The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 25, 1907, Image 4

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    Mre. Z'U baa arrived and is
the guest ot Mrp. Rov Woodcock.
Mies Mdyenoanhas gone to
Newport for an indefinite visit.
Mr Young of Portland has ar
rived aod is he guest of his gieter,
Mre. A. J. Johnson.
Ray M. Walker spent several
hours in town Monday, er) route
from Eogene to bis home at Inde
pendence.' After a week's v'sit with her
parents, Mrs, L. L. Ponerltft today
for OregonCiy.
Mi-J8 RoeeGriffoz returned Sat
urday to Portland after a two wteR
visit with fneDdB
After a visit with the family of
A. J. Johnson, Mrs. Young Jeives
tomorrow ' for her home in Tjgh
Mre. L. G Almui of SUm,
is a guett at i he J. W. Crawford
The La l!e3 Mit-siocary Tea ol
the Prenbyieiito cdurch occur to
morrow at the home of Mrs. J. F
We desire to pxpreesnurapp'e
ciatiou aod thanks to ib Efer.
Star and r ther friend?, wh ) so kind
ly asi-isted a-i In our Ut bereave
meot. Samuel Keieer and family
' Wool ia still quoted at 20 I S
ia the local market. Many large
lold are being held fcr b'gber fie
VLtie, though a considerable number
ot growers have already sold.
Mis SdoU Entertains t Af-
tertom R ading club n-xtfcT iur
day with a picoic. lne pbitv, com
prising 16 ladies, go in carriages to
sulphur springs tor the day
J. W. Handy, who arrived
from the EaBt three years ago, is to
leave Thursday for Iowa to be at
sut six weeks on a bueinfss trip
He will be accompanied by Mrf
Handy and two daughters.
A wouldn't matry you it yon
wa e tbe only mn in the world!'
"W '1. considering the opportuni
t'ea I sboa i have for selection un
. uer t..ure circumstances, I. quite
agree witb you
Tttejpvitations are out for the
marriage of Richard Harte Kea tinge
of Palo Alto, and - Miss Elizb;tb
Armstrong of, Bjnton county, to be
eolemnized at tbe Episcopal church
of this city July lllh. ...
- C ffee Club members are it
queseito donate flowers for the
decoration of the float to represent
the club on July 4th. The fioweis
can be left at Ihe city ba 1 on the
evening of, July 3!.
The contract for Ihe erection of
a new home for Rev. Monosmitb
has been Itt to Adams brothers. It
will o copy lots on Eighth between
-fauna and Jf-ffereon, and will- be
seix joom cottage and basement.
Fire more O. A. C. boyB are
, tot jo into the General Electric em
ploy at Schenectady. They are
members of this year's class, and
are, Hinrichs. Stebinger, and Mc
?eal who are to leave in a short
time, and I,umm and Graf who are
lo go October let. Two other mem
bers of the class have been giveo
position? with the Westiogbonse, et
Pittsburg, and are Wilzig and Sel
leek, ' A Boston public school teacher
was try ng to give her pupils a de
ftahe idea of a volcano. With red
chalk she drew on the blackboard
flery flames issuing from a mountain-
top. When the drawing was
does, she turned to the class before
Srr, fcni said: "Can any of you
tell me what that looks like?" Oae
boy immediately held up his hand,
and the teacher said: '"Well,' Josy,
Nellie Callahan Smith Her Death Re
sult of Temporary Insanity.'
Details of the death of Nellie
Callahan Smith as, told in the Sac
ramento Union explain to her many
friends that her death was the re
sult of temporary insanity. Her
terrible experiences in the ban
Francisco earthquake, in which she
was alone with her little son, left
her a nervous wreck, in which she
was wont to attach over-importance
to trivial things. Witb her hus
band and lmle son. she lived in a
flat on M street, Sacramentc. Her
husband is a commercial traveler
and at the time of her death was at
EuTeka, C alifornia. ,
Two months before, neighbor
hood gossips had broagbt on a row
and some of the people in the house
charged Mrs. Sinih with spreading
the reports. Mrs. Smith was not
the person as has since developed,
and she smarted much under the
false accusation iShe magnified
the facts in her mind, and so brood
ed over them that she became men
tally unbalanced. The morning of
her death, she appeared on the
back porch of the flat and fired a
revolver off at a mirk, apparently
to test it. A D. Carter, occupying
the second floor flat approached
the rtar door to Mrs., Smith's
apartments and endeavored to rea
son with her, trying to get the re
volver. He was od the porch and
she inside, with a screen door be
tween them. A policeman joined
Carter and they used every power
of persuasion', but she warned them
to approach no closer or she would
shoot them and then shoot herself.
A patrol wagon and additional men
was sent for, and on their arrival,
it was planned to attack tbe bouse
from the front, and overpower Mrs.
Smith, who bv this time was show
ing all symptoms of violent insani
ty. She apparently divined their
purpose, and as they were about to
bieak down the door in front, the
rear door was suddenly slammed
shut, at d a a om?nt later the muffled
rej ort of the revolver told the mel
ancholly story. She was found on
a couch, and died a few minutes
later. The ball entered .the body
just above the heart.' A few mut
tered words, showing that in death
her bitterness toward those who
had unjustly charged here with
spreading ie gossip, was an all
consuming force. ' Since the death
of Mrs. Smith, a neighbor, Mrs. S.
