NORTH COAST THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015 3A Astoria Flying Club taking off By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian MORE INFORMATION The environment is beautiful, space is abundant and there are SODQHVWRÀ\DQGDLUSODQHPHFKDQLF Dave West and other aviators won- der why more people aren’t taking advantage of the Astoria Regional Airport. They and other aviators in the area are in the beginning stages of starting the Astoria Flying Club, ZKLFKKROGVLWV¿UVWPHHWLQJDP 6DWXUGD\ LQ WKH FRQIHUHQFH URRP DW Lum’s Auto Center, located at 1605 6((QVLJQ/DQHLQ:DUUHQWRQ The club, which is forming as D QRQSUR¿W SURPLVHV WR SURYLGH D SODFH IRU OHDUQLQJ KRZ WR À\ DQG renting planes. West sees interest IURP86&RDVW*XDUGVPHQIRUPHU aviators looking to get back in the cockpit, “You get interested in it. You start bringing other people in, you know; it starts snowballing into a bigger thing,” said West, part of a local aviation community of 25 to 30 and owner of West Aviation, his airplane mechanic business. “We’re trying to promote the airport. We want more activity going on out here. It’s a great airport.” $OOHQ 6SUDJXH WKH SULPDU\ ÀLJKW LQVWUXFWRU LQ WKH JURXS DQG owner of Aviation Adventures, said the initial meeting of the club is to If interested in the Astoria Flying Club, call 503-298- 7284, email AstoriaFlying- or visit the club’s Facebook page. 6SUDJXH ³,Q D ÀLJKW VFKRRO \RX¶UH going to pay probably close to $200 an hour for that Cardinal. In the club, you’re probably going to be closer to $100 an hour. The same airplane, with the fuel and oil and everything else included, half the price.” Pilots can rent out planes for mul- WLSOHGD\VVDLG6SUDJXHSD\LQJWZR to-four hours a day minimum 6SUDJXH VDLG FOXE UDWHV IRU LQ- struction will also be $30 to $35 an hour, half as much as what West said schools in Hillsboro can charge. One of the biggest costs for the club is insurance on all three planes, EDWARD STRATTON — The Daily Astorian costing $8,000 to $9,000 a year, with Airplane mechanic and pilot Dave West pulls out a Cessna 177 Cardinal, one of the planes the Astoria Fly- the Cessna 172 and the Tomahawk ing Club hopes to rent out to pilots. as the primary instructional planes. “My airplane’s the one that gauge interest and determine how joining might be more per person hawk, a Cessna 177 Cardinal and a FUDVKHG LQ *HDUKDUW´ VDLG 6SUDJXH Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk, with who’s rented Cessna was crashed much membership fees and club after startup. E\ -DVRQ .HWFKHVRQ LQ LQWR D more coming onboard. dues should be. The group needs a Planes available Flight training at Hillsboro Air- house, killing himself and four oth- $20,000 buy-in overall by members 7KRVH ZKR ZDQW WR À\ GRQ¶W port, said West, can cost $130 an HUV³6R,¶YHJRQHWKURXJKWKHZKROH WRVWDUWXSVDLG6SUDJXHZKLFKZLOO be less when more people come to need a plane. There are plenty at hour to rent a plane, and possibly an- scenario of being a plane owner and the meeting. People can still join the WKH DLUSRUW WKDW RZQHUV ZDQW ÀRZQ other $70 each hour for an instructor. having it go down with somebody “Here’s the biggest