The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 07, 1907, Image 4

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    Mrs. Jo?eph v H. Wil?on and
little eonB airivtd yesterdhy from j
evad. lhey expect to spend tte
eummer in this cUy.
Mrs. J. A. Harper leives to
morrow fur vitit to her eastern
home and relatives.
Dr. Bennett, of Monroe, and
Dr. Evans, of Eugtn0, are tbs pueete
at, the home of Mr. S ar-- Dr Bl
uett will go 'rom this city East to
etudy surgical and medL-ire
A new directory for tb- Itde
pendent telephone eyatem is about
to ba issntd. It contains l,f 20
nioies. Ii will b ready for dis
tribution about July ist.
Mr. RUndryx of McMinnville
has purchased the Nannie Jackou
residence propettv on Sixth. The
pries? paid was $1 ; o. Jjmes Lew
is made the deal. j
Mrp H. S Pemot and Miss I
B-rtha Davis are entertaining a j
number ofladtesthi afternoon at the ;
j-esidmce tf the formr. The affiir j
is a "shower'' for MhsGra.e Huff;
who is to be married on lb 19 h j
to George von der Hellen, of Jack-:
son C iunty. I
Hei ry Cutnminea. prudent of ;
the Linn aDd Benton R. F. D. Cat- !
ffiei ASPOciatioD, and currier on j
route 3, atid Chauncey L-vee, cr- j
vter on route 1, left today to atti-nd j
'ha "tate meeuog of the aseociation
sq Portland.
Mark -Rit'kard arrived this
morning from P inland in a taurine
ar. purcnasea ior ru own usr. ne
was accompanied by M. M. L irp,
who hha alt-o purchased a run abcut
and which is shoitly to arrive.
The proFpDct8 for a eood prune
crop ato excellent. No damage ,
came in toe Diocming time, ana
conditions since have bi ei favora
ble. It is understood that the Wil
lamette Valley crop promise more
comparatively tbaa any other sec
tion of the country. ,
Seven men are employed in
making the txc vationfor the First
-Natiocel bi k besen.ent. Dirt
eaough is to be removed to make a
room sixty feet long, seventeen feec
wide and seven deep. Forty-?ight
3'arde are removed a day. It is as
en cat under the north wall.
The 65-acra farm of Elliott
Brothers near Mountain View has
btea sold. Fifty-five teres was
purcbaeed by William Knotts at
3.000 end 10 acres by a Linn coun
ty man at $800. James Lewis prc
moted the sale.
line from Portland has reactel Al
bany, and is. open for business in
the latter city. The conttiuotion
gang i-i now headed for Corvallis,
beirjg for the present encamped at
Callpoola bridge, a mile and a half
this side of Albany. There are 50
men in the gang, and they expect
, io reach this city in two weeks
With the passing of the stock
berc, comes the Fourth, for which
, prepa-resUons have already befcun
, A subscription paper in the hands
of S. L Kla-of the committee, wr s
, in circulation yesterday, and the
.contributions were liberal. Two
iiuodred dollars was raised in a
sshort time, and by the liooe the end
t)f the list is reached there will be
a Bum that will provide a fina ce'e-
hratinn T. Ir. U - i? . i .. .
w.yv.v. av is m? ursr iime in inree
"VSSrrB fhaA ihe Paula will errenm in
Corvallis, aEKi ifjrt will be made
' to mike the occasion .a hammer. II
it eq'a ils the stock show in point of
"success, they will be fcoliih who go
elsiipre iuclermt".
Tne town Is again full of rum
ors about a proposed new hotel. A
JPurthnd architect was here yester
'day to receive the bid of W. O.
You will find enough t ouble in life without borrowing.
You can save trouble aod expense by buying Furiitureand
House Furnishings of cs.
Take life easy. Come around and get one of our
$1.50 cSs $3.25 :Ea,zrn.:rr3.cc2rs
Enjoy the good old summer time on the porch or in the
shade of the old apple tree.
See Our Line of Go Carts $2.75-$! 3.50
We want you to know that we keep Folding Porch Chairs,
Folding Cots, Settees Camp Goods, and in fact everything that
is needful about the house.
are found here with a larger assortment to select from and cheaper
than any ether place. Come and see.
Hollenberg & Cady.
