10A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 CERT:,QVWUXFWRUVKRSHWRKDYHQHDUO\WHHQPHPEHUVE\-XQH Continued from Page 1A University of Oregon, to ap- ply for a RARE intern for her WHHQ&(57HIIRUW1LFN6XQG a RARE volunteer stationed LQ %URZQ¶V RI¿FH VWDUWHG DV emergency services coordina- tor in October. Teaching CERT Goldsmith and Sund WRRN WUDLQLQJ WR EHFRPLQJ certified CERT instructors. 7KH\ UHFHQWO\ VWDUWHG WDNLQJ groups of eight to 12 stu- dents at Astoria, Warrenton and Seaside high schools through lessons in extin- guishing small fires, light search and rescue, assisting LQMXUHG SHRSOH WULDJH KHOS- ing emergency responders, identifying hazards, reduc- ing fire hazards and helping reduce survivor stress. On Thursday, Sund and Goldsmith taught students at :+6 KRZ WR H[WULFDWH SHR- ple pinned under heavy ob- MHFWVXVLQJOHYHUDJHFDUU\LQJ WHFKQLTXHV DQG KRZ WR EXLOG stretchers for victims using classroom supplies and furni- ture. ³)LUVW UHVSRQGHUV WKH\ get there after a little bit, EXWZH¶UHMXVWQRUPDOSHRSOH ZKRKDSSHQWREHWKHUHDWWKH WLPHLWKDSSHQV´VDLGVRSK- RPRUH 1DWKDQ 5XVFKHLQVN\ ³:H¶UHMXVWWU\LQJWRKHOSDV PXFK DV ZH FDQ XQWLO WKH\ JHWWKHUH´ First comes gathering in- formation about the dangers receive their CERT training certificates. ³7KH\¶UH D JUHDW UHVRXUFH IRU WKHLU KLJK VFKRRO´ VDLG Sund, adding that in Lincoln County, teen CERT members are fully integrated into the school district’s emergency SODQ³,WZRXOGEHJUHDWWRVHH schools plan for their use in an HPHUJHQF\´ :+63ULQFLSDO5RG+H\HQ DJUHHG%XWZKHWKHULW¶V&(57 training or any other program, KH VDLG LW FRPHV GRZQ WR VWDI¿QJ 2WKHU VFKRROV KH DGGHGZHDYHWKH&(57WUDLQ- ing into the curriculum of an H[LVWLQJWHDFKHUDOVRFHUWL¿HG to train. ³8QIRUWXQDWHO\ , GRQ¶W have anybody on my 15-man team here at the high school ZKRFDQSXOOLWRII´VDLG+H\- en. $+63ULQFLSDO/\QQ-DFN- son said he could see CERT training integrated into a sci- ence course, adding that for QRZ VFKRROV DUH MXVW VHHLQJ JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian KRZWKHWUDLQLQJJRHV CERT instructors Jeremy Goldsmith, left, and Nick Sund, right, demonstrate a chair lift during the Community Emergency $WWKLVSRLQWVDLG%URZQ Response Team certification class at Warrenton High School Thursday. Sabrina Whitaker, a senior, acted as the person in need. WKHJRDOLVWRVKRZORFDOKLJK schools the value in CERT Next steps WUDLQLQJ ,Q 'DOODV 2UH in your surroundings, said to become a nurse. And that QLTXHSXOOWKHSLQDLPDWWKH Sund and Goldsmith School District, she said, teen :+6 MXQLRU 6DEULQD:KLWDN- VRUWRISUDJPDWLVPZDVQ¶WH[- EDVHRIWKH¿UHVTXHH]HDQG hope to have nearly 30 &(57 WHDPV DUH WDVNHG ZLWK er, mentioning the beams over clusive to her. VSUD\ her head in the aging cafeteria Half of Astoria’s CERT ³,W JLYHV KHOSIXO EDFN- teen CERT members be- UHVWRFNLQJ ¿UVW DLG NLWV DQG VKH¶V EHHQ WROG FRXOG OLNHO\ WUDLQHHV DUH DOVR ¿UH¿JKWHU JURXQG´VDLGVHQLRU%UDQGRQ WZHHQ $VWRULD :DUUHQWRQ LQ 3RON &RXQW\ WKH\ ZRUN IDOO GRZQ LQ D PDMRU HDUWK- WUDLQHHV ZLWK