difference of HOVHÀ\LQJLWDQGNQRZLQJZKDWNLQG club at any point after the meeting, The club has available for loans or DOWKRXJK 6SUDJXH VDLG WKH FRVW RI D ÀLJKWWUDLQLQJ D &HVVQD 6N\- D FOXE YHUVXV D ÀLJKW VFKRRO´ VDLG of coverage you need.” Maritime history course begins Tuesday Knappa auction The Columbia River Maritime Muse- um, 1792 Marine Drive, continues “Past to Present: Columbia River Maritime History,” an eight-week lecture series with guest speakers each week, offered from 10:30 a.m. to noon Tuesdays in February in the Kern Room at the mu- seum. The lectures are free for museum members, $5 fee for nonmembers. The scheduled lectures are as fol- lows: • Feb. 3: “Weather Hazards of the 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW´ SUHVHQWHG E\7\UHH :LOGHRIWKH1DWLRQDO:HDWKHU6HUYLFH • Feb. 10: “Fishing Vessels of the 3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW´SUHVHQWHGE\-DPHV Cole, author and naval architect. • Feb. 17: “Beeswax Wreck Project,” SUHVHQWHG E\ 6FRWW :LOOLDPV SULQFLSDO investigator, Beeswax Wreck Project. • Feb. 24: “Helicopter Pilot for the Columbia River Bar Pilots,” presented E\&DSW%UXFH-RQHV86&RDVW*XDUG (retired). )RULQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW6FRWW7KLHOH education director, at 503-325-2323 or On the Record Theft ‡ $W SP -DQ Warrenton Police cited and UHOHDVHG -LOO 6WRUH\ :DU- renton, for third-degree theft after she attempted to steal a $99.99 dietary supplement IURP&RVWFR6WRUH\ZDVVHHQ by Costco staff placing con- tents of the supplement into KHUSXUVH6KHZDVFRQWDFWHG outside and admitted to tak- ing the supplement without SD\LQJ7KHVXSSOHPHQW6HUR Vital, could not be resold, be- FDXVH6WRUH\RSHQHGWKHSDFN- age. Crash • At 2:16 p.m. Tuesday, 2UHJRQ6WDWH3ROLFHUHVSRQGHG WR D WZRYHKLFOH FUDVK DW 86 Highway 101 and Perkins Lane LQ:DUUHQWRQ$1LVVDQ$OWLPD driven by Tarlok Mann, 53, Longview, Wash., was north- bound on Highway 101 search- ing for a place to turn to change direction southbound. Mann said did not see a Chevrolet C35, driven by Rhan Thomas 6PLWK6HDVLGHDQGWXUQHG into it resulting in the crash. 6PLWK ZDV WUDQVSRUWHG E\ 0HGL[ $PEXODQFH 6HUYLFH WR 3URYLGHQFH6HDVLGH+RVSLWDO Fishing violation ‡$WSP6XQGD\2UH- JRQ6WDWH3ROLFHFLWHGWZRPHQ for angling for steelhead but failing to have 2015 angling licenses or combined harvest cards at the Lewis and Clark 5LYHU¿VKODGGHU Daniel C. Lunsford, 25, Astoria, was cited for no com- bined angling harvest card and DQJOLQJZLWKLQIHHWRI¿VK- ZD\ .HQQHWK -:LOOLDPV Astoria, was cited for no com- bined angling harvest card and illegal possession of non-adi- SRVH¿QFOLSSHGVWHHOKHDG Astoria’s Premier Bed & Bath Store FIN E L IN E N S A N D SO M U C H M O R E ! w w w .in th ebou G IFT R E G IST R IE S O P E N 2 4 / W 7 N O C A N & B OTTL E D R IVE 1 P .M . - 3 P .M . • S UND A Y , F EB . 1 ST P L E A SE , N O E A RL Y D RO P - O FFS . Ca ll (503) 791-6596 to a rra n ge picku p of la rge a m ou n ts. n t y 1 Sponsored by TJ’s Auto Repair 54 99 $ 4 7 99 $ 5 69 $ carton 5 $ 19 /pack /pack 4 9 $ 99 carton O ysters (W illa pa B a y) Stea m er C la m s ⁄ 2 P R IC E D AY 1 4 4 99 $ carton 503-325-2189 B R ID G E L ESSO N S -R - U S Learn as a Beginner o r Improve Your Skills! 