The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 16, 1907, Image 3

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"For advertisements in this column the rate
J of 15 cents per line will be charged.
j Mr." Hershner left for Portland
Wednesday evening.
Miss Anna Denman has re
turned from an extended sojourn
in Lincoln county.
Threshing begins in Kings
Valley Wednesday. Art Miller, who
with Mrs. Miller, was in town yes
terday' says the outlook for a good
yield is first rate.
A party that left Tuesday for
Alsea on a camping trip was, Roy
Raber and family, Miss Agnes
Wilson. Miss Ewing and Fred
' The latest song entitled Col
.umbia,. The 111 Fated Steamer,
composed by Mrs, Eda M Spauld-
i ue, are on sale at 10 cents at Mr.
Gerhard's. .
Graham & Wells have been
appointed agents for the Reming-
tan Typewriter ribbons and carbon
paper. They carry a full line ot
ribbons for Remington, Smith Pre
mier' Oliver, Underwood, and I,.
C. Smith machines.
Tne httmgs are oeing pur m
and furniture being bought for the
. barber shop in the basement of the
Johnson bank building, which is to
be occupied by Jack Taylor and
Charley Peterson about September
,il st. w nen tmany completed, u
Win De one oi tne imest snops in
the state outside of Portland, ." -
, A ladies purse : advertised in
Tuesdays ' Times as lost ' has
been restored to the owner, as will
pe seen in another column. In it
was a $2. so srold piece, for .which
the owner, Mrs. Tunison. has
been offered $15. It also contained
ntlipr rv-Mtis inrliirlinff a Kc cold
vv.) O 1PJ O
ipiece, all of which is in the hands
;of the owner.
Cooper arrived
a three weeks
Miss Juliet
Wednesday from
visit at Newport.
-Cal Thrasher returned from
Newport Wednesday, Mrs. Thrash'
er is expected tomorrow. ,
Mrs. J. B. Horner and daughters
left Wednesday for a visit m Port
land. ;
Mrs. Clara B. Waldo, state lec
turer of the granges to be in Cor
vallis, to take part m the grange
demonstration during the All-
Benton School- air. Her accep
tance of an invitation to the pre
sent, was received by Superinten
dent Denman Tuesday,
The marriage of County Treas
urer Buchanan and Mrs. Caroline
Maxfield occurred at the latter's
residence in Jobs addition last even
ing, Rev. C. T. Hurd officiating.
The knot was tied by Rev. C. T.
HuroTin the presence ot a tew im
mediate friends and relatives. Mr-
and Mrs. Maxfield - left today for
Portland for the honeymoon. They
will be at the Maxfield home after
next week.
Albany Democrat: The new
proprietor of the Hotel Revere is
fortunate in having a big family of
grown young men and women, ex
perienced in the business of hotel
keeping. Stanley and Merrill will
officiate as clerks, popular young
men who had several years ex
perience in the Hotel Corvallis,
and there are a couple of daughters.
Arrangements are being made to
open the dining-room as soon as
possible, some first-class help being
secured for the work. -i ji
The telegraphers strike works
a revolution in the metropolitan
mewspaper. It comes without dis
patches, in which it is hke,a race
horse without legs or a short cake
without strawberries. '
Hubby Why didn't you come
to the door and let me in?
Wife I couldn't George. Our
neighbor was talking to somebody
and I was at the phone. ' '.
: Mrs. Wright Initt Mrs. Old-
girl is so strange. When she gets
a gown she likes to wear it until
every one is sick of it, ,
Mrs. JNaugnt sne's mat way
about everything. Why, she has
had the same husband for fifteen
'-There will be preaching next
Sunday morning in the M. E.
church, south by the pastor, Rev.
G. H. Gibbs.
Subject of sermon'God's Call
and Presence." 1
-The beauty of Times adver
tisements is .mat tney are always
fresh and clean. They cost the
advertisers money, and they put
readable ana important matter in
their advertisements. It is a busi
ness proposition between the ad
vertiser and the reader, and the
latter misses it if he does not care
fully scan what the advertisers
have to say.
