The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 16, 1907, Image 1

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    Vol. XX.-No.
By B. F. Irvine
A Big Lot of Goods
I For August Sale
Ul U Ut IllUllilj M I XsOa
All our departments have some line of goods that
must be closed out this month.
A few Shoes for Misses at 50 cts
A " Ladies at 75 cts
A " pes Dress Goods at a big reduction
Gents and Boys Clothing at a big discount the
balance of this month.
A big lot of Ladies Skirts, "big reduction."
All goods cheaper this month than next Lot of
f new geods in all departments arriving.
Call and See
It Began March 1 Operator Was
Discharged Dominion la in '
Sympathy With Strike
Portland Men Walk
Out For Local v
an an un-
What You See is Worth
Twice What You Read!
;s . .. .... .. .. . . . .. .
j.As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines.
We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes,
which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come be
fore your size is gone.
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, "Wash Goods, retc.
at bottom prices.
Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspectton. Make money by buying our lines, and save
money by getting ourprices.
Henkle & Davis.
t 1; '
you Can Dress in the Best '
or the same amount of money you are now spending by trading
ihe ramous rackard bhoe $4 and $5.
-" The Tiger Hat. $3. ,
A. K. SUSS, Corvall is, Oregon
c uuty exclusive iviens eurnisamg store m Benton county
We have Rods, Lines,
Bait and everything else
necessary for successful
, angling at any season of
the year.
For Hunters
- Just recKgj a large shipment of Guns, Shells, Hunting Coats" and
in fact anything rhe(Hunter needs.
Laoae eHsostment of Working Gloves, Hammocks. Sewing Maehi
nes, Edison and Victor Taking Machines and Records.
JPort'n9 Good Maa- ' Phone 126 Corvall is, Oreg o
Portland, Aug. 14. Portland
Telegram: Two great corporations,
tbe Western Union and Postal Tel-
agraph companies, figuratively
speaking, the puloe of tbe business
world, are today engaged In a bitter
struggle with their thousands of em
nloves throughout tbe United States.
Not since the famous walkout of
tbe telegraphers in 1883, when al
most to a man every operator left
his key, have telegraph companies
been confronted with a condition
of affairs such as exists today,. In
1883 tbe operators lost. TbiB time
the balance appears to be in their
favor. Conditions today are not
what they were 25 years ago. At
the time of the tie-up in I883 the
public did not depend upon tbe tel
egraph to the extent that a complete
demoralization ot business occurr
ed, although much Inconvieace was
was felt in many districts.
In the present crisis the situation
is different. The rapid growth of
the country in the last two decades
has made the telegraph wire neces
sary adjunct to quick dispatch of
communications between every bus
iness firm and individual in the
United States and Cauada. The
telegraph has kept pace with the
spirit of the times and today a net
work of wires ey tends from every
metropolis touching every village
and hamlet from tbe Atlantic to
the Pacific and from the Gulf to
Alaska. The result of a complete
tieup of these wires has. caused al
most a total paralyzation of busi
ness. Stock markets, brokers, grain
exchanges, merchants and the pub
lic in general feel the blow which
suddenly takes them almost back
to the days when stage coaches and
oce train a day were the only
means of conveying communica
Tbe struggle that Is now engag
ing officials end labor unions over
the entire country began Match 1
as', when a ten per cent, advance
in wages was announced by both the
Western Union and Postal Tele
graph Companies. Thi was made
at a time when the Commercial
Telegraphers' Union of America
was making gnat- inroads among
tbe operators securing hundreds of
members with a view of presenting
their griev&ncts to 'he telegraph
companies v
Immediately following the ad
vance March 1 tbe operators alleged
that tbe advance was not impartial
ly given and a demand for further
concessions wes made which result
ed in a strike of Western Union op
erators in Oakland and San Fran
cisco being called by President
Small, ' of, the union, Jane 2I.
Through the intercession of Com.
Neilr, of tbe United States depart-
mi nt of labor, this strike was set
tled several weeks later.