1 a k units m-
to write for our big FREE BICVCLB catalogue
showing the most complete line of high-grade
nsiiun any otner manniacturer or aeaier m tix vazUL
Crowing Fastest witb Least Fuss
And if you don't believe it, come and see
EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer
chandise, can handle some wheat
DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon.
nn tirtT nrnr a ntnwnw c
or on any kind of tana, until yon have recei.ed ear complete n mt
logues lUustratinz and describing every kind of higlMsade and low-crade
laiterns ana latest moaeis, ana ot xxix remarkable mJO w
Regular Priest,
To Introduce
Wo Will Sell
You a Santala
Pair for . Only
bicvcles. old t;
PKICES and Tvonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory
H i rwt tn riH.r with Tin miHiHpmti'a nmfire
WE SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and
allow IO Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other
house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu
able information by simply writing us a postal.
We need a ffldam Aaant in every town and ran offer an nnnnriunitTr
to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. -
is am r m. m
cac. in
CUtS, can IX and 'D, also rim strip 'H"
" - ii to prevent rim cutting. This
tlvnr Br tlre wiu outlast any other
lira Wor r make SOFT, SILASTIC and
JH ekeit lor building the structure, j beed facbing i-i mat locality the
ID 'piaoB Dropose a iuur i"rj riant vpar
J IJC . n I
Result of IS Tears experience in' tire
making. No danger from THORNS,
Serious punctures, like intentional knife
be vulcanized like any other tire.
Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual
Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year.
HMJIAfATMIIfa tf. J. .'m .11 .u t b Hk. ..4 mm riifJ.. A,. Vt 1 J f 11
vnth a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures .
without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating 1
that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than i
an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially;
prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt
or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being '
squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these
tires is $8.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider
of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval.
You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented.
We will allow a c? sh discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.55 per pair) if you send
FULL CASH WITH OBDSB and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel
plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal
puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned
at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination.
We areperf ectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. '
Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of
tnese tires, you wiu una tnat tney wiu noe easier, run laster, wear oener, last longer ana look
finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased
that when yon want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial
order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer.
m no A CTaTG bnllt-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and
KWla I BsY'Ufflfmssdy everything in the bicycle line are sold by ns at half the usual
prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big STJNDKIT catalogue.
nr Mnr WUXtr but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a
UU nUm WWsUM bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and
wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW.
At Belfountain.
H. M. Stonn nf CJrvaliis. cam
to fne H. T. Bfietow fi!ac Tuesday
for Joad of day for Lii furnace.
L. N. Edada returned from the
Dailes Monday.
Mrs-. V. C. Re?3 of Waco, but
formerly of tbis vicinity, arrived
the first of th wtek for a vim urith
her parents Mr. od Mre. G. W.
Howard.' She wa fcC3otnpanied by
hr sister, G.lria H-wrc?, wbo has
Are the great33t and best selectors of Tea values. They
kaow good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and femell, but by look and touch. We pr'de
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade lines of Teas
and Coffees which we have in stock, and we are sure that
the mo3t captious critic will approve both. They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way.
We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, SchillingsTea
PHONE 203.
Vfctrck, 100 feet deep and 75 wide,
pressed brick in front and on the
jiortn aide. Fifteen rooms are to
rnavje private bath and toilet, aod
every convenience ia proposed. A
.private electric light and heatiog
splant, elevator and other modern
-devices are on the schedule. It is
to occenpy the site of the Occident
al, which ia to be moved to a back
street for a boarding hall. An op
tion -of lease is held on the ground,
and can be closed at any time. A
Portland real eBtate man is the pro
moter, and the enterprise depends
on whether or not he can raise the
.SLAB WOOD At the Corvallis
. sawmill at $1.50 per load, strictly
cash on delivery.
.SBST BREAD and pastry can be
obtained at Starr s uaiccry.
' .
Born, to the wife of Frank Porter
on the 28t& instant, a eon.
El W. Back of Monmouth, was
in this vicinity the tiretof thexreeit.
Two of our yourg ladie9 tried
walking to Corvallis a tew days
ago. They did not hurr as it was
the wenvest part of tbe day when
they started out, but they walked
the 17 miles in less thin six boars
and did not feel aoy inconvenience
from the trip.
The date for the annual picnio to
take place in B&lifoucttio park has
bjen set for jnoe 19.n.
Mr. H. P. St 11 r hes beenqnite
sick for the past week.
McClostrey Biothers are making
shakers and delivering them at
Shedd's Btation.
NationaPSteel . Ranges,
3empin' s new store' ,
Hotel Corvallis. V
Dress Making. Sewing done rea
sonable. Two doors south of the
water works, on First St. - - tf
GoipsoNi' Graham.
Continued from Page 1
get enough at any price to supply
the big down-town hotels,
and restaurants. .
