The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official County Pape.
As Portland Elected,
In spite of the fact that the vot
ing population is four to one repub
lican, Portland has elected a demo
cratic mayor. The phenomenal re
sult is another manifestation of the
trend of the time. Massed on one
side was the vicious element and a
"machine," and on the other the
columns that stand for clean civic
conditions and non-partisan govern
mpnh As is inevitable in snch
cases, in spite of the claims of par
txr Hip hetter element won. It will
continue to be so as time rolls on.
The world U getting better, and the
standard of citizenship rising
Howdy ism and dissipation is waste
of substance, and the people are
coming to know it. Life, soberly
and correctly lived is trial enough
without the loss that riotous living
-entails. It is for the ultimate go
of the vicious when they are re
strained from excesses, and wheth
er they know it or not, the better
element does. The latter is in the
majority in every city whenever the
issue is brought out squareiy, rorr
land among the rest.
Harry l,ane stood for cleanliness
and the ' 'nublic weal' ' rather than
party claims, and he won with i
handsome majority to his credit
He is a clean, straightfoiward citi
zen, an honest and capable mayor,
and his re-election, a credit to Port'
land. It is a hint to the rest of the
state of the trend of the time,
which is, that partisan politics, the
ward heeler, the rounder ana otner
ontoward agencies of government
are passing.
Though the news dispatch did
not specify, the experienced public
will insist on believing that the
child that talked so glibly at only
nine days of age. must have been
of the gentler sex.
Having learned that when yet on
Sths stage, Mabelle Gilman Corty
became enraged at the stage direc
tor and kicked her music into the
orchesti?, the country is encourag
ed to hope that her kicking powers
may become as perfect as those of a
Missouri mule and be turned on her
illustrious husband.
For contrariness, the man who
lias just died at 84, after being giv
en up by the doctors 40 years ago,
is the limit.
It is to the credit of both that
Mayor-elect Lane of Portland' spent
his boyhood in Corvallis. If not
actually born in the town, his es
cape from that distinction was nar
row. That he had fights with the
boys and at one time had a bad
case of itch here are incidents that
Mayor Lane often mentions remin
At Opera House Last Night.
The large audience and a wealth
of flowers, greeted the 1907 olasses
of the public schools at the opeia
house last night, The program
Eighth Grade
Tannhauser March, Wagner,
Turney's Orchestra; Invocation,
Rev. J. R. N. Bell; Violin Solo,
Max Miller; Salutatory, "Some
Natural Wonders of America,"
Earl Harris; Recitation, "Doing
Somethings Well,"Durrell Davis;
Recitation, "How-Rubie Played,"
Frank Hout; Instrumental Duett.
"Joy's Return, "Minerva Kiger and
Lillian Johnson; Class Prophecy,
Elsie Vincent; Presentation of Di
plomas, Supt. Denman; Calif of
Bagdad Overture, Boiefdich, Tur
ney's Orchestra .
High School.
Recitation, "Pyramus and This
"by," Ruby Pice; Recitation,
"When the Light Goes Out," Wells
Oviatt; Recitation, ' 'Essay on the
Hornet, Earl Heckart; Instrumen
tal Duett, ' 'Graduation Song, ' ' Lucy
and Bertha King; Recitation,
"Kate Ketchum," Hazel Baker;"
Recitation, "Little Christel," Be
atrice Austin; Recitation, "What
Would You Call ItV Madge Ash
by;" Recitation, "The Station
Agent's Story," Belva Pierce; Vo
cal Solo, " Fair Helen of Kirkcor
nel, Jean Kent; Class Propehecy,
Ruth Corbett ; Valedictory, "The
Wail of the South," Cecil Row
land, Presentation of Diplomas, Geo.
E. Lilly; Concert Polonaise, Keis
ler, Turney's Orchestra.
Claw Roll Eighth Grade February Claaa.
Lizzie Buchanan, Walter Bur-
nap, tiaylord Felton, Earl Hams,
Frank Hout, Elmo Johnson, Adel
la King, Chester Lafferty, Mary
Leonard, Max Miller, Edna Strong,
Earl Withycombe.
Eighth Grade June Class.
Nora Winniford, Fred Cate,
Clifford Harmon, Harry Cooper,
Gertrude Lilly, Durrell Davis, '
Robert. Harper, Leon Flett. Mor
ris Mallow, Brook Hukill, Roscoe
Tartar, Deane Hollister, Mildred
Bodle, Minerva Kiger, Lillian John
son, Elsie Vincent.