WKH /HZLV DQG +DOORIWKHWUDLQLQJZKLFKLQ- and Seaside certified by the alongside their adult counter- TXDNH &ODUN 5XUDO )LUH 3URWHFWLRQ cluded the demonstration and end of May, training Knap- parts. ³,WFRXOGORRNDORWRIGLI- While the training teaches District. On Tuesday, they a lecture on different types of pa team CERT members KHU VHOIUHOLDQFH DQG KRZ WR OHDUQHGIURP$VWRULD¿UH¿JKW- ¿UHV$QGLWKHOSVKLVUHVXPH in the spring. They’ll send IHUHQWZD\V´VKHVDLG³$WWKH KHOS RWKHUV VDLG :KLWDNHU LW HUV KRZ WR SURSHUO\ KDQGOH D added Hall, as he tries to be- each group through a final end of the day, they’ll have 10 ZLOODOVRKHOSDVVKHVWXGLHVDW ¿UH H[WLQJXLVKHU DQG SXW RXW FRPH D ¿UH¿JKWHU DIWHU KLJK exam and a disaster simu- WR PRUH SHRSOH ZKR FDQ lation before a ceremony to KHOSZKHQDFULVLVVWULNHV´ Clatsop Community College ÀDPHV XVLQJ 3$66 WHFK- school. JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian Owain Gossett, center, leads a group of students as they lift Marcus Giles using a blanket as part of the Community Emergency Response Team certification class at Warren- ton High School Thursday. Students prepare to use a blanket to lift Marcus Giles, a soph- omore, as part of the Community Emergency Response Team certification class at Warrenton High School Thursday. Carter Tucker, a freshman at Astoria High School extin- guishes a fire during a CERT class at Astoria High School Tuesday. Gardner:µ,¶PMXVWGRLQJZKDW ,¶PVXSSRVHGWREHGRLQJ¶ GRLQJ ZKDW ,¶P VXSSRVHG WR EH GRLQJ WR KHOS ZLWKLQ WKH Marine Resource Committee community, to help honor my and the executive board of ancestors, to help honor the American Rivers, a national Creator. ... There are so many conservation group. of the youths here, that all At a ceremony conduct- they need is for one person to ed in his honor by Native believe in them and that’s all American students at Naselle LW WDNHV WR WXUQ WKHP DURXQG Youth Camp in November :KLFK WDNHV VR OLWWOH RI RXU *DUGQHUVDLG³,¶PMXVW time to actually do. But to be Continued from Page 1A DEOHWRORRNEDFNDQGUHDOL]H that you have touched some- RQHLVYHU\KXPEOLQJ´ Wrapping up his tribal council service, Gardner said, ³+D\XPDVLPDQ\WKDQNVIRU \RXUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWDV,WDNH WKLVQH[WMRXUQH\LQP\OLIH´ Funeral arrangements DUH SHQGLQJ DQG ZLOO EH DQ- QRXQFHGZKHQDYDLODEOH Plan: Master plan committee didn’t GLVFXVVKRZSURMHFWZRXOGEH¿QDQFHG Continued from Page 1A But before any construc- tion can begin, at least $3.465 PLOOLRQ ZRXOG EH QHHGHG WR PDNHKLJKZD\LPSURYHPHQWV develop an internal street net- ZRUNEXLOGVWRUPVHZHUDQG ZDWHUV\VWHPVOD\RXWSHGHV- WULDQ SDWKZD\V WKURXJK +D\- VWDFN +HLJKWV DQG EHJLQQLQJ DW WKH :DUUHQ :D\+HPORFN 6WUHHWLQWHUVHFWLRQDQGLQVWDOO ¿EHU RSWLF FDEOH QDWXUDO JDV DQGHOHFWULFDOSRZHU +LJKZD\LPSURYHPHQWVDW an estimated $1.25 million to PLOOLRQ ZRXOG LQFOXGH WZRLQWHUVHFWLRQVDQGWZRWXUQ ODQHV DW WKH VLWH DORQJ ZLWK drainage, lighting and other improvements. A possible pe- GHVWULDQFURVVLQJZLWKDUHIXJH DQG ZDUQLQJ OLJKWV FRXOG DGG another $250,000 to the cost. Barnes said the master plan FRPPLWWHHGLGQ¶WGLVFXVVKRZ WKHSURMHFWZRXOGEH¿QDQFHG ³7KHUHLVQR¿QDQFLQJSODQDW WKLVWLPH´KHVDLG Although some of the high- ZD\UHTXLUHPHQWVDUHEHFDXVH of the potential school on the SURSHUW\ WKHUH ZRXOGQ¶W EH D ³ELJ GLIIHUHQFH´ LQ ZKDW the Oregon Department of 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ ZRXOG UHTXLUH if the school isn’t built there, Barnes said. :KHQ DVNHG LI WKH PDVWHU plan committee discussed a ³3ODQ%´LIWKHVFKRROZDVQ¶W built on the 2.1 acres reserved for it, Barnes said the commit- tee didn’t discuss it. 0D\RU 6DP 6WHLGHO KRZ- HYHUGLGQ¶WWKLQNWKHUHZRXOG EHPXFKFKDQJHLQWKHFRQ¿J- uration of the buildings. ³,IDVFKRROGRHVQ¶WKDSSHQ it doesn’t mean that other facil- LWLHVZRXOGJRLQWRWKDWDUHD´ 6WHLGHOVDLG³,W¶VDVFKHPDWLF LWFDQHDVLO\EHFKDQJHG´ Birds:$QLPDODGYRFDWHVZRUU\DERXW SHWVSXVKIRUUHVSRQVLEOHXVHRI¿UHZRUNV the committee also moved +RXVH %LOO ZKLFK ZRXOG Representatives of the Ore- authorize penalties of up to $100 gon Farm Bureau, the Humane IRU YHWHULQDULDQV ZKR FRPPLW Society of the United States and PLQRU LQIUDFWLRQV WR WKH ÀRRU the Oregon Humane Society all ZLWKD³GRSDVV´UHFRPPHQGD- urged committee members to tion. support the legislation, though 7KH ¿QHV ZRXOG EH WKH they mentioned some concerns. HTXLYDOHQW RI D ³WUDI¿F WLFNHW´ Animal advocates said that for minor violations, such as ¿UHZRUNVPXVWEHXVHGUHVSRQ- failing to notify regulators of sibly because they can frighten DQ DGGUHVV FKDQJH WKDW ZRXOG SHWV ZKLOH WKH 2UHJRQ )DUP QRW UHÀHFW QHJDWLYHO\ RQ D YHW- Bureau noted there are only erinarian’s disciplinary record, WZRZKROHVDOH¿UHZRUNVGHDOHUV VDLG /RUL 0DNLQHQ GLUHFWRU RI ZKRFDQVHOOWRIDUPHUVDQGRWK- the Oregon Veterinary Medical HUSURSHUW\RZQHUVLQWKHVWDWH Examining Board. During the Feb. 3 hearing, The committee held a hear- Continued from Page 1A ing on another bill — House %LOO²WKDWZRXOGUHTXLUH the registration and regulation of veterinary facilities to ensure they meet state standards. Currently, state regulators only have authority over vet- HULQDULDQV QRW IDFLOLWLHV ZKLFK could create problems if sub- VWDQGDUGFRQGLWLRQVZHUHIRXQG DW D FOLQLF RZQHG E\ D FRUSR- ration or nonveterinarian, said 0DNLQHQ +RZHYHU WKH FRPPLWWHH held off on referring the bill to WKH+RXVHÀRRUSHQGLQJIXUWKHU discussion and possible amend- ments. Join us! FREE! Fun for the whole family! Community Health Fair February 14, 9am-2pm Clatsop County Fairgrounds 92937 Walluski Loop, Astoria, OR Join the CMH/OHSU Cardiology Clinic on Valentine’s Day for a fun and informative, heart-friendly Community Health Fair. < Get basic health screenings. < Get advice from experts on heart health, medication interactions, orthopedic surgery and more. < Learn about local health & fitness programs. < Talk with local medical specialists. < Test your strength and balance. < Win prizes hourly! Fun for the whole family!! &YDIBOHF4USFFU"TUPSJB0SFHPOt XXXDPMVNCJBNFNPSJBMPSHt"1MBOFUSFF%FTJHOBUFE)PTQJUBM