4C THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 PARTING SHOTS A weekly snapshot from The Daily Astorian and Chinook Observer photographers A swarm of sandpipers fly along the beach at Fort Stevens State Park in Hammond Jan 8. JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian The gift of books Beliefs By DAVID ROBINSON For The Daily Astorian I love books and reading. Though many changes have come in the way we read, with half of American adults owning a tablet or an e-reader, according to the Pew Research Center, “What hasn’t changed is Americans’ love for books. American adults still read about as much as ever.” In a world struggling with illiteracy and limited educa- tional opportunities, I was delighted to see the 2014 No- bel Peace prize awarded to Malala Yousafzai for her bold commitment to books and ed- ucation for all children. INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM LOCAL CLERGY I contemplate God’s presence within the passage. David Robinson My favorite daily reading comes from the library of the Bible, God’s love letter to humanity. I enjoy the ancient spiritual practice of lectio divina, or “sacred reading” from the Bible, leaving be- hind the ordinary demands of life, and moving into a slow- er rhythm of life. In my daily sacred reading, I enjoy com- bining four ancient spiritual practices, including reading, UHÀHFWLQJ UHVSRQGLQJ DQG resting. First, I slowly read a short passage of the Bible, often from the Psalms, seeking to understand the meaning of WKHSDVVDJH6HFRQG,UHÀHFW upon what I’ve read, taking time to meditate with my heart upon intent of the pas- sage for my life, often writ- ing these insights in a jour- nal. Third, I respond to God in prayer, including giving thanks for what I’m learn- ing. Finally, I contemplate God’s presence within the passage, moving past words and ideas, to rest and relax in God’s presence where my life once again is renewed and re- freshed. David Robinson, pastor of Cannon Beach Community Church, is author of numerous books on spirituality, includ- ing Ancient Paths: Discov- er Christian Formation the Benedictine Way (Paraclete, 2010) and The Busy Family’s Guide to Spirituality: Practi- cal Lessons for Modern Liv- ing from the Monastic Tradi- tion (Crossroad Publishing, 2009). Craft brewers have answer to Budweiser Super Bowl ad with Hopstories’ message. “It’s not brewed to be slammed,” says the text. “It’s Budweiser’s new “Brewed brewed to taste good.” the Hard Way” commercial The video also pokes fun left a bad taste in the mouths at Budweiser’s one and only of craft brewers and beer “golden suds,” saying, “We drinkers, prompting outrage will savor our hundreds of and snarky comments on so- styles. You keep pushing your cial media as well as next day one.” WKLQN SLHFHV %XW RQH 3DFL¿F “They’ve been scooping Northwest-based videography up craft breweries and basical- company, Hopstories, saw the ly backing their own brands opportunity to say what craft that they just picked up,” said beer is really all about. Faulkner. “I imagine (the brew- “We wanted to put Bud- eries are) furious, absolutely weiser back in their place,” said furious.” Hopstories executive produc- Budweiser’s parent compa- er Yancy Faulkner. “Don’t go ny, Anheuser-Busch, recently making fun of our friends in the purchased Bend-based 10 Bar- industry.” rel Brewing and Seattle’s own The spoof shows craft brew- Elysian Brewing. ers in the trenches and craft The video took about six beer drinkers in place of the hours to edit from various Super Bowl commercial’s cuts shoots over the past two years of Budweiser’s “macro beer” and post to YouTube. In less operation and party scene. than 24 hours, it’s already been Borrowing Budweiser’s viewed more than 36,000 times. style, text cuts over the images http://bit.ly/1yCVhTN By LIZZY DUFFY Oregon Public Broadcasting Hopstories’ video on YouTube Craft beer spoof of Budweiser commercial. W hile other n ew spa pers give you less, The D a ily Astoria n GIVES YOU M ORE O u r n ew C APITAL B UREAU covers the sta te for you From left: Peter W on g, H illa ry Borru d , M a teu sz Perk ow sk i