It's to Your Interest to Know That the Smartest Spring Fashions for Men and Young Men Are now here ready for your inspection, and iry-on and that we offer you an! your friends the first opportunity of viewing the largest and most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you can't come to morrow, come the day after. If ycu wish to dress well at little expense if you want a Suit or Overcoat of smartest style and of strict high qualily. Its to your interest to ccme here at once and make an early selection. MIHAELS STERN FINE CLOTHING which we show in all the most fashionable fabrics broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where you may you positively cannot find values to equal those we offer in Spring Sack Suits for Men and Young Men at $12 to $25 of most advanced single and double breasted style, with every detail as derfect as if exclusively custom-tailor-made with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully equal in value to most $20 suits at $15 if lilCHAELS-STERHT lllti COmNMIMfMHtaMIMAfl X J. E. Andrews returned Wed nesday night irom a business trip to .cugene. Miss Clayton Barnell. a former O. A. C. student, arrived today from Portland for a Commencement visit. ' Henry Eisman arrived yester day from Grants Pass for a visit with friends. A brother of Mrs. Cronk from i New Lisbon, Wisconsin, is in town for a week. G rover Cate of Hulsboro was among those arriving oa today s Westside. Six Jersey cows on the farm of Georee Lindeman vielded a reve nue throughout the past winter ol I $50 to $56 per month, in butter fat sold. Their average was about 9 per cow, which shows the value ot improved cattle. Mr. Linderman s herd is one of the best in' the coun ty, and is being constantly improv ed. - In the June issue Jf Recrea tion, a popular magazine, is an aillustrated artieji' on china phea sants by E. E. Wilson. The illus trations are mostly from photos taken by Mr Wilson himself and are very fine. The article descri bes the habits an3 the wonderful sport of hunting the birds. -Sneak thieves entered the Cof fey photograph gallery on South Mam street, Sunday night and stole $25 worth of pictures. The door of the show case outside was also pried open and a number of photos taken. Entrance to the building is supposed to have been gained through the front door by use of a skeleton key. The panes m a window, however were broken. THERE ARE MANY ENTRIES. IT IS PRINCIPAL FULKERSON Philomath Principal Elected to'Ccrval- lis Schools. New Teachers. In the Livestock Show Nearly a Mile of ParadeAH Classes " Displayed. Three quarters of a mile of horses and cattle marching up and down Main street this morning, in troduced the livestock show in a way to announce its complete suc cess. The parade in close order, stretched a distance of nine blocks, the head and rear of the line com ing m contact at Homings store while the column complety sur rounded the blocks from there to Prof. Fulkerson, Sof the Philo math public, schools is to be princi- the Ice factory. pal of the public schools in Corval- There are about 160 entries, rep- lis. He was elected at a meeting resenting every ciass or nvestocK, of the school board Wednesday and many fine specimens are in the evening. He has been principal list. The show extend over to- record breaking in attendance. if the Philomath schools for the morrow, when a pist year, and gave snch excellent crowd is sure to b MlCHAELS-STERCi . EINE CLOTHING, J MiCHana. nm 6aJ satisfaction that he was re-elected to the same position for the com ing year at an advance of salary. The Corvallis board bid higher however, and he has accepted the position here. Mrs. FulkeiLson who had also Deen re-eiectea 10 me Philomath schools was elected to the second grade in Corvallis The other teachers elected are Miss The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50 Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. -Come early! KLINE ine paraae or tue puze winners will occur in the forenoon. Hartsock, Kiger, Small, Creft and R. C. Kiger, have entries in the Standard trotting class, Faw cett & Ireland, Frantz Brothers, Whitaker and Batesman and others have, Percherons, Fawcett & Ire land Belgian draft, Burge, Dodele, Smith, Beach, Davis, Sol King, Mallow, Miss Tartar, Miss Den- Jindeman, Walter lay lor, T. Jti. man, Miss Matley, Miss Lengrin, Cooper, McLane, Gellatly, Bauer Miss Belknap, Miss Fowells, Miss and Frantz Brothers, Vausberg, Riddle, Miss Ada Finley. and Miss Wyatt, Robinson, M. Porter, draff Tadlock. One-was left vacant horses, Smith, Goos, Jesse Brown, for the benefit of a former teacher Murphy, MeFadden, Newton, Wit whose application has not been pre- ham, Nichols, roadsters, W. W. sented to the board, but is expect- smitn, -tiartsocit, -iger, uicKneii ed. The teachers occupy grade po- saddle horses, Kiger,. Beach, John sitions in the order given above. Kiger, Taylor, Dennis, Hammell,.. Miss Tadlock, the new primary Mercer, single drivers, bmptoo, . teacher is f romOklahoma, where she Gellatly, draft teams, Gellatly, . The People's Store. Established 1864. Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watch which cannot be trusted to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and causes un necessary trouble and loss of time.. Get a watch that you can depend on at all times, the best on ihe market, to be had in all grades and styles. At PRATT The Jeweler's. Optical work of all kinds a Specialty.. SPECIALTIES IN s H O E S LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents pet line will be charged. Miss Una Stewart of Prineville is a Commencement guest of Mrs. Harry Buxton. 1 Beginning Sunday morning the West Side train will leave Port land at seven o'clock and arrive at Corvallis at 11:30. Sunday evening there will be special services in honor of the graduates at the First Methodist church. Prof. Horner and others will represent the college and re marks will be made by the pastor. There will be special music. Congressman Hawley will de liver the address to the class at tt e eighth grade graduating exercises in the south end of the county, which occu- a at a picnic at the Bell- lountain grounds, June 19th. has had ten years experience. She takes the place of Miss Grace Hutt, whose retirement is much regretted by the board on account of her great success, as is the case also with other retiring teachers. Miss Ada Finlev takes the place of her sister, and Miss Maxheld and Mr. Cummmgs were not applicants tor re-election. The salaries of all teachers who have been elected for a third year of service, except the principal were advanced $5 per month. brood mares. In the cattle display, H. M. Fleming enters Holsteins, John Wyatt, Geer, short horns, lender- man, wooococK jerseys, ieer, Keeney, Herefords. In the sheep andswine classes the entries are not so numerous as in horses and cattle. In all there are about 160 entries. DEATH AMONG HENS. DOWN FROM ALBERTA. FOR WOMEN MISSES AND CHILDREN We have also received our Spring lines of Men's Ox fords, etc, in ali the latest shapes. Call ana Save 5 Per Cent; Of yo'ur cash by trading with us t: ' F. L, MILLER'S When you See it in our ad its so Corvallis - ' - -' Ore ..... Till further notice ALL glasses fitted byRATT The the Optician wffl be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED lor ONE YEAR against BREAKAGE of ANY KljjP. The last 4. eighth grade exami nation for Benton for the year oc cuis June 13th and 14th. Ice cream and strawberries with cake will be served on court house lawn Saturday, June 8 from 2 to 10 p. m. Miss Adelaide Withycombe of Portland arrived yesterday for a visit wnn tne tamiiy ot James Withycombe. Miss Withycombe is a sister of John Withycombe. L. B. Baldwin of O. A. C. left today to attend sthe conference of the radical wing of the U. B. church, at Plainview. It is presid ed over by Bishop Barkley. Mr. and Mrs. Bodine left yes terday for Elgin, Illinois, to be ab sent a month. They will also visit' in Chicago, and other points. They were accompanied- by Mrs. Marvin and daughter, who go to Iowa for a visit. The party will travel in company as far as St. Paul. The income from 11 iead of grade Jerseys oh y the Ed ' Davis farm, southwest of Corvallis, chal lenges attention; Their ; yield of butter fat during the month of Ap ril, sold-atatheJiaupisch creamery, brought $136.50, or about $13 per head. That pays. , . . . There will be no preaching service - at Jhe Christian church next Sunday morning. The Sun day school will meet at 9:30 and dismiss in time for all to attend ser vices at the armory. In the even ing beginning at 7.30 the C. E. and church services will be combined in a recognition service for the seniors who belong to the church, the re turning graduates and former sta dents. , There will be special music by the male chorus. . . . . Albany is a local option town. Speaking of business conditions the Democrat says: 'It is institution-1 less, nevertheless it is steadily im proving. Business is 25 per cent better than a year ago, the resi dences of the city are better filled up than they have been for years, and the prospects are good for sev eral new industries which will ma terially aid the city." Tillamook Headlight: News papermen who have been watching : the counties which went dry under local option, are beginning to admit that instead of killing business and killing the town, it is quite the op posite, for if Tillamook City is any criterion to go by, business has been increasing ever since It went "dry ' and continues on the