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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1907)
1 1 i I U U IU I Vol. XX.-No. CORVALLIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 25. 1907. By B. F. Irvinef A HOWL B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanR Bldg. Hoursi 10 to 12 nd a to . Phona, office 212 Residence 1 SO. Corvallis, Oregon. G. R. FARRA. Physician & Surgeon, Office ap stairs in Burnett Brie! Ues idence on the corner of Madison and Seventh it. Fhone at house and office. ; 4 ; H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surge'oD Office over postoEca. Residence Cor Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & vT- -team's drng store. We Are Now . Prepared to Outfit The Man and The Boy I J. A. WOODS General Auctioneer. A Square Dea and charges right. Corvallis, , Oregon. J. FRED STATES ATTORSt, I -AT-LAW. Zierolf Buildinp:. s Oai receipt of clothing this spring are nobby. 1 " Big assortment. Prices That Defy Competition! Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and the best wearers . Our Line of Medium Priced Shoes Are from the bast factories in the country and all are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an inspection of the above lines. Phone lad. 384. v Dr. Hanford Successor to Bowen Lester Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or. AGAINST THE COUNTY COURT OF BENTON. E. E.WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. SUMMER EXCURSION Special Rates and Train Service Newport for Reason of 1907 via Corvallis & Eastern i Railroad. to Corvallis, Call and XH HARRIS. Oregon Hotels, resorts and attractions at Newport are now" open for the sea son, and indications all point to this famous ' 'Oregon Coast Resort' ' oeing more popular tnis season than ever before. A decided innovation, bound to be a source of great satisfaction to visitors and add greatly to the po pularity of this fast coming only "Oregon Coast Resort," will be the opening on July 3rd of the "Newport Theatre, " for the summer season by a High class Stock Company." made np of some of the best Stock actots on the Coast, to include various members of the well known "Baker Theatre Stock Company ' of Portland. A series of the beet stock plays available will be pro filer d dnriae the season with frequent - change of bill. About Jul v 1st there will be opened to the public one of the largest and best equ ipped Skatintr Rinks in the Northwest, containing 12000 square feet of floor , space. The rink will be open continuous ly dy and evening except daring bath ing hours. , These two attractions will divide hon ors with visitors in filling a long felt want for some place to while away the evenings after the close of outdoor attr actions. This Company, as well as the Southern Pacific Commny and Oregon Riilroad & Navigation Cj.; have now on sale season tickets to Newport from all points in Oron at pretly reduced rates. These tiuk-t- i'n be purehuped dnil and are KiKfct 1.W rtnru until October 101 h, 1907. In addition to keason tickets, this Com pany and Southern PacificComoany have placed on sale at reduced rates popular week-end three day tickets, . good from Saturday to Monday, for the benefit of those who cannot advantaeeousl- use . season tickets, but who desire to maks frequent short interval trips to the "Beach" during the season. This Company will also, commercing Sunday, June 16, provide special "Sun day Excursion" train from Albany to Newport and return , and have on sale one day excursion tickets at reduced rates for this train. Passengers holding season or three .day tickets mentioned, can travel going 01 returning on Sunday Excursion trains. v-. For information relative to rates, train, etc., see tariffs on file at stations for public inspection, or refer to any Agent . of Corvallis and Eastern R. R. Co., Southern Pacific Company, or Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Geo. F. Nevins, General Passenger Agent, :: What You' See is Worth Twice What You Read! As you are now coming to market with the opportunity comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. of We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes, which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Some be fore your size is gone. Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc. at bottom prices. . ' ' '-v ' ' - ' ' Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspectton. Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting our prices. Henkle & Davis. A. K. RUSS ' Sells the Famous Parckard Shoe. Dealer in all Mens Furnishings. Every pair guaranteed. Corvallis, Oregon. l tiamberlain's Salve. - , This salve is intended especially for gore nipples, barns, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases of the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it; 1'or sale by Graham & Wortham. THE CAUSE OF OUR Noise is that we want to draw your attention to the great money-saving propositions we are now making to the public , . Qualities are here, of course-qualities of the best,- but their values are only properly understood when you hear the wonderful low prices. , You can listen to your neighbors talking of their excellent treatment and of the bargains they always get at any season of the year. Anything you need for the 4th you had better buy here. HAMMOCKS AT 10 PER CENT discount for the next ten days . M. M. The Sporting Goods Man. long:s Phone 126, Corvallis, Oregon Bigger Bon Bons Biggest Bon Bons Best Bon Bons 3 By a Citizen of Benton W. D. Prettyman, of Oak Grove, Writes Hb Views to the Albany Herald O.h- er News. Editor Herald: "In last week's H-rald, there ap peared an item" in reference to tbe Corvallis road leadiog to' the steel bridge, and tbe rumor as Btated is