Motto "Rowing Not Drifting."
Class colors Blue and white. Class
flower Papa Gontier rose.
Class Roll High School February Class.
Harry Belknap, A. J. Fuller,
Roy Ginther, Hazel Kyle, Gertrude
Nolan, Elmer Thompson.
. High School June Class.
Ruth Corbett, Earl Heckart, Vir
gil Avery, Belva Pierce, Cecil
Rowland, Wallace Walton, Lucy
King, Jean?! Kent, Ruby Rice,
Madge Ashby, Hazel Baker, Wal
ter Stirrrpson, Bertha Wilson, Wells
Oviatt, Beatrice Austin, Malo Cady,
Motto "The Higher We Climb
The Broaden Our Views." Class
colors Royal purple and old gold.
Class flower Marechal Neil rose
and Maiden Hair fern,
Adit had to be Shot Who did the
Deed, is the Question.
' A second horse on the farm of J.
W. Hamlin, two miles across the
Willamette from Corvallh, has paid
the forfeit of falling into the hands
of man or men more brute than hu
man. Hw a two-year old colt was
cut and slashed in the body until
the intestines hung out and the an
imal had to be despatched, was
told recently in the times. It was
a 1,300 pound animal and a $200
cash offer lor it had been refused
by the owner. The hand that did
the cutting is not definitely known,
though suspicions have from the
first been entertained. It now de
velops that in the midnight visit
when the colt was so mutilated, an
other horse met with the same
treatment. The latter was found,
horribly cut the other day, and was
in such a condition that it had to be
shot. There was a loag knife
slash forward, low down in the
flank, but not deep enough to reach
the intestines, as had evidently
been intended. There was still an
other slash in the lower abdomen,
ranging upward, but it too failed to
penetrate the cavity. In the fleshy
part of the shoulder were two deep
stabs, as though the atimal had
been restive under the punishment,
and the fiend had stabbed it twice
in his anger.
The scene of this wanton mutila
tion of an innocent and faithful
horse must have been a grand spec
tacle for this civilized 20th cen
tury. The horse was not found
until several days after the colt was
killed, though both are supposed to
nave been attached at the same
Both horses belonged to J. W.
Hamlin, who is an estimable and
honorable citizen. He has resided
in the vicinity for 16 years, and
has never had trouble to warrant
such procedure. Two years ago
Herman Stahlbusch told him John
was getting to be a bad man, and
that it was a hard matter to do any
thing with him. The case is one
that calls for a vigorous investiga
tion, and a penalty to fit the crime.
fUK SALJi m. J. wainngton pas some
thoTobred Poland China pigs for sale.
from stock he bought at Levis & Clark
fair of Hazel wood, Spokane, Wash,
All pigs can be registered. Also Po
land China boar for service, prices
reasonable. E. J. Harrington, phone
704. Corvallis, Oregon. 6 71m
WANTED. Woman or girl for
second cook in logging . camp.
Address Mrs. A. Robinson, Hos
kins, Oregon.
Fancy boa bon boxes for Com
mencement at the Palace of Sweets.
WANTED at once. A man to
contract logging with teams at
at saw mill on P. A. Kline's
west of, town. Enquire of S.
H. Moore, Corvallis. '
For Sale.
FOR SALE, Furniture, carpets,
wall paper, opposite Hotel Corvallis.
Celebrated at Presbyterian Church
Wednesday Noon.
Promptly at twelve Wednesday,
Washington State College grasped
hands with O. A. C. This union
was prompted by the matrimonial
alliance celebrated at this hour be
tween Professor Solon Shedd, tf
the former, and Mrs. Jeannette
Bell Wimberly, of the latter col
lege. The ceremony took place at
the First Presbyterian church of
Corvallis, Dr. J. R. N. Bell, the
bride's father officiatinz.
There were present three score or
more of the bride's friends, who
were escorted to their seats by the
ushers, E. E. Wilson and J. B.
Horner. The artistic floral decora
tions were due to Mesdames John
Smith, Minnie Lee, J. O. Wilson
and S. N. Wilkins. After a vocal
selection by Miss Essie Bell. Lo
hengrin was rendered by Mi s
Pearl Horner, while the wedding
paity marched in, following the
flower girls, Helen Smith and Es
ther Hayes, the latter of whom was
also ring bearer. The bride was
presented by her brother Lloyd.
