< Coastal Life Story by RYAN HUME < V-DAY CHEAT SHEET With Valentine’s Day falling on a Saturday this year, there are plenty of opportunities for romance, connection and maybe just a bit of fun. Whether you are kindling or rekindling, here are some surefire bets to heat things up. CANNON BEACH Photo by Joshua Bessex Bins of various flavors of Saltwater Taffy are available at The Buzz on Broad- way candy shop in Seaside. Now we’re cooking: The famed cooking school EVOO LV SXWWLQJ RQ D VSHFLDO ¿YH course dinner show Thursday and Friday nights, Feb. 12 and 13, featuring elk sausage DQGKHQHJJUDYLROLIHQQHOFUXVWHGVHDVFDO lops and steak in a maitake mushroom sauce, plus wine pairings, for $149 per person. Res HUYDWLRQVUHTXLUHG188 S. Hemlock St. Can- non Beach, OR 1-877-436-3866 Tying the knot: The Stephanie Inn of fers a plethora of romantic packages that can be tacked on for an additional cost. Rooms begin at $349 per night, and packages can be DV VLPSOH DV WKH %HDFK %RQ¿UH IRU DQ H[WUD ²ZKLFKLQFOXGHV¿UHZRRGD¿UHEXWOHU ZKRZLOOEXLOG\RXU¿UHDQGDOOWKHQHFHVVDU\ ¿[LQJIRUV¶PRUHV²DQGJHWDVHODERUDWHDV the Elopement Package for a cool $3,500, which gets you a bottle of wine or cham pagne, a cake, photographer and wedding RI¿FLDWHSOXVRWKHUDPHQLWLHV'RQ¶WIRUJHWWR PDNHUHVHUYDWLRQVLQWKH'LQLQJ5RRPZKLFK ZLOOEHVHUYLQJDVSHFLDOSUL[¿[HPHQX6DWXU GD\QLJKWIHDWXULQJD'XQJHQHVVFUDEELVTXH blood orange and champagne sorbet and cha teaubriand for $99 per person not including drinks or gratuity. 63DFL¿F6W&DQQRQ Beach, OR 503-436-2221 SEASIDE Photo by Erick Bengel Bob Neroni and Lenore Emory are the co-owners of EVOO Cannon Beach Cooking School. 4 | February 12, 2015 | coastweekend.com Cruisin’ the Gut: Broadway in downtown 6HDVLGH RIIHUV SOHQW\ RI ¿QH GLQLQJ RSWLRQV including Finn’s, the Twisted Fish and Nor- ma’s Seafood and Steak, which offers a free dessert with the purchase of a dinner on 9DOHQWLQH¶V'D\2Q%URDGZD\\RXZLOO¿QG plenty of sweets for your sweet, like at The Buzz on Broadway, and, of course, arcade games and beach access should the weather permit a seaside stroll. Stay Inn for the night: Weekend rates start at $149 this time of year at Seaside Oceanfront Inn DQG LWV LQKRXVH Maggie’s on the PromZLOOEHRIIHULQJDSUL[¿[HPHQX GXULQJ 6DWXUGD\ GLQQHU VHUYLFH IRU SHU person (not including drinks or gratuity) plus WKH UHJXODU IXOO PHQX ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH7KH 6HDVLGH2FHDQIURQW,QQZLOOSXWWRJHWKHUFXV tom romantic packages to suit your whims. Photo by Alex Pajunas Buoy Beer Co., located on the west end of downtown Astoria, sports a stunning river view and serves up tasty grub and drinks. -XVWDVNZKHQPDNLQJ\RXUUHVHUYDWLRQ 581 S. Prom, Seaside OR 503-738-6403 ASTORIA Take me to the river: ,I Fort George Brewery’s )HVWLYDO RI 'DUNV$UWV LVQ¶W \RXU VFHQHRULILWLVVHHSDJHWKH$VWRULD5LY HUZDON RIIHUV SOHQW\ RI &ROXPELDDGMDFHQW dining options from the Bridgewater Bistro and Buoy Beer on the west end to Baked Alaska downtown. Most places will be of IHULQJDVSHFLDOPHQX6DWXUGD\HYHQLQJDQG with so much going on in town this weekend, UHVHUYDWLRQVDUHDPXVW Galleries galore: 9DOHQWLQH¶V 'D\ FRLQ cides this year with the Second Saturday Art WalkLQGRZQWRZQ$VWRULD%XVLQHVVHVZLOO be open late and there will be plenty of art to see starting at 5 p.m. Check out page 10 for VSHFL¿FRIIHULQJVDWHDFKJDOOHU\ Dinner in a movie: The North Coast Food :HE¶V :LQWHU )RRG )LOP )HVWLYDO FRQWLQXHV at the Columbian Theater with a showing RI ³&KRFRODW´ 6DWXUGD\ )HE VWDUWLQJ DW SP$GPLVVLRQLVE\GRQDWLRQDQGPRY LHWKHPHGVPDOOELWHVE\0HULDQQH0\HUVDQG 1&):¶V$FFLGHQWDO&DWHULQJWHDPZLOOEHIRU sale as well as drinks. 1102 Marine Drive As- toria, OR 503-325-3516 LONG BEACH PENINSULA Love In: Up at the Sou’wester Lodge, LQ 6HDYLHZ :DVKLQJWRQ FRPH ³&HOHEUDWH /RYH ZLWK /DUU\