jump. Salem Statesman: A Linn county dairyman received over a hundred dollars for the cream from his fourteen cows during April, and that month was said to be a low one for him,. His product goes to Corvallis where the creamery pays him a cent above the Portland quo tation, i ' . -The eighth grade graduation exercises scheduled- for Alsea on June 15 have been dispensed with because of the inability of a num ber of the members of the class to be present to assist with the pro gram. ; v . -y A union ' picnic of all the schools in western Benton is to oc cur at Alexander picnic ground?, near Kings Valley June 22nd. . The graduating exercises for the schools in the north end of Benton will oc cur at North Palestine church June 28. The exercises for the graduat ing class of schools in the vicinity of Philomath will be held in Ply mouth church Jane 25th. Fonner Benton County man Sixty - 1 Bushels of Wheat per Acre. Sydney Y. Evans, a well known Benton county boy arrived today to take in the stock show. His home is in.Eugeue, and his family resides there, but most of the time during the past two years has been spent in Alberta, Canada, where he is representative of A. C. Ruby & Company of Portland, jmpoiters of Percheron, Shires, German Coach and other breeds of thoroughbred horses. Incidentally he has been invest ing heavily in Alberta lands and at this time has 2,000 acres. Tn the advance in the price of land he has already netted a profit of $7,000 since he purchased. Lands are selling there at $14 to $40, and some near town have gone as high as 55S8o. The country is fast set tling up, and Mr. Evans believes there are splendid opportunities to make money. The wheat yiesld i 40 to 60 bushels per acre, and oats as high as 100. Oats goes 52 pounds to the bushel, in its plump ness resembling barley more than ordinary oats. , The country com prises about as much territory as California, Oregon and Washington recommendations, Two Poultry Men and Their Troubles Bad Cases of Mctheihood- The mortal remains of four set ting hens lie unhonered and unsung except by this tender lullaby on the premises of Gene Simpson. Their last days were full of sorrow and trouble, and they made the life of Gene very weary. He had pheas ant eggs that needed the nurtur ing care of a tender mother and the four hens were imported from a neighboring farm to attend to that duty. When the little birds came . off it was the beginning of dea h and destruction. The tramp of tte old hens was like that of an eleph ant and every time' a little $2.50 pheasant came within reach it was promptly stepped on and crushed. What didnt die by that route were led into the weeds and wet grass until the last one had perished and passed away. Gene concluded that the mother hens were a cross of bulldog stock and unfit for the pheasant trade. He walked one morning out into his pens. ' seized the rantankerous hens by the nape of the neck, wrung their heads off and kicked their craven bodies over the fence, uttering in guttural tones, "Let the carrion rot". This is a reminder that Sam. Eane's ex perience with a setting hen the other day had its interesting phase. He had imported, her for setting purposes, and though she had nne she insisted on combined. Many wrong ideas prevail with reference to the climate and condi tions. It is a dry country with good rains in May and June and long sunshiny days in summer, which with the rich soil gives grain spring pullet. With a a great growth. , , In the longest the effect that she was days of summer a newspaper can be read without artificial light as late as n o'clock' at night. The best opportunity for home seekers, aside from the profitable grain crops, is in the rapidly increasing price of land. The territory is the last great country to be settled, and with its Immense grain producing power, Mr. Evans thinks, is bound to prove a profitable land for inves tors and settlers. After two or three weeks, Mr. Evans will return to Alberta, and will take his family for the summer. frequently deserting her nests. Samuel as often put her back, until the thing got tiresome. Finally he found her one day, not hovering her eggs dutifully, but standing a part from, them, cackling like a remark ,to 'no cansfry and it wasn't her business to Arill worldly rag time songs", he stized her by the nape of the ..necljt Re marking, "I '11 crack your blasted neck". He didnt intend to be rash but he was. The ' 'stling bloke' ' , and when he looked (first at the headless body of his bird and .then at her head in hi 5 hand he realized that she "could . neither ,v warble more lays nor lay no more warbles, As she lay .there he realized "also that she was unfit for further busi-' ness and lie set at work at once to jight the fire in lus incubator.