The telegraphers bs-ert the companies-
agreed to re-employ all strik
ing men without discrimination
but tbe companies allege they agreed
to reemploy tbe strikers only on
conditions satisfactory to them
selvep. . ' '
A Western Union operator was
discharged at 1,03 Angelas last week
tbe caute being givm as insubordin
ation. Tbe entire Western Union
force walked out. Soon afterward
the L 6 Angeles Postal forces joined
in the movement.' An effort to com
pel tbe Chicago forces of both com
panies to work with nonunion men
at Los Angeles resulted in the Chi
cago offices striking. Within three
days the strike has extended
throughout the United States and
Canada, even to , the Associated
Press men, who were not to .take
an active part at least not at pres
ent. Telegraphers of Canada will re
fuse to iermit messages to be sent
to .different points in the United
States by dominion wires. All
mestaes sent to Canada points will
be received, whether the eenders be
union or nonunion men, but none
will be stnt out to other points in
the United States except such mer
es ges as have their origin in Do
minion territory. .
This, in substance, was the re
port made to the local branch of
the Commercial Telegraphers' Un
ion this morning at the meeting
held In Drew Hall. 162 Second
street, by William Burke, a strik
ing Western Union operator. He
asserted that the welcome news was
received this morning over the long
distance telephone.
"Discrimination" is the key note
of the forceful plant which the strik
ing t.legrapners of Portland lodge
againBt the Western Union and
Postal Telegraph Companies. They
emphasize in the strongest language
that tbe local strike is not a sytn
pathetic affair and that they have
gone out because they nave
ances of their own;
. Notice to Creditors.
Ia the Matter ot the Eitata
ot I
Wiza Chrisalnger, deceased-)
Notice la hereby fflven to all wtusi Mnm.
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last wUl and testament ot Eliza
Chrisalnger. deceased, by the county court o( the
state ot Oregon, for Benton county. AU persons
naving claims against said estate of Eliza Ohrls
elnger, aie hereby required to present the same,
with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by
law required within six months from the data
hereof, to the undersigned at the law office of E.
E. Wilson, In CorvallLi, in Benton county, Ore
gon. .
Sated this July 36, 1907.
Executrix of the last will and testament of
Ellas Chrisalnger, deceased.
Notice to Creditors
In the Matter of the Estate
true the men will not go back
work if their own disagreements
with their employers are Bettled sat
isfactorily unless an amica
ble adjustment of questions at Issue
is reached by President Small, ef
the National Telegraphers'. Union
and company officials.
John Stahlbusch, deceased.
Notice is herebv riven to all nemnnfi mnnamaA
V nave oriev- ,ua' no unoormgnea nas oeen duly appointed
TTT1.-1 ,fi ' I adminlstiator of the estate of John Stahlbusch,
Wnlle tills IS 1 deceased, by the county court of the state ofOr-
... legonfor Benton countv. All
VJ I claims against said estate of Jo!
persons having
inn Stahlbusch,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified as
by law required, within six months from the date
hereof to the undersigned at his residence on
island three miles south of Gorvllls, In Benton
County, Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wil
son In Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this July 23, 1907.
Administrator ot the Estate of
John Stahlbusch, deceased.
1 Notice to Creditors.
KOTTCE is hereby riven to aU whom ft 1
concern that the undersigned has been duly an-.
pomtea oy me county court oi nenion oamy
State of Oregen, executrix ot the estate of W. O.
Trine, deceased. AU persona having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly vert-.
Bed as by law required, within six months from,
the date hereof to tbe undersigned at the offtoo
ot McFaddea & Bryson, attorneys, in CorvaUia,
said county and state. ; -
uatea at vorvauu, nr., tnis istu aay at. jan
As Executrix ot the estate ot W. O. Trine, da
Portland, Aug. 14. Telegram:
Sampson Moody must cage his tame
pet rattlesnake Gyp, or take it to a
dentist and bave its fangs pulled.
This is the ultimatum that will be
given him this afternoon by Con
stable Lou Wagner, in person, and
in case tbe proud owner refuses to
take either oourse then the consta
ble has instructions to seize the
snake, bring it to town and have it
asphyxiated as a menace to public
safety. - -
For several days complaints have
been pouring in thick and fast to
the constable from neighbors of
Moody'e, on Columbia Slough, con
cerning the doings of the playful
Gyp. Moody, it seems, caught the
young snake two years ago, near
Mt. Adams, when it was hardly
big enouph to shake its rattlee. He
brought it home, fed it on skimmed
milk, and it grew so tame it would
drink out of bis hand. Every night
it coiled itself about the post at the
foot of Moody's bed and . went to
sleep, and on extra cold nights,
Moody took it right in uadet. tbe
covers. Sj the neighbors say.
