDUGHQ Whether it’s a chicken palace or a hum- ble lean-to against the potting shed, your coop needs to shelter your birds for years Picking up chicks to come, and a little planning goes a long Spring is the perfect time to start your way. ÀRFNDQGZKDWFRXOGEHPRUHHPEOHP- Photo by Lynette Rae McAdams