San Francisco, Jun 5.- At 12:
26" this morning Sin Francisco and
the clues abont the bay were Bhak
en by a severe earthquake. The
bhock was the seveaest since tbediB
astrous tremblor of April, 1906.
T"h shock was not violent t' ppver
eetrical connections and, although
tuo entire fire department
t.lac;d in readiness tn fight ai yfitee
t"iat might fo'lov, there was no
blaze of any coneequencr.
Aa far an can be learned at this
hour the damage was limited to the
breaking of dishes 00 tne sbefg
and the detraction of a few toiU r
in; walls io the burned district.
Id tbe residence district a num
ber of ptople ran into tbe ftwe in
their nigtt clothe. Akig GvJ.ierj
Gate avenue a genoiiie panic pre
vailed. Ssveral hundred womn
rushed to tbe t-t'ee' m ineir nigbt
lt:s. Tatvf ue)i vrtra lret-
ed for tlerv ttx -l.c, ibX ted oc
suffeid 5r jAt-v, a toe m Tr3tted.
Tne irt6y uk ws ia tbe form
of two eoarp f hooks, the second f -lowing
whi e the earth tt 11 trem
bled trem tbe firet Tbe comii g
of the shake was ennouoced by tbe
rattling of windows and the swing-
mg 01 coanaeiierF. lben came an
abrupt jolt and then a lesser trem
ble, to be followed by another q u tt
jolt and a gradual lessening ot mo
Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and
other bay cities reported a shock
exactly like that felt here.
.Reports so far received indicate
mat me snoot was teit at mast as
tar south ft 4 Santa Cruz,' 125 miles
down thee as'.
Hamebursr, Pa., Jane 4.Captain
C. D. F. Chandler of the United
States signal corps, and J. C. Me-
Com and Leo Stevens, of New York
made a balloon trip from Washing
ton, D C, to this city in four hours
thirty-seven minutes today. The
aiBtance by rail is about 2oo miles.
The balloon left Washington at
1:6 o'clock, landing at Linglestown
ten miles north of this city, at 5;45
o'clock. The trip was without incident.
B ftornitis,
The Grocer. j
' : ! . CW
We are not inclined to spend " much time in rft
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods jj
and customers speak for themselves. 523
Ee B Horning
OS i ' . - -
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bld. Hoorai
IO to ia and a to 4.
Phone, offica 213 Residence 1 50.
Corvallis, Oregoa.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office tip stain in Burnett Brick Res
tdence os the corner of Madison and
Seventh et. Phou at house and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetomee. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Boars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v' -hsm'a drne stor.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, Oregon.
A TTO R cl-A T-LA W.
Zierolf Uuilding.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr, Hanford
Successor to Eowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or.
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music. Music furnished for all ocj
casions. Large or small orchestra.
Willamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
Principal Correspondent.
The Kink o
SEW TURK IHeHtm. .1 l. Morgan Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repnb
LONDON, ENG. N I Bothsoliilils tt Hon
CANADA . Dnloi nnntr of Canaan
Chamberlain's Salve.
Thb salve is intended especially for sore
nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands,
itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated
eyelids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Warning to Buyers.
To the times:
Corvallis, Oregon.
I see my residence property in
Pouh Corvallis is advertised for
sale in the Republican. I wish to
announce to the public and to all
conce'-ned through the times tbat
this is without rny authority.
My propertv in Corvallis is not
npw fprsale amlpy Rne buying it
wuhout tny gsiiRaiflre p the jjerd.
will sorely b.y '. nit, g( fejco
1 hereby .jive nonce-
X. r. Morgan,
West, Texas.
May 28th, 1907.
This Nan bought
his Fishing
Tackle of,,
i A Complete Line of Spauld-
ing base ball goods at popu
lar prices.'
Times for Job
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Matter ot the Estate ;
James By . deceased.
Notice Is ber, by glTen that the undersigned
admlnltrtrlx of the estate of James Hayes, de
ceased, has tiled her final account as Such ad
ministratrix, with the clerk of the eonnty court,
ol the state ot Oregon, tor Benton county, sad
the said court has fixed Saturday the 8th day ot
June, 1807, at the heur ol ten o'clock In tbe fore
noon as the time, and the eonnty court room In
the court house In CorralUs, Oregon, as the place
for hearing any and all objections to the said ac
count and for settlement thereof.
Dated this May 10,1907.
Administratrix of the Estate of James Hayes,
FOR SALE Jersey Bull, three
years old.eligible toregistry.; Gen-
tie, a fine individual. Will ex
change for one of equal breeding.
W. F. Curry, Corvallis R.F.D.I.