-The old freighting days, when
teams instead of railroads did trans
portation business were exemplified
TeiyiiL ia.Lt: uv ictiiioau. &
with a -rvmbahlp rharcp of &c
t each end of the route for loadmsr
A remarkable accident, in
which Mrs.. G. A. Waggoner of
this city participated, occurred at
Scio last week. With Mrs. Lura
Irvine, her sister and a third lady,
Mrs. W(aggoner.was passing along
the street in a buggy, when a
heavy team of runaway horses
with wagon attached struck them.
The runaways came from one side,
and one horse passed in front of
their horse, and the other between
the horse and buggy. The pole
of the wagon passed between the
ladies and the back of their buggy
seat. The buggy was crushed in
an unrecognizable mass, with the
ladies in the debris, '. and the en
tangled horses tramping over them.
Some idea of the character of the
accident is gained by the fact that
and unloading, malrme' Sao tne cost the buffe-v- m its everv Dart was so
hi transporting the boat from
. A j
Corval li s .to Yaq uina . It was done
for a much smaller fee by team as
far as Elk City, from where Prof.
Pernot will navigate his vessel to
any part of the Bay to suit his
fancy. On her trial trip on the
Willamette the boat developed a
speed of 10 miles an hour, and
performed very satisfactorily.
Prof. Pernot left yesterday by
train to meet at Elk City, Scott
King who will reach Elk City to
night with the boat. '
badly, smashed that, it cannot be
repaired, and is a total loss. An
other remarkable feature, is that
with the exception of bruises, both
Mrs. Waggoner and ner sister es
caped unhurt. Mrs. Ifoung, ; who
is a sister-in-law of Mrs. A. J
Jonnson ot tms city, and a cousin
of Mrs. Waggoner a finger
broken, and two painful scalp
wounds. .' .
The thing couldn't happen
again in a thousand years, and
not be a tragedy. -
One Benton county teacher
has written Superintendent -Denman
that a wagon load of exhibits
will be brought in from her dis
trict for the , AU-Benton-School--Fair."
With such exhibits from a
remote county, an idea . is to be
gained of the display that will be
on exhibition during the three days
fair'.--' : .''
An examination of teachers
has been in progress at the conrt
house since Wednesday. Twenty
five applicants want county certifi
cates, five are after , state, papers
and five of the papers will
go to other counties. The ex
amining board is Superintendent
Denman, Prof. Tartar of Corvallis
and Prof. O. V. White of the
Philomath college.
Frank Hershner, an old Cor
vallisite has been in town for sev
eral days. He has a live acre
fruit farm on College hill, and his
visit was to make arrangements
for its sale. It is valued at $4,000.
Mrl Hershner is principal of the
Lents school, in Portland. At
that school a dozen teachers- are
All old time Corvallisites who
come back to Corvallis, mark the
great growth of the town, and the
activity about the place.
Their gratification at the im
provements manifest on all sides
is pronounced. New bricks on
Main street, new business establish
ments and new residences
where attract their attention and
elicit their warm praise.
Bartlett pears are expected to
be ready for the market next week,
and thereby hangs a tale. - There
is a good demand for the fruit for
canning purposes, and "that in the
vicinity of Corvallis will be sought.
Albany buyers were in town Tues
day to make arrangementsfor pur
Miss Mina Yates is visiting
her brother at Vancouver.
. Miss Ivy Burton of Independ
ence was a Bay ward passeneer
Wednesday. -
Mrs. P. Avery and Mrs. Fis
cher returned yesterday from a ten
days outing at Cascadia.
Mrs. G. R. Farra is the guest
of her sister Mrs. Graham at Grants
Pass. s
A 22 rifle, and a twelve year
old boy. The lad wanted to go
with a party coon hunting, but
mother demurred. A report on the
porch, the rifle fell from the lifeless
grasp, and the boy lay dead on the
floor, a bullet in his head. The
gun was discharged by accident,
while the boy played with it. It
happened' , at Knox Butte, Linn
county. But the boys will have 22's.
f The king of the chittim coun
try and of Buck Creek. James
Flett, arrived Wednesday for a
brief visit. - He threatens to occupy
his ranch all winter, but his friends
say it is a bluff. ... Miss Lura Flett,
who was ailing when they went to
Buck Creek, is fully recovered,
and expects to return to her posi
tion m the McFadden.Bryson law
emce September 1 st. . ,
Miss Margaret Snell returned
yesterday from a month's visit
with California relatives.
Mrs. O. Healy has
pairing her Third street
with a view of - making
her home.
been re
reisdence Corvallis
For Rent.
Three nicely furnished "rooms, corner
Eighth and Adams, Mis. C. W. Young.
Independent phone 377.
, Seven hundred dollars
the price paid yesterday for a
of Benton ' county mares. They
were the Robert Gellatly team
which took first prize as draft
mares at the late Corvallis live
stock show. They went to A. E.
Pender of Wpodburn. Their com
bined weight was 3,400. One was
six and the other nine years old.
One was three-fourths and the
other seven-eighths Percheron.
With them was sold Home Tele
phone, the colt that won the De
Varney prize at the Corvallis live
stock show. Though only four
months old, it brought $125.
By Mistaking Lead Spray Material for
Common Salt. Corvallis Accident.
chases, and Peter Zierolf was com
missioned to pay $20 a ton for.
number 1 stuff, and $ 1 5 for num
ber 2. . Number 1 means smooth
pears without blemish,- and num
ber 2, means not - so good. The
price means that; first class fruit
will bring a cent a-.pound or . about
60 cents a bushel. .
A valuable cow, and half a dozen
chickens dead, Mrs. Fuller ill and
havoc played generally, ? was the
result of mistaking ' ' lead- arsenate
for common salt at the George Ful
ler home Tuesday. The arsenate
had been used for spraying trees.
every- It is a deadly poison. It resembles
ordinary salt m appearance. Salt
is what Mrs.-Fuller thought it to be,
until six chickens had died from
use of it, and the family cow, which.
had been "salted" with, it.
was in the throes of death. She
tasted the stuff to see if it was not
salt, and from again mistaking it
for saltpatre, held it in her mouth
until she was affected by the poison
Prof i Khisely was appealed to for
an antidote for the cow, and ferric
hydrate was administered, but not
until too late, and the animal died
Mrs. Fuller was not seriously affect
ed, and recovered within a short
time. The horses got some of the
poison, but not enough to be of
Mrs. Etta Lee has returned to
town after a six weeks visit at "the
Currier farm ten miles south of
Corvallis. ' V1
Ed Andrews has returned from
Portland where he went to attend
the funeral of a brotner of Mrs.
Andrews. Mrs. Andrews i3 ex
pected horns tomorrow.
A unique dancing party is to
be given tonight at Taylor's . Hall.
Girls only are eligible and men are
not to be admitted. . - !'
After an extended visit with
her mother Mrs. Shedd, Mrs. Ida
Fortson and children left- Wednes
day for their home in Sacramento.
Mrs. J. H. Harris gave a
card party Thursday evening in
honor of her sister Miss Anna Jones.
Her guests numbered twenty.
Miss Helen Holgate ha3 re
turned from a vacation spent with
her brothers at Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Jennie Condit, youngest
daughter of David Clark, old time
Corvallis merchant, died at Walla
Walla Tuesday.
A phone message this morn
ing announced the death in Port
land yesterday of the -one year old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strong.
Mr. ana Mrs. Strong left tod ay
to attend the funeral.
-Father Corbett of Columbia
University will exchange pulpits
with Father Springer next Sunday
Father Springer has received
news ot his transfer from this city
to the Parish at New Era. He
will assume his new duties about
oeptemoer : st , uorvanis .. tor a
lime will "be attended from Albany.
Eight sacks of O. A. C. cat'
alogues was a shipment out of Cor
vallis by mail the other day. There
were over 5:0 catalogues in the
shipment, and they went out on re
quests from all parts of the state,
indicating a possibility of an ex
celleut attendance when college re
opens. The demand for catalogue s ,
in fact, has been so great, that the
supply is exhansted ana a : brief re
sume of it is being - preparee for
distributions '. ' .