the correct solution of the county court's failure to repair the road. Corvallis is opposed to Albany ehariog the trade from that part of tqe country, and has always treat ed ns with contempt when we de sired any improvements. We get no recogption trom the county only what the law compels the court to allow ia tbe matter of bridge re pairs and other small items, and then tbe work is patch work as in tbe case of the case of the Thorhtan Lake bridge after the high water, and tbe result js that the county is threatened with a uii for damegest that mil cost the county more than a new bridge. ; I submitted a writ ten proposition to the county court a ffw years ago, agreeing to make a fill aciots Thornton Lake, twelve feet wide on top of grade and rip rap the sides of fill with stone for $247.00, but no, tbe court next week let a contract for the bridge thbt bad just fallen down, paying therefor $2500.00. I would state that in my offer the county was to furnish the tiling lor the flow of wa ter, Costing probably $20. In a matter of damages to property the court graciously requested the peti tioners to go down in their pockets and pay the email sum 'of $25, as tbe county was so poor she could cot afford to pay it, but after a hard struggle did consent to pay it, but it almoet bankrupted the county. At the same time tbe county was spending $1000 on the road lead ing from Corva'lie to Monroe. . We have ben trying for two years to get tiling for three culverts on the road in this precinct, hut all in vain; no mrney for ns. Conse quently no tillu?. Poor Benton county, I am sorry for yoo are al most bankrupt. There was some new lumber hauled on tbe ground for building the new bridge a few weeks ago and as they used most of the old lumber, tbe snpervieor in formed rxetbat he requested the court to allow him a part of the: lumber for culvers. Oh, yes,- all right, but when he sent a team after it there was no lumber In sight, all hauled away, no lumber for us. Now, Mr: Editor, some may say ttat I am a chronic growler. All right,' Fay what you like, as every resident in this neck oi the woods oppoeite Albany knows that every thing that I have written u the truth, and this state of affairs has existed for the last twenty years to my personal knowledge. We do not expect any change. until we are cut loose from Benton and at tached to Line It is an old saying and true it ie, "A long lare that never turns." The only time that Corvallis recogtsizes us is in tax time. More suoo. ' W. D. PRETTYMAN. Boss Belts Beautiful Beads Bachelor Brushes Busy Bazaar i Big Brigade Baying Bargains 71 Cl . C..1 I Ct. BANKING BY MAIL YOU MAY KEEP AN ACCOUNT WITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON AND YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOWS NOTHING OF IT 4 - INTEREST WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL UNCLE SAM S POST OFFICE MAKES OUR '' BANKING BY MAIL SYSTEM A SUCCESS ' SAVINGS BANK OF THE tEttlc (guarantee & Crust 240-244 Washington Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon For the very good reason that tbe old cat's fur wasn't worth any thing sr late ia the spring be let it live.. Because he didn't like to see the kitten suffer he cllrxbt d np and got it. As it was too far gone to s'and he took it home and nursed it. Next morning the mother cat sat on the stoop Until Mann came out, when she darted up a tree. For several day s she hut e, around and fira'ly got to paying visits to her offspring in the woodshed. Since then she bas been exceeding ly friendly and tbe trapper cays he will be able to pet ber before long. When the kitten ha thoroughly recovered it will be turned noe. At present it is docile, but Minn keeps a few hens and be hasn't un united faith in wildcats. M'Keever, N. Y., June 15. Hor ace Mann, a trapper of this place, has struck up an odd friendship with an old female wildcat, or more properly speaking, the cat has struck up a : close friendship with him. The companionship grew out of a chance acquaintance which seems to show that even a wildcat has a streak of gratitude buried way down in the region next the heart. ' Mann was gathering some traps about a fortnight ago when be was attracted by the snarls of a wildcat at the base oi a tree a little distance in front of him. As the feline dido run tbe trapper rightly - concluded that her young were near.; After a iew momems ne caught sight on one kitten in the top of a small popple sappling where it balanced and mewed because it was afraid to come down. One foot had been lDjurea in a sieei trap and once having climbed the tree it feared to descend. It was ihm and weak and Mann's practiced eye told him that the little animal had been perched in the popple for sev eral days. Wilmington, Del., June I5. -From five to 4O laehes each were publicly administered to nine per sons. : A nine-year-old white boy, Adam Ward, convicted of highway robber?, received the larger cumber. Both whites and blacks were whip ped. . Many of the spectators left after the fin-t whipping. The one that toncbed the hearts of all was tbe child, who was among the first vic tims. After the first fall of the cat-o'-Dine -tails the little managed to slip ooe hand from bis bonds and tried to reach around to save his back. "Please lei me go; I'll be pood," be pleaded. But there waa no cessation. The lash continued to fall till the alloteJ number, had been tolled off. R ABSOLUTELY PURE There is a quality added to the "j cake and biscuit by the Royal Baking Powder which promotes digestion. This peculiarity of " Royal" has been noted by physicians, and they accord inglyendorse and recommend it. -Royal Baking Powder is ussd in ' baking by the best people everywhere ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK.