12A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian The new hydroelectric turbine will harness water flowing from Bear Creek Dam. Dam: City of Astoria may try similar project near Shively Park to the city, then sell what was needed back to city. Instead, of the estimated high cost of the city is using the turbine to getting the power from wind- cancel out the electric cost for mills near Wickiup Ridge to the water treatment system and the electric grid. then selling the excess power The City Council originally to the utility, a process known approved the hydroelectric tur- as “reversing the meter.” bine project last June but had Jeff Harrington, a city en- to consider the project again in gineer, said the pump-as-tur- January because of a misun- bine functions like the oppo- GHUVWDQGLQJ ZLWK 3DFL¿&RUS site of a traditional pump. The utility — which operates “So you plug your base- DV 3DFL¿F 3RZHU LQ 2UHJRQ ment pump in the wall to — had thought it was going to pump water out. This is the purchase all the power gener- opposite process,” he said. ated by the turbine, according “It’s taking the water coming Continued from Page 1A through the pump and gener- ating electricity.” 7KH WXUELQH SURMHFW ZDV ¿- QDQFHG E\ JUDQWV IURP 3DFL¿- Corp’s Blue Sky program, the (QHUJ\7UXVWRI2UHJRQDQGWKH 2UHJRQ ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH )LQDQFH Authority. The city, which has entered into a 15-year power purchase DJUHHPHQWZLWK3DFL¿&RUSPD\ replicate the project in the future at a reservoir near Shively Park. “It’s going to save the rate- payers money,” Harrington said. 62$5 7HFKQRORJLHV ,QF WKH5HGPRQG:DVK¿UPEH- hind the turbine, worked on a similar project at Vernon Water Tank in northeast Portland as well as on hydroelectric proj- ects in Washington state, Cal- ifornia, Hawaii and Vermont. Portland has also recently partnered with Lucid Energy on small hydroelectric tur- bines inside a city water pipe- OLQH7KHSULYDWH¿UPZLOOVHOO the power generated to Port- land General Electric, with the city’s water bureau receiv- ing a share of the proceeds that could help offset costs on ratepayers. JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian City Senior Engineering Technician Dean Zeisbrich climbs into a vault containing the hydroelectric genera- tor turbine. The 30-kilowatt turbine, located at the base of Bear Creek Dam, is expected to generate about 154,645 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year. Betsy: Johnson is a regular sponsor on 30 other bills tee and was referred to Ways and Means. 7KH )HGHUDO (PHUJHQ- Both pieces come out of cy Management Agency WKH FKDQJHV WR ÀRRG FRQWURO )(0$ VWDUWHG UHTXLULQJ polices following hurricanes OHYHH FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DIWHU +XU- Sandy and Katrina; the aging ULFDQH .DWULQD &HUWL¿FDWLRQ infrastructure, including dikes; could cost the city of War- and the need to pick up where renton $11 million. And, if the federal government left off WKH\DUHQRWFHUWL¿HGLWFRXOG on paying for its repair. “This cost the average homeowner is going to be an ongoing state PRUH IRU ÀRRG LQVXU- responsibility for a long time.” ance annually. Waterfront buildings SB 306 made it out of Johnson introduced Sen- the Senate Committee on Business and Transportation ate Bill 11, which is in the Wednesday, and now sits in Senate Committee on En- the Joint Committee on Ways vironment and Natural Re- and Means, where Johnson is sources, on behalf of Astoria the co-vice-chairwoman. The developer and Pier 39 owner bill is waiting to be woven )OR\G+ROFRP into the mosaic of the budget, The bill would exempt Johnson, said along with its privately owned structures sister legislation, House Bill on state-owned submerged 2436, which made it out of the and submersible lands that House’s Rural Communities, were constructed prior to Jan. Land Use and Water Commit- IURP OHDVH UHTXLUH- Continued from Page 1A PHQWV XQGHU 2UHJRQ 5HYLVHG 6WDWXWHV256 2ZQHUV RI EXLOGLQJV RYHU state-owned navigable waters often have to obtain leases from the Department of State Lands, which places its lease revenues LQWRWKH&RPPRQ6FKRRO)XQG “This is an opportunity to exempt historic structures where business owners have PDGH VLJQL¿FDQW LQYHVW- ments,” Johnson said. Johnson and Holcom refer- enced the long-running debate between waterfront property and building owners and the DSL about how much they should have to pay to the agen- cy. “The DSL has gone out and tripled our lease fee about midway through