WANTED, Ten extra i ales people for
our big forced clearance sale, beginning
Saturday, August 17th. S. L. KLINE
Real Estate.
I have opened up a real-estate office
on Main street just north of Blacklcdge's
furniture store, and am ready to list both
citv and farm property at a reasonable
commiEsion. Try me and see.
FOR SALE Six head of first-class
young Jersey cows. For particulars in
quire of J. A. Branson at the Corvallis
dairy. Phone 1715.
For Sale.' ..'
Clover hay, baled, in any quantity.
Gus Harding, Corvallis. Independent
phone 2351.
For Sale.
One span of work horsesi. suitable fnr
general farm Work. Will spII chean if
taken at onue. Address, C. A.' Baird,
Junction City, Oregon. 14
For Sale.
Good work horse, also
cow and ca1 full blood.
young Jersey
J. A. Gilkey,
College Hill.
FOR SALE. Ladies wheel, ;ood repair,
cheap. Inquire of Essie Adams.
TEAMS FOR SALE. rTnree got d rail
road teams for sale cheap at ttie Hy
land livery barn.
FOR SALE. 34O acre farm, 200 in cul
tivation: 14O acres fine timber- well
improved; two miles from proposed
Corvallis & Alseft River railroad. $30
per acre. S.L.Henderson, v 7231m
An offer on 10 acres of green
prunes on the trees. -Extra heavy
crop. Orchard one mile from
Nashville. Dryer in orchard. Ad
dress B. Hamar, Nashville. Or. im
The opportunity came, and-
went. A timber claim to be . had
for a little trouble and a few dollars,
but a few months ago. They were
thick all over western and' south
western Benton, as well as elsewhere.
They are going now at figures to
make one dizzy. Five thousand
dollars or more is a common price.
rWe all had the chance. We sat
around like so many Yaquina Bay
oysters in a shell waiting, for-what-the
Lord only knows. Wecouldn't
see as far ahead as a Kansas grass
hopper with the result, that the
other fellows "are raking in. the
thousands. Will somebody kindly
kick a lot of us out of the coucty.
Freshly loaded
at Gun Hodes.
shot gun shells
A full line of fishing tack a 11
base ball goods at Gun Hddes. ...
. Any thing the sportsman
an be had at Gun Hoeds.
BEST BREAD and pas'ry can
obtained at Starr's Bakery, j
PEOPLE desiring shakes, call at 'Bran-'
deberry & Wheeler, Albany Lumber
Yard. A lare-e nhiDment iust receiv
ed. Can fill large or small orders.
1 1 1 IMMIII W I 111 I III If
Months ago, before the great advance in price on all grades of Cotton and Woolen Blankets we made preparations for this Great August Sale by placing heavy orders
with the manufacturers. The present market on both cotton and woolen blankets is much higher than for many years. By placing our order nearly one year ago we can positive
l,save you from 15 to 20 during this sale and we would especially call your attention to the Quality, Size and Finish. The conditions in the cotton market does not poiDt to
aay price drop for months to come and we would suggest you anticipating your future needs right now. '
Every Blanket New, Fresh,- Clean and of This Season' s Manufacture
Specially Priced for This Sale
Cotton Blankets.,
104 Size Cotton Blankets in
White, Tan and Cray, per pr
114 Size Cotton Blankets in
White, Tan and Gray, per pr
114 Size extra heavy fleecy
Blanket White, Tan, Gray per pr
124 Size heavy twill Blankets
all colors per pr
124 Size extra heavy and large
twill, per pr
Woolen Blankets.
104 White and Gray Wool
mixed Blankets, per pr
114 White Wool mixed Blan
kets, per pr
114 Whitq and Gray Wool
Blankets extra heavy, per pr
Full size all Wool White Blankets
weight nearly 6 lbs, per pr
Better Grades to
Cotton Comforters.
Full size comforters covered with t r-A
pretty design silkolene & knotted
Full size good fluffy comforters,
knotted, pure cotton
Fall size extra fine filled with pure
lamenated cotton
Full size sateen covered comforters,
elegant designs, lamen ed down filled