9 LESSONS BEGINNING FEB. 3 RD 9:30-11:30 AM TUESDAY MORNINGS Bridge Teachers- Sandra Baker & Ann Gramson $5 PER LESSON: FIRST CLASS FREE! FORMER STUDENTS FREE! Port of Astoria Office Building (end of Portway St.) 10 Pier 1, Suite 209 ACBL Certified Bridge Teachers Sandra 503-738-0782 Ann Marie 503-861-1133 Noon to 4pm, Tues-Sat What ’ s Fresh D AILY BREA K FA ST $1 OFF carton 1124 commercial street,astoria mon-sat 11-5:30pm sun- 12-4pm 1315 SE 19th St., Warrenton • 861- PETS 5-9a m Biscu its & Gra vy Brea k fa st Bu rrito atisan decor for home-garden CLATSOP COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER FREE COFFEE Pay cash on carton, get watch for specials 5 year old Pit Terrier/Lab Blend Though deaf, he hears, speaks, and loves with his whole heart. (needs to be an only dog) 2 $ 9 Ea 9 . home & garden ARTS VOLUN T E E R PICK OF THE WEE K B E 8 0 S . M a i n • W a r r e n t o n o n S T H ot b i n C e e r & P R I C E S D eli l a t s c i g a r e t t e s o Sa n d w ic o h r , Bur r ito e Pizza Slic chased items and antiques are all acceptable. Donations can be picked up by volunteers or dropped RII DW .QDSSD +LJK 6FKRRO ORFDWHG DW 2OG 86 Highway 30. For further in- formation or to request do- nation pick-up, call Tanya Olds-Lempea at 503-741- 0385 or email knappaschools- F F o o r r s s y y t t h h e e a a Th e Ban d Boosters are th e on ly sou rc e of fu n d s to k eep A storia’s sc h ool b an d program s fu n c tion in g, provid in g in stru m en ts, u n iform s, equ ipm en t, m u sic , tran sportation — everyth in g b esid es th e b an d d irec tor’s salary. P lease h elp b y d roppin g off you r em pties or m ak in g a d on ation .  Brownie p C o u Donations for the 18th an- QXDO.QDSSD6FKRROV)RXQGD- tion dinner and auction need to be in by Feb. 6. Volunteers at the event, which raised $70,000 last year for school programs and scholarships, are con- tacting people to see how they might be able to con- tribute. Donations such as gift certificates, cash, pur- in February A storia B a n d B oosters A T A S TOR IA HIGH S C HOOL 1004 Commercial St., Astoria, OR 97103 503-325-4400 donations sought Every Monday! (W illa pa B a y) Petra le Sole (O regon C oa st - Loca l) R a z or C la m s (Sea side - Loca l) D ungeness C ra b C all F or A free IN -H O M E C O N SU LT AT IO N ! Shutters, D rap eries, W ood B lind s, C ellular Shad es, Soft Shad es, Vertical B lind s, Valances, W oven W ood & m ore! 2 5 % SAVE on Select Signature Series Financing Available (Loca l) C h ec k o u t o u r $ H ot D ea l 5 D aily S o u p & Lu n c h S p ec ials Monday - Fri day • Open dai ly at 11am or /can 5 69 $ 4 59 $ /can N O W ACCEPTIN G O REGO N TRAIL CARD /can O reg on C oa st Lincoln C ity 503-7 38-524 2 54 1 -9 9 4 -9 9 54 6-PACK 18-PACK 16oz. cans 16oz. cans 4 1 2 $ 99 $ +dep. 99 +dep. 1 BLOCK OFF BROADWAY • 1 BLOCK FROM BEACH 20 N. COLUMBIA, SEASIDE • 503-738-4331 SW W a shing ton 503-7 38-524 2 *Offer not valid with any other offers. Offer good at time of initial estimate only. Offer good at participating franchises only. Each franchise independently owned and operated. CCB#177717 4 $ 79