FEATURES 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015 Manipulative girl causes tension Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie:0\¿DQFHDQG,KDYH EHHQ WRJHWKHU IRU WKUHH \HDUV ³-XV- WLQ´ VKDUHV FXVWRG\ RI KLV \HDUROG GDXJKWHU³&KULVVLH´ 7KH SUREOHP LV &KULVVLH ZLOO QRW VOHHSLQKHURZQEHG8QWLOUHFHQWO\VKH XVHGWRVOHHSRQWKHÀRRULQRXUURRP EXW WZR PRQWKV DJR -XVWLQ VWDUWHG VOHHSLQJLQKHUEHG,FRXOGQ¶WWDNHLWVR ,ZHQWEDFNWROLYHDWP\SODFH1RZ WKDW , DP QR ORQJHU LQ -XVWLQ¶V KRXVH &KULVVLHVOHHSVZLWKKLPLQKLVEHG7KLV ERWKHUVPH -XVWLQDQGKLVH[ZLIHWULHGVHQGLQJ &KULVVLHIRUWKHUDS\EXWVKHWROGWKHP LWZDVQ¶WZRUNLQJVRWKH\VWRSSHG:H KDYHGLVFXVVHGWKLVEXWKHFRQWLQXHVWR DOORZKHULQKLVEHG+HGRHVQ¶WEHOLHYH WKHUHLVDQ\WKLQJZURQJZLWKLWDQGDOVR VD\VKHGRHVQ¶WNQRZZKDWHOVHWRGR &KULVVLHLVTXLWHPDQLSXODWLYHFRQQLY- LQJDQGVO\(YHQKHUKXJVDUHIDNH6KH LVREYLRXVO\FRPSHWLQJZLWKPHIRUKHU IDWKHU¶VDWWHQWLRQ , IHHO JXLOW\ QRW OLNLQJ WKLV JLUO , XQGHUVWDQGWKDWGLYRUFHLVKDUGRQFKLO- GUHQEXWWKLVLVULGLFXORXV²Soon-To- Be Stepmom Dear Soon:&KULVVLHPD\EHPDQLS- XODWLQJKHUSDUHQWVRXWRILQVHFXULW\DQG EHFDXVHVKHFDQJHWDZD\ZLWKLW%XW KHUSDUHQWVDUHWKHUHDOSUREOHP7KH\ DUH DOORZLQJ &KULVVLH WR FRQWURO WKH IDPLO\G\QDPLF7KLVLVWHUULEO\XQIDLU WR HYHU\RQH EXW HVSHFLDOO\ WR &KULV- Annie’s Mailbox Creators Syndicate Inc. Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar VLH 6KH GHVSHUDWHO\ QHHGV KHU SDUHQWV WREHLQFKDUJHDQGLQVWHDGWKH\KDYH JLYHQKHUWKHUHLQV$OORIWKHPVKRXOG EHLQIDPLO\FRXQVHOLQJWRJHWKHUVRWKDW &KULVVLH FDQQRW FODLP LW¶V ³QRW ZRUN- LQJ´DQGVRWKDW-XVWLQDQGKLVH[XQGHU- VWDQGKRZPXFKHIIRUWDQGFRQVLVWHQF\ DUHUHTXLUHGIRUWKHLUGDXJKWHU¶VVDNH,I \RXLQWHQGWRPDUU\-XVWLQLQVLVWRQWKLV Dear Annie:,UHDG\RXUDQVZHUWR ³*UDQGPD7R%H´ UHJDUGLQJ D EDE\ VKRZHUIRUDFKLOGERUQRIDVXUURJDWH :K\GLG\RXVD\³2IFRXUVHLWLVEHW- WHULIWKHVKRZHULVJLYHQE\IULHQGVDQG QRWLPPHGLDWHIDPLO\´",WKRXJKWEDE\ VKRZHUVZHUHVXSSRVHGWREHJLYHQE\ WKHDXQWV+DVWKLVFKDQJHG" $OVR ZKDW DERXW ³VSULQNOHV´ ² WKRVH EDE\ VKRZHUV IRU VHFRQG DQG WKLUGNLGV"7KLVLVDYHU\VRUHVXEMHFW IRUWKRVHRIXVZKRKDYHEHHQRQWKH UHFHLYLQJHQGRIWKHLQYLWDWLRQV8QOHVV WKHUHDUHVHYHUDO\HDUVEHWZHHQEDELHV RUWKHQHZEDE\LVIURPDGLIIHUHQWPDU- ULDJHLWLVDVNLQJWRRPXFKRIIULHQGV DQGIDPLO\ 7RGD\¶VJHQHUDWLRQWKLQNVQRWKLQJRI DVNLQJSHRSOHWRGLVKRXWPRQH\RYHU DQGRYHU:KDWDJUHHG\ZRUOGZHKDYH EHFRPH²Also a Grandma-To-Be Dear Also: %DE\ VKRZHUV DOVR EULGDOVKRZHUVJHQHUDOO\VKRXOGQRWEH JLYHQ E\ LPPHGLDWH IDPLO\ PHPEHUV EHFDXVH WKH\ WRR EHQH¿W IURP RWK- HUVJLYLQJJLIWV+RVWLQJLWWKHQVHHPV VHOIVHUYLQJ 7KHUH DUH H[FHSWLRQV WR WKLVUXOH$XQWVFRXVLQVVLVWHUVLQODZ HWFKRZHYHUDUHQRWLPPHGLDWHIDPLO\ DQGRIFRXUVHFDQKRVWVKRZHUV ³6SULQNOHV´DUH¿QHLIWKHUHLVDELJ DJH JDS DQG WKH QHZ EDE\ KDV IHZHU KDQGPHGRZQV RU LI WKH FRXSOH KDV PRYHG WR D QHZ FLW\ 2WKHUZLVH WKH\ DUH 2. RQO\ IRU FORVH IDPLO\ DQG H[- WUHPHO\FORVHIULHQGVRUIRUWKRVHZKR GLGQ¶WDWWHQGDSUHYLRXVVKRZHU$V\RX VDLGLWLVXQNLQGWRNHHSEXUGHQLQJWKH VDPHSHRSOHZLWKJLIWJLYLQJRYHUDQG RYHU Dear Annie:,QP\\HDUVRIOLY- LQJ LQ 1HZ 2UOHDQV ,¶YH EHHQ FDOOHG KRQH\ VZHHWLH VXJDU DQG EDE\ E\ FOHUNV DQG ZDLWUHVVHV DOZD\V ZLWK D KHOSIXO DLU RI DSSUHFLDWLRQ DQG QHYHU LQDFRQGHVFHQGLQJZD\0D\EHLW¶VD VRXWKHUQWKLQJEXW,OLNHLW:K\ZRXOG ,EHUXGHWRVRPHRQHZKRLVIRFXVHGRQ KHOSLQJ PH" , KRSH WKDW FKDUP QHYHU JRHVDZD\²Happy in NOLA FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll be- come an expert at expressing the love in your heart so others can really feel it. As a result, your relationships will be uplifting, surprising and fulfilling TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your pas- sion will be renewed. Those who resisted your efforts in the past will have reason to agree with you and even sponsor your future efforts. Thanks to you, a family member will soon reach an important milestone. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you try cramming activities into a short span of time, you won’t enjoy any of it. Do less, to leave room for exploration. Give yourself time to complete things at a leisurely pace. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You were given a gift you didn’t want. It was weird. But now you are open to a different di- rection. You feel free to change and grow. Trade it in for something new. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). In order for you to have the thing you desire, you must first convince others that they will profit, too. If you can make them believe this (and hopefully it is the truth) they will badly want the same results you do. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Attention is like water, always moving and flowing and easily susceptible to influence. You’ll like the powerful feeling you get when you walk into a room and control the way at- tention changes it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A lot of peo- ple like the thing that you don’t. So? It’s not a problem unless you make it a problem. Dig deep. Is this enough of an issue to make a stink over? Probably not. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You are 100-percent accountable for the things you do. Someone will remind you — may- be a dog — and that being is as important as anybody. Anyway, you will recognize the significance of a witness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your financial picture is looking up, and you’ll have some new choices about what to do with your money. The afternoon brings the fulfillment of a promise. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The experience of being your friend is spe- cial. That’s why there are so many peo- ple around you trying to get closer. You don’t give your attention indiscriminately, though. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You don’t live to work; you work to live. That’s why you have to say “no” to someone’s profes- sional request of you. It’s simply going to be more trouble than it’s worth. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Many stressed people cope by shopping, but that usually only makes for more stress, as owning things (and paying too much for them!) comes with its own set of problems. You’ll find a better way to soothe yourself. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 11). You give others the support and space they need to be themselves, and for this they will be truly grateful. Money comes easily to you in the next six weeks — all you have to do is ask. April ends a conflict and begins a new professional chapter. Health improvements in May add to your overall mood and appeal. Aquarius and Aries people adore you. Your lucky num- bers are: 40, 2, 14, 39 and 45.