our proj- ect,” said Holcom, who has EHHQUHQRYDWLQJWKH-DPHV2 Hanthorn Cannery since he bought it in 2002 with other Kitzhaber:7KHIRUPHU2UHJRQJRYHUQRU maintains the couple did nothing wrong Continued from Page 1A An IRS spokesman said that agency does not comment about ongoing investigations. .LW]KDEHUUHVLJQHGODVWZHHN following a series of reports about Hayes’ work for advo- cacy groups with an interest in 2UHJRQ SXEOLF SROLF\ +H KDV maintained the couple did noth- ing wrong. Jordan told the newspaper he also wanted to elaborate on ZK\ KH DVNHG 2UHJRQ 6WDWH Police to investigate the dis- FORVXUH RI VRPH RI .LW]KDEHU¶V personal emails to a reporter, as well as his reasons for putting two workers from his agency on administrative leave while a separate internal investigation is underway. Jordan said the two were not placed on leave in connec- tion with the leak probe. Nor were they punished for pre- serving evidence, he said. 7KH RI¿FLDO DOVR VDLG KH wasn’t using the criminal probe as a way to punish the email leaker. He said his job is to pro- tect the state’s records. Jordan asked state police to investigate because the agency has forensic experts and because he had con- cerns about the agency’s com- puter security, he said. The two workers were placed on leave mainly to deal with a situation he felt was “out of control,” Jordan said, includ- LQJ DQ DSSDUHQWO\ XQDXWKRUL]HG PRYH E\ RQH RI WKHP WR VHL]H computers and cell phones from the governor’s staff as evidence for the federal probe. Jordan said he was at his KRPH LQ &DQE\ ZKHQ DQ )%, agent and an IRS agent knocked DWWKHGRRUWKHQTXHVWLRQHGKLP for an hour, focusing on three points. Two were about Hayes’ ZRUN IRU 'HPRV D QRQSUR¿W that’s one of her consulting cli- ents. The agents asked about HPDLOV VKRZLQJ WKDW .LW]KDEHU urged Jordan to hire a man con- nected to Demos. Jordan said he told the agents he didn’t feel pressure to hire the man and didn’t know then that Hayes was being paid by Demos. The agents also asked wheth- HU .LW]KDEHU¶V HPDLOV ZHUH EH- ing preserved. Jordan said they were. 7KHQH[WGD\.LW]KDEHUDQ- nounced to Jordan and other senior staffers that he was re- signing. Jordan soon saw the two agents again, when they climbed out of their parked car in the state capital of Salem and hand- ed him a federal subpoena de- manding email correspondence VHQWDQGUHFHLYHGE\.LW]KDEHU Hayes, and 15 employees — in- cluding Jordan. investors — he’s now the lone partner. “When you’re trying to renovate historic buildings on the waterfront, and DSL charges what they want, it doesn’t do good for people trying to renovate.” %XLOW LQ DV$VWRULD¶V second seafood cannery, Pier 39 is one of the region’s old- est waterfront structures, in- FOXGLQJVTXDUHIHHWRI retail, lodging and museum space for the Hanthorn Can- QHU\ )RXQGDWLRQ +ROFRP said he could get a lower DSL lease rate by having his build- ing on the National Historic Registry, but the designation would restrict his ability to renovate it. “My argument is you shouldn’t have to be on the federal registry,” Holcom said, noting that his structure has been listed with the state +LVWRULF 3UHVHUYDWLRQ 2I¿FH for upward of 50 years. ,QDGGLWLRQWRFKLHÀ\VSRQ- soring 26 bills, Johnson is a regular sponsor on 30 others. )RUDIXOOOLVWRIELOOVDQGWKHLU VWDWXVHVYLVLWWKH2UHJRQ/HJ- islative Information System at https://olis.leg.state.or.us Among the other bills she sponsors: • Senate Bill 535 would provide that public body has no responsibility to post warnings related to dangers of the ocean, including but not limited to tides, currents, ocean life and collisions with watercraft. • Senate Bill 319 would re- TXLUHSURSULHWDU\DXWKRUL]DWLRQ from the Department of State Lands to construct or operate ocean renewable energy facil- LW\LQ2UHJRQ¶VWHUULWRULDOVHD ‡ +RXVH %LOO ZRXOG UHTXLUHYHVVHOVZLWKHPSW\EDO- last tanks to undergo saltwater ÀXVKLQJRIWKHWDQNVEHIRUHYHV- sels enter waters of this state. • House Bill 2209 would FUHDWHDWDVNIRUFHRQVKHOO¿VK • Senate Bill 333 would designate March 22 as Tom McCall Day to commemorate the late governor and encour- age school districts to educate children about his legacy. ‡6HQDWH%LOOZRXOGH[- empt timber from city-owned lands of limited acreage from a prohibition against export of unprocessed timber. • House Bill 2989 would permit someone 18 years of age or older to operate mo- torcycle without wearing an approved motorcycle helmet, if they have motor vehicle li- ability insurance that provides personal injury protection EHQH¿WV