Get to know Belgian endive By MELISSA D’ARABIAN — with the help of cheese Associated Press F Fresh-faced, yet utterly jet- lagged. That’s how I arrived in )UDQFH IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH $QG that’s how I was introduced to Belgian endive. 0DGDPH*DELOOHWZDVKRVW LQJPHIRUP\FROOHJHVHPHVWHU DEURDG DQG VKH ZHOFRPHG PH SUHWW\PXFKULJKWRIIWKHSODQH LQWRKHUFKLOO\GDUNKRPH'LQ ner was waiting, so we sat right down and rather silently (since I didn’t yet speak a word of )UHQFKEHJDQWKHPHDO7KDW¶V ZKHQ,VDZDYHJHWDEOH,GLGQ¶W recognize. :DV LW FDEEDJH" 1R %XW ZKDWHYHU LW ZDV LW ZDV EDWKHG LQDOXVFLRXVFUHDPVDXFHZLWK *UX\HUHEXEEOLQJRQWRS,WZDV D¿WWLQJZHOFRPHWRZKDWZRXOG EHDFROGDQGUDLQ\IHZPRQWKV I understood precious little of ZKDWP\KRVWIDPLO\VDLGWRPH WKDW QLJKW EXW , GLG FDWFK WKH QDPHRIWKHWHQGHUVOLJKWO\ELW ter, delight that we ate — Bel- gian endive. 0DGDPH*DELOOHWORYHG%HO gian endive (and luckily, as I discovered, so did I). She served it chopped and sauteed in sweet EXWWHURUVOLFHGDQGWRVVHGUDZ LQDPXVWDUG\YLQDLJUHWWHRU² P\IDYRULWH²EDNHGLQDZKLWH FUHDP VDXFH ZLWK RQLRQV DQG cheese. Back in the U.S., I saw Bel- JLDQ HQGLYH VORZO\ PDNH LWV ZD\ LQWR VXSHUPDUNHWV 7KHVH GD\V\RXFDQ¿QGLWSUHWW\PXFK all year. They look like a cross EHWZHHQDQHORQJDWHGRYHUVL]HG %UXVVHOVVSURXWDQGDYHU\VPDOO KHDGRIFRPSDFWHGURPDLQHOHW WXFH EXW PRUH \HOORZ %RWK Belgian and regular endive are SDUW RI WKH FKLFRU\ IDPLO\ DQG VSRUWDVOLJKWO\ELWWHUÀDYRU Each Belgian endive has RQO\FDORULHVEXWSDFNVWRQV RI¿EHUYLWDPLQ&DQGFDOFLXP $QGIRUVRPHWKLQJWKDWVRXQGV so exotically European, it’s downright inexpensive. 6RJUDEDIHZDQGWU\WKHP LQVRPHRI\RXUIDYRULWHUHFLSHV that star other greens — raw in place of escarole, sauteed in- VWHDGRIFDEEDJHRUNDOHVLPSO\ grilled or roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper and squeeze of OHPRQ2UWU\P\YHUVLRQRIWKH dish that started it all — Ma- GDPH*DELOOHW¶V%HOJLDQHQGLYH gratin. Food Network star Melissa d’Arabian is an expert on healthy eating on a budget. She is the author of the cookbook, “Supermarket Healthy.” http:// Each Belgian endive has only 15 calories, but packs tons of fi ber, vita- min C and calcium. 22 | February 26, 2015 | Belgian Endive Gratin Start to fi nish: 45 minutes (15 minutes active) Servings: 4 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 small yellow onion, fi nely chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon dried tarragon 2 tablespoons all-purpose fl our 2 cups reduced-fat milk 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard Salt and ground black pepper 4 small to medium Belgian endives 3/4 cup shredded Gruyere cheese AP Photos/Matthew Mead In this gratin, Belgian endive is baked in a white cream sauce with onions and cheese. Directions: 1. Heat the oven to 350 F. Coat a medium (9-by-9-inch) baking dish with cooking spray. 2. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the onion and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and tarragon, then cook until fragrant, another minute. Whisk in the fl our and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add the milk, whisking constantly. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until the sauce begins to thicken, about 6 minutes. Turn off the heat, stir in mustard, then season with salt and pepper. Set aside. 3. Cut off the woody stems of the endive and slice them in half length- wise. Season them with salt and pepper. Place the endive in the prepared baking dish. Pour the sauce over the endive halves. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the foil, then sprinkle the cheese evenly over the top. Return to the oven for another 15 minutes, or until the endive is tender. 4. If desired, increase heat to broil and broil the gratin until the cheese is bubbly and browned, about 1 minute. Be careful, as the cheese will burn quickly. Let cool for a few minutes before serving. Nutrition information per serving: 230 calories; 120 calories from fat (52 percent of total calories); 14 g fat (8 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 45 mg cho- lesterol; 16 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber; 6 g sugar; 12 g protein; 540 mg sodium.