COASTER THEATRE PLAYHOUSE NOW PLAYING MURDER ON THE NILE MARCH 13 - APRIL 18, 2015 Simon Mostyn and Kay Ridgeway are on their honeymoon on a paddle steamer on the Nile 5LYHUEXWDOOLVQRWURVHVDQGFKDPSDJQH-DFTXHOLQHGH6HYHUDF±6LPRQ¶VMLOWHG¿DQFpDQG Kay’s former best friend – keeps turning up at every stop on the newlywed’s itinerary. Aboard the paddle steamer are a host of characters including Miss ffoliot-ffoukes, a rich, opinionated old lady and her niece – the naive Miss Grant, plus Smith – a direct man with Socialist leanings, Dr. Bessner – a German tourist, Canon Pennefather – Kay’s guardian and several other memorable characters. While journeying along the river murder and mayhem ensure and it is up to Canon Pennefather to uncover the criminals before they reach their destination. UPCOMING EVENTS AUDITION NOTICE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS SUNDAY, MARCH 15TH - 6PM IT COULD BE ANY ONE OF US MONDAY, MARCH 16TH - 6PM TO 9PM COASTER KIDZ - SPRING BREAK CAMP This one-week camp will focus on three common aspects of theatre arts: acting, singing DQGGDQFLQJ,QDGGLWLRQWRLPSURYLQJFRQ¿GHQFHDQGFUHDWLYLW\FDPSHUVZLOOEHH[SRVHGWR teamwork, respect and unlimited imagination. Utilizing “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” campers will develop a character; memorize lines, lyrics and blocking, and participate in the creation of costumes and props. The last day of the session campers will present the show that they have created for family and friends. COASTER THEATRE PLAYHOUSE 108 N HEMLOCK STREET CANNON BEACH OR 97110 24 | March 12, 2015 | FOR TICKET AND EVENT INFORMATION VISIT COASTERTHEATRE.COM OR CALL THE BOX OFFICE AT 503-436-1242