Naturally, with such treatment,
the snake grew fearfully affection
ate. Neighbors say it roams all
around. Nobody knows when it
won't drop down on the table off
one of the rafters, grab a choice
morsel of meat, and climbed back
agnia, out, not. Knowing tne snKe
as Moody does, it makes them ner
Lately, however, GyD is said to
have become rather morose. Moody
told tbe neighbors that the reptile
is only cutting wisdom teeth, and
iil be all right in a short time,
but they have become so wrought
up over the affair, that they went
to the constable. The neighbors
insist that the reptilt'a teath must
be pulled. '
Found Her Purse.
Editor Times: Mr. Handy found
my purse and returned its contents
all right. Please discontinue . the
notice and much obliged lor the favor.-
J believe in advert'sing. Re
spectfully yours, A. C. Tunison.
Resolutions of Condolence.
I "Whereas, It has pleased the Su
preme Ruler of the Universe to re
move from our midst our late neigh
bor W. O. Trine, and whereas, it is
hdtust that a filling recognition of
his many virtues should be had:
Resolved. By Mary s Peak Camp
No. 126 W. O. W-, of Corvallis t
Benton county, Oregon,-; that while
we bow with humble submission to
tbe will of our Heavenly Father,
we do not the less mourn for our
neighbor who has been taken from
Resolved: That in" the death of
Neighbor Trine this Camp has lost
a faithful member, the family a de
voted companion and loving father,
and the community an upright cit
izen, who was ready to proffer the
bnd of aid and thef voice ot sym
pathy to the needy and distressed.
Resolved: That the heartfelt sym
pathy of this camp be 1 extended to
his family in their affliction.
Resolved, That these resolutions
be spread npon the records ot this
camp and a copy thereof transmit
ted to the bereaved family of ovr
deceased neighbor and a copy to
each of the newspapers of this city.
A. K.' Russ,
b. SHARP, '
A. Gould.
, AaWrustrabrix Sale.
Notice is hereby riven that on Monday, thelotla!
dsy of September, 1907, at the hour of 3 o'clock
In the afternoon of said day, at the front door ot
the court honse in Corvallis, Benton county. Or
egon, I will offer tor sale, and sell in one lot, at
publlo auction, to the highest bidder, for eaaa inu
hand, all ot the following described real proper,
ty, to-wit;
The East one-half of the Northwest quarter ot sect
tion eight, and Lot three, in Section five, in Town
hip eleven South, Range six Weet, Willamette)
meridian, in Benton county, Oregon, containing
03.92 acres.
Said sale is made under and by virtue of an or
der ot sale ot the above described real property
made and entered by the county court of the
state of Oregon tor Benton county, on the lOtb.
day of August, 1907, in the matter of the aetata
of George W. Owen, deceased, a proceeding In.
Dated August 13, 1907. ,
Administratrix ot the estate of George W. Owen,
New Undertaking Firm.-
Chester Henkle & 0. J. Blaekledge have put in
over Blackledges Furiture store a new stock of under
taking goods. Mr. Henkle who has been with J. P.
Fontz & Son. ots Portland, will have charge and we are
prepared to do a general undertaking and embalming"
business. Your work solicited. : .
Willamette Valley Banking Company
Principal Stockholders:
. -
WILKINSON, cashier;
Representing conservative interests this bank solicits your busi
ness and will extend every accommodation consistent with safe
banking. - v )
' . Safety deposit boxes for rent.
1 Principal Correspondents.
The Bank of California
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P.'Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO Natisnal Bank of The Republic.
LONDON, ENG. N. M. Rothschilds & Son.
CANADA Union Bank of Canada.
Call and see our line of tin and enameled ware. The
Flintstone and Turquoise are the highest grades of
enameled ware, and we guarantee euery piece.
Anti Rusting tinware is, another good thing. We
j will replace, free of charge, any piece of this ware
that rusts through. We take pleasure in showing
our goods, o o o o o o o o o o o o