THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015 COMMUNITY LOVE FOR ANNIE 1B A PIECE OF FINANCIAL HISTORY RETURN OF THE NATIVE This caught the Ear’s attention: “We as a small community our KHUHDUHWU\LQJWRFRPHWRJHWKHUDQGUDLVHIXQGVDWWKLVEHQH¿WWRKHOS WKLVODG\$QQLH-DFNVRQ´)DLWK6DPXHOVRQZURWH³,FDQQRWZUDS my mind around the heartache she is living.” +HUH¶V WKH VWRU\ IURP WKH *R)XQG0H SDJH VHW XS IRU$QQLH ( “On the evening of Jan. 13, 2015, Annie Jackson lost the love of her life, Nathan Jackson, at the young age of 35, in a car accident very near their home in rural Ver- nonia, Ore. The evening before, Annie and Nathan had celebrated WKHLUVHYHQWKZHGGLQJDQQLYHUVDU\WKHFRXSOHDUHSLFWXUHG ³1RZWKDW1DWKDQLVJRQH$QQLHLVIRUFHGWR¿JXUHRXWDQHZ ZD\WROLYHZLWKRXWWKHSK\VLFDOHPRWLRQDODQG¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWVKH KDVGHSHQGHGRQIRUWKHODVWVHYHQ\HDUV6KHORVWKHUSDUWWLPHMRED FRXSOHRIPRQWKVDJRZKHQKHUFRPSDQ\FORVHGWKHLUGRRUVVRVKH is without an income. She does not want to leave their home that they loved, and where they made many memories together.” $EHQH¿WLVEHLQJKHOG³/RYHIRU$QQLH´IURPWRSP6XQ- day at The Birk (formerly the Birkenfeld Country Store), 11139 Ore- JRQ+LJKZD\LQ%LUNHQIHOGKWWSWKHELUNFRPZKLFKLQFOXGHV UDIÀHVDQGDVLOHQWDXFWLRQZLWKORWVRIJRRGLHVWRELGRQLQFOXGLQJ WZRIURQWURZVHDWVDQGSDUNLQJIRUD7UDLO%OD]HUVJDPH7KH7\ Curtis Band and Friends headline, and other musicians are donating WKHLUWLPHDVZHOO$MDPVHVVLRQIROORZVWKHPXVLFDOOLQHXS If you have something you’d like to donate for the auction, or have TXHVWLRQVDERXWWKHEHQH¿WJLYH7KH%LUNDFDOODW $QQLH¶VIULHQGVKRSHHYHU\RQHZLOOUDOO\WRKHOSKHULQKHUWLPH of need. “I know without a doubt if the tables were turned,” one said, ³VKHZRXOGKHOSHDFKDQGHYHU\RQHRIXVRXWZLWKRXWWKLQNLQJWZLFH´ UNDER THE CARPET North Coast numismatists might be interested in a submission E\DQDQRQ\PRXVFRXQW\UHVLGHQWUHJDUGLQJWKHDXFWLRQRID )HGHUDO 5HVHUYH 1RWH ZKLFK LV SLFWXUHG ³6DZ WKLV DQG WKRXJKWLWPLJKWEULQJDVPLOHWRSHRSOH´WKHOLWWOHELUGVDLG +HUH¶VSDUWRIWKHDXFWLRQVSLHOIURP/LYH$XFWLRQHHUVLQ1HZ