THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 FEATURES 5A Guilt arises over ignoring family Tomorrow’s horoscope By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: My father died a year ago. Since then, I have ignored my ex- tended family, but I’m close to my chil- dren and grandchildren. Christmas passed and I never phoned my sick mother, even though I live 15 minutes away. I want to make it right, but can’t just waltz into their lives and say, “Here I am.” My younger sister has been taking care of Mom without a break. I can’t stand to be around my older sister, who KDQGOHV 0RP¶V ¿QDQFHV 6KH LV KDWHIXO and judgmental, and frankly, she scares me. And then there’s my mother. We have a strained relationship. When I was a little girl, my parents would argue and she’d tell my father to leave and take me with him. Only me. My mom always treats my siblings and their children with kid gloves, but my sweet, intelligent kids she treats like lepers. I want my family to be together like we used to be. If you could print this, maybe my mother and sisters would see it and know that I beg their forgiveness. — Lost in Louisville, Ky. Dear Louisville: Here’s what we see: You resent your mother for the favorable treatment she has always shown your sib- lings and their children. You dislike your older sister for her overbearing attitude. You feel guilty about your younger sis- ter, who took on the burden of caring for Mom. And you miss Dad, who was the buffer. Annie’s Mailbox Creators Syndicate Inc. Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Start with your younger sister. Tell her you went into a tailspin when Dad died and you deeply regret abandoning her. Ask what you can do now. Then go see your mother. Phone or email your older sister. You will have to put up with their anger and disappointment, but that will be temporary while you work on forgive- ness. You might also consider counseling to work through some of your family is- sues. Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married more than 30 years, and every year he buys me gifts that don’t require much thought. He gets lovely things for our daughter, son-in-law and even co-workers, and I know he puts a lot of time into the selection. But the gifts he gives me always make me want to cry. Last Christmas, I got a bug suction machine. The year before, it was an orga- nizer for my spice cabinet. In all fairness, he also gives me a generous gift card to one of my favorite stores, but he knows that I don’t get there often and the cards sit in my drawer for months. Plus, it’s not really special to get a gift card from my husband, but I am grateful nonetheless. I dread opening gifts, and my feelings are hurt no matter how much I tell myself it doesn’t matter. To me, it’s not the size of the gifts; it’s whether he was truly think- ing of me. So how can I tell him nicely that he’d be doing me a favor by not get- ting me any more gifts? — Midwest Dear Midwest: Be sure that’s what you want, because if you tell him not to buy you anything, he will stop complete- ly. And has it occurred to you that perhaps his assistant buys the other gifts, but con- siders yours too personal and leaves it for Mr. Clueless? Talk to your husband about this. Teach him how to be more thought- ful. Explain what you mean. Give him concrete suggestions. But that bug suction machine made our day. Dear Annie: “Gotta Dance” says his mom doesn’t support his desire to tap dance. She needs to recognize the bene- ¿WV My 13-year-old son has taken dance lessons (tap, hip-hop and musical the- ater) since kindergarten. It keeps his core muscles in shape when he’s not playing IRRWEDOO DQG KHOSV KLP JDLQ FRQ¿GHQFH around girls, since he is the only boy in the class. I don’t expect it to be his profes- sion, but I hope he continues for as long as he wants. — Proud in Omaha FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your past will inform your future, if you care to look at it very carefully. This day is a fast rush, so that kind of review may seem impossible, but knowing you, you’ll find the time for a moment of reflection. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The more you give the more you want to give; it feels so good. Your generosity will make a differ- ence for those who need it, and it will make an impression on those who could stand to give more. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll meet someone who knows about the subject you are extremely interested in of late. If your questions are met with resistance, assure your subject that your interest is impersonal. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Do you dare head out on a quest? The distances you travel may not be physical miles, but you will arrive at a new place anyhow. You will be a friend to many fellow travelers, though some relationships will emerge as special. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Honor tradition. The simple act of sitting down to a meal with loved ones will be grounding. The regular things about life get you grounded for what promises to be an action-packed weekend. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your nearest will appreciate what you do, because they see how much effort it takes, though they don’t understand the intricacy of it. Next in line are those with similar skills. They really get it. Keep them close now. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll com- pare yourself, to the extent that it helps you maintain a competitive edge. Also, you’ll be funny when it counts, and that’s part of your appeal to your many followers. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You have so much work to do and no clue how you’re going to accomplish it all. Other people — that’s the answer. And when you’re giving instructions, you’ll be simultaneously as- sertive and laid-back. Amazing! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). They like the results, yet they still may have a criticism. That is unacceptable. Let your people know that they can’t have the effort without the person who is doing the work. Don’t let them disrespect you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There’s a physical chasm to be crossed with hu- man ability. Take the chance. The more dif- ficult the risk the more winning power you’ll put into the leap. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Segal’s law suggests that a man with one watch knows what time it is and that a man with two watches is never sure. This is a time to limit your knowledge sources. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). People will say the wrong thing from time to time. Be patient with someone who is socially awkward. And if that someone happens to be you, then afford yourself a measure of grace. FRIDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 23). You love your work and look forward to the in- teractions of each relationship. This makes for a motivated, happy, optimal state of being. There’s a financial bonus in Febru- ary. March comes with travel opportunities. May brings a switch of the career direction, and you’ll be ready for it. Give your heart in July. Aries and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 15, 6, 33, 41 and 28.