FEATURES 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 :K\VKRXOG,UHSODFH¿OOLQJV" Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: Can you tell me wheth- er this is a scam? Dentists are now telling VHQLRUV WKDW WKHLU ROG ¿OOLQJV QHHG WR EH replaced. My dentist told me this, and I’ve QHYHUKDGDELWRIWURXEOHZLWKP\¿OOLQJV or teeth. I said I won’t replace them until WKH\ERWKHUPH,ZDVDOVRWROGWKDW,QHHG additional, costly work done when I hav- HQ¶WKDGDELWRIWURXEOHZLWKWKHWRRWKLQ question. When I declined, I was told that ZKHQ,GRKDYHWURXEOHWKH\PD\QRWEH DEOHWRKHOSPH When the technician cleans your teeth, VKHSLFNVDWWKH¿OOLQJV,DPFRQYLQFHGWKLV loosens them. They shouldn’t do that. Now P\ GDXJKWHU LV EHLQJ WROG WKH VDPH thing, although her teeth haven’t given her DQ\WURXEOH:KDWGR\RXVD\DERXWWKLV" — Ventura, Calif. Dear VC: We spoke to Dr. Maria Lo- pez Howell at the American Dental Associ- ation. Here is what she said: “The recommendation to replace exist- LQJGHQWDO¿OOLQJVLVQRWEDVHGRQDSHUVRQ¶V DJH1R¿OOLQJODVWVIRUHYHUDQGWKHROGHU WKH¿OOLQJWKHPRUHOLNHO\LWLVWRVKRZVLJQV RIZHDUDQGWHDU-XVWEHFDXVHWKHWRRWKLVQ¶W ERWKHULQJ\RXQRZGRHVQ¶WPHDQWKHUHLVQ¶W D SUREOHP FRPLQJ GRZQ WKH URDG &RQ- ditions in your mouth change as you get older. “Regular dental visits are important WRPLQLPL]HWKHQHHGIRUPRUHH[WHQVLYH and, most likely, expensive procedures. Al- WKRXJK\RXPD\QRWEHDEOHWRWHOOZKHWKHU Annie’s Mailbox Creators Syndicate Inc. Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar \RXU¿OOLQJVQHHGWREHUHSODFHG\RXUGHQ- WLVWZLOOFKHFNWRVHHLIWKH¿OOLQJLVVHDOHG to the tooth. Fillings that have worn away, chipped or cracked may leave gaps through ZKLFKEDFWHULDFDQHQWHU “When your dentist recommends treat- PHQWIHHOIUHHWRDVNµZK\¶DQGVD\µVKRZ me’ on an X-ray or image so you under- VWDQG ZKDW QHHGV WR EH GRQH 7KH$'$ FDOOV XSRQ PHPEHU GHQWLVWV WR EH KRQHVW and trustworthy in providing patient care DQGWRKDYHWKHEHQH¿WRIWKHLUSDWLHQWVDV WKHLUSULPDU\JRDO,I\RXVWLOOIHHOXQFRP- IRUWDEOH ZLWK WKH WUHDWPHQW UHFRPPHQGD- tions, don’t hesitate to get a second opin- ion.” Dear Annie: My daughter-in-law is PHDQWRP\KXVEDQGDQGPH6KHDYRLGV WDONLQJWRXVDQGRQO\LQFOXGHVXVLQIDPLO\ HYHQWVLIVKHKDVWR6KHRQO\ZDQWVWRGR WKLQJVZLWKKHUIULHQGVDQGKHUIDPLO\ My son says we need to “get on their schedule” way in advance, yet they are DOZD\VERRNHGXSZKHQZHDVN2QFHRU WZLFHD\HDURXUVRQEULQJVWKHJUDQGFKLO- GUHQRYHUIRUDFRXSOHRIKRXUV:HDOOKDYH DZRQGHUIXOWLPHDQGWKHNLGVZRQGHUZK\ WKH\GRQ¶WVHHPRUHRIXV I loved my mother-in-law with all my KHDUW6KHDQGP\PRWKHUZHUHERWKJUHDW ladies who welcomed everyone and treat- ed them with love and respect. I wish my daughter-in-law would open her mind and KHU KHDUW WR WKH SRVVLELOLWLHV 2WKHU WKDQ SUD\HU,GRQ¶WVHHDVROXWLRQ²6DG0RWK- er-in-Law Dear Sad: Your letter voices a com- mon complaint. All we can advise is to do \RXUEHVWWRPDNHIULHQGVZLWK\RXUGDXJK- WHULQODZ%HJUDFLRXVJHQHURXVDQGIRU- JLYLQJ)LQGVRPHWKLQJWRSUDLVHDERXWKHU and do so. We hope she will come around, and that your son will continue to include you in their lives. Dear Annie:,DPZULWLQJDERXW³/RX- ise in Louisville,” who wondered whether KHU \HDUROG ER\IULHQG ZDV FKHDWLQJ EHFDXVH WKHLU VH[ OLIH KDG GHFOLQHG +H FRXOGEHKDYLQJSUREOHPVZLWKHUHFWLOHG\V- IXQFWLRQDVZHOODVSURVWDWHSUREOHPVGL- DEHWHVDQGQXPHURXVRWKHUPHGLFDOLVVXHV +HFRXOGEHWHUULEO\XSVHWWKDWKHFDQ- QRWEHLQWLPDWHZLWKKHUDQGWKDW¶VZK\KH FORVHVKLPVHOIRII6RPHPHQIHHOHPEDU- rassed or ashamed when they cannot per- IRUP 0\ KXVEDQG KDV VLPLODU SUREOHPV EXWZHWDONDERXWLW7KHUHDUHRWKHUZD\V to show your partner how much you love them. — Louisville FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE ARIES (March 21-April 19). You rec- ognize people who are just trying to get through a situation. You’ve felt like those people before, so let them know that they are not alone. You are, at heart, a soldier, and you will soldier on. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Express the love in your heart so others can really feel it. Then your relationships will be uplifting, surprising and fulfilling, and you will final- ly achieve what you’ve long been working toward. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The eruption of ideas that come to you may not be social- ly or politically correct, but don’t let that stop you from writing down what goes through your head. What simmers under the surface needs release. CANCER (June 22-July 22). This day will be touched by unusual happenings and idiosyncratic people. Enjoy the shakeup like it’s a roller-coaster ride. Throw up your hands and scream. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Doing something right one or two times will bring you good results. But doing the same things a hun- dred or a thousand times will make you rich. Establish systems and be consistent. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re usually so independent. This time, before you make a move, deliberate with friends — and not just any friends, but a few well-chosen peo- ple who have experience with or ideas on your recent life-topic. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Some say that the sleep that comes after you’ve hit the “snooze” on your alarm is the best sleep in the world. That’s because it’s borrowed. There’s something you’ll borrow to your great delight. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There will be delightful influences around you, and you will be extraordinarily receptive to the best of them. With your outstanding imagi- nation, you will twist ideas and make them your very own. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There’s not an insect spray out there strong enough to stave off your travel bug. There’s a big wide world out there for you to see, and you want to keep moving. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Life is part what happens to you and mostly what you make happen. Today the odds are in your favor, and you’ll act swiftly to create a dreamy scenario. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Maybe you’re not asking for help because you are worried about making requests of people who later will feel that you owe them. If so, call on your angels. They are waiting, no strings attached. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Getting lost can be good. It connects you with what’s going on right now. When you’re trying to find your way back, you are very much in the moment. Finding your way is a living meditation. TUESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 17). With unyielding faith in your plan, you follow through to make this one of your most pros- perous years. March introduces you to help- ful people. April brings funding for a cher- ished project. May is a time for travel and reconnection with distant family. Those who resisted in the past will now sponsor your ef- forts. Love signs are Virgo and Scorpio. Your lucky numbers are: 20, 6, 45, 22 and 19.