Thomas, has publicly stated that
Mrs. Smith was innocent and that
she, herself, was responsible for the
charges. -
lyittle Robert was at schco' when
the death fell, and is as yet igno
rant of bis mother's fate. He has
not seen her Mnce he left for school
that morning. He is at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Callahan in this city,
where he will .remain indefinitely.
Several notes were left by Mrs,
Smith, all of which give evidence of
mental disturbance, though they
are mostly intelligible. She was
buried at Sacramento. . Relativ s
and her many friends in this city
are deeply moved by her sad fate.
She was one of the most popular
young women that ever lived in
yfV J 9 WO 1
Sale For Spot Cash!
Beginning Saturday Tunc 22nd and
Lasting 7 days until Sat June 29th
Don't miss this great sale. The entire stock of genera
Merchandise of R. J. Moses and Son at Philomath. Oregon,
from $8,000 to 9,ooo is thrown on the market and must
we sold and at great Reducti .n. Every thing that is handled
in a general Merchandise sto;k of goods goes. Dry goods
and notions of all kinds men and boys suits, shirts, under
wear, shoes, boots, hats and caps and many thing 4 too num
erous to mention. Ladies wear, Ready-Made over skirts,under
gkirts, underwear, slippers and shoes, muslins, fabrics of all
kinds, staples. Dry goods, Lawns and Dimities, Collars,
fancy and plain. In fact more things than can be thought of.
20 per cent off.
Hardware, Axes, Saws, Hammers, bits, Nails, Rope, Stove
fronts and backs, Stove pipe, und most everything that is
handled in the hardware line.
20 per cent off.
A complete line of groceries of all kinds for spot cash"
Bring your produce for highest prices.
Wanted for the big sale 10 extra clerks. Apply at once.
Growing Fastest vith Least Fuss
And if you don't believe it, come and see
EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer
chandise, can handle some wheat "
DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon.
It is better to use
than to wish you had.
one in need of a monument or crave
marker of any kind should investigate j
all sizes, and prices from $1.50 up.
Perry Eddy of Hoskins is agent. 6 iotf
V -J ' Say!
Do you know ; John Lenger or
No. 9 meets all in and out going
trains? No! Yes and tie tends to
all your baggage and small parcels
Please call
Res. 251 or Allen's Drug Store.
" National Steel Ranges, " at
Kempin's new store north of
Hotel Corvallis.
"'i .-ii 4.
jou may tell us." "It looks like ! "iV,C1
tell, paa' am," replied Joey, with
start iag promptness.
John Huffaaan of Portlaud, ie
here to begin work on the Kline
bri k, plana for which' have been
described in the Times. Twenty
five feet is to be added on ths north,
making tha frontage j5 feet. Anoth
er etory is to be added to the pres
ent building. The present front
will be changed, providing for bat
a single instead of tbe double en
trance. The second floor front will
be of glass and pressed brick. When
completed, the building will be one
of the handsomest in town. The
whole structure will be utilized by
the Kline establishment, whioh has
long been crowded for space. It is
hoped to have tbe work completed
early in September
LOGUE contains something of
value and interest to everyone
needing harvesting machines. Call
and secure one at Huston's hard
ware Store.
b Coagt j!
Always Keeps Chamberlain1
Remedy in His House;'
" " "Wo would not be without Chamberlain'
Congh Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
nally in our home," says W. W. Keamej
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, M
- That is just what every family should d
When kept at hand ready for instant use,
eold may be checked at the outset and cup
in much less time than after it hasbecor
jsettiea in ine system, xnis remeay is aiso
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
na tliA rhild Wrtmpo or pvpn after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
eale by Graham & Worths uu
SLAB WOOD At the Corvallis
sawmill at $1.50 per load, strictly
cash on delivery.
BEST BREAD and pas'ry can
obtained at Starr's Bakery.
CHOLKhA infantum.
hild Not Expected to Live from One
Hour to Another, bat Cured by
- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Buth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill ol
cholera infantum last summer. . "We trave
her np and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Bemedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on eivinz it and
before she had taken the half of one small
oottle she was well." 1 This remedy is for sale
oy uranam & Wortnam. . '
Call strLd. see tliexaa. at
Are the greatest. and be3t selectors of Tea values. They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and bmell, but by look and touch. W9 pride
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade lines of Teas
and Coffees which we have in stock, and we are sure that,
the most captious critic will approve both. They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way. -
We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, Schillings Tea
PHONE 203.
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
jj writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
g3 and customers speak for themselves.
. ' " - - - :
E. B. Borning
Watch this space for Bargins in
No 60843 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot
tom land, house of 5 rooms, small barn, young orchard, 2 1 -2 miles of
a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is & bargain.
, 598 1 60 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1700. School house on place. ',
383 10 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair bam 1-2
mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $1 700.