After the impressive ceremony, the
party returned, treading on-white
roses which covered the walk to the
manse. A delightful banquet was
awaiting. It was surrounded by
banks of LaFrance roses overshad
owed by vases that were literally
loaded with other roses of many
and strange varieties. Candelabra
were lighted as the bridal party en
tered, mingling the mellow pink
and heavier garnet of the lamp
shades with the softer yellow which
the room decorations effected, giv
ing to the banquet halls an effect
not wholly unlike the early morn
ing light as it first creeps into a
conservatory. This was to repre
sent the mcrning hour. After an
instrumental selection by Miss Vera
Horner, breakfast was served. At
the close of which, Mr. E. E. Wil
son, Professor Shedd, Dr. Cathey,
Mrs. Shedd and Dr. Bell responded
to toasts, and Miss Lulu Spangler
rendered two of her prettiest vocal
The bride was richTy dressed in a
gown of embroidered jusu especial
ly selected in Manila for the occa
sion by Miss Lois Stewart, a grad
uate of O. A. C. Her bearing was
commanding and sincere.
Frotessor bhedd is a native son
of Linn county. He is a graduate
from the Normal school at Mon
mouth where at "one time he held
the chair of Natural Science. Up
on his departure from Monmouth.
he received the degree of Ph. D. at
Leland Stanford University, and
later accepted the chair of Geology
in the State College of Washing
ton, a position which he now holds.
On the evening train the couple
started East on a wedding tour
with the intention of visiting the
Jamestown Exposition during their
absence; after which time they will
go to their new home at Pullman.
The guests , were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cal
lahan, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horner,
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Skipton, Mr.
and Mrs. Offin Wilson. Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
C. S. Shedd, of Shedd, Mrs.
S. N. Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs.
Cethey, Mrs. E. Skipton, Mrs. E.
J. Taylor, Mrs. John Burnett, Mrs.
Sarah Cauthorn. Mrs. Minnie Lee,
Misses Vera Horner, Pearl Horner,
Lulu Spangler, Bertha Davis, Iva
Maginess, Maud Moore, Iva Els
ton, Helen Smith, Esther Hayes.
Messrs. JR. E. Wilson, Roy West,
Portland, C. J. Shedd and E. W.
Shedd, of Shedd.
The first letters were received
this morning from J. M. Nolan,
who left for Ireland more than a
month ago. The first was written
at Cork, and relates that he was
traveling with a party of New York
friends, and a young man from As
toria. With the others he visited
Blarney Castle and kissed the
"Blarney Stone." The latter he
says, involved some difficulty, re
quiring him to lie down on his
chest and , reach out to kiss the
stone. "However, I. did4 a gbod
job, all right," he adds. The oth
er letter was from Dublin, Mr. No
lan's old home. No former friends
of the old time had yet been en
countered! but he was expecting
shortly afterward to start out on a
search for them. He will be in
Dublin two weeks. , ,
A petition asking for the divi
sion of Wren school district was
presented to the boundary board
June 5th, and was granted. A
new district will be organized with
a probability that the new school
house will be built at Harris sta
tion. ,
FOR SALE. All kinds of rough
lumber at mill on P. A. Kline's
ranch, also slab wood 4 ' ft.
length. Before building see S.
H. Moore, Coirallie.
It is better to use
than to wish you had.
Ostll sucLd. see tla-ezao. sit
I Watch this space for Bareins in
No 608 43 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot
tom land, house of 5 rooms, small bam, young orchard, 2 1 -2 miles of
. a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598 160. acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1700. School house on place.
383 10 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair bam 1-2
mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $ 1 700.
No Prizes go with our
Cbase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Cbase 1 Sa
Something Doing
Beginning May 1st there will be something doing in our De
partment Store you will find us as usual up and axoming in our great
Reduction Sale for May4 Call in and we will convince you.
iilioni !Mi Grade
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the count; of Beaton:
The Const Land and Live Stock Company
a Corporation, Plaintiff,
" vs.
A'aomla C. Hogg.'WMiamPluckneyWhyto,
.imam uurat, inomas k. curKe.Jsmiiy
jttiuey, j. r. aaminisirator ot
I estate ot T. Egerton Hogg; Jefferson
Young, Edward P. Coe. Marcaret D.
Coe, his wile; Alice Stanley Coe, -Montgomery,
Richard Montgomery, her hu-)
band ; Mary Emma Coe, widow of George
S. Coe, deceased and Arthur H. Maston,
and the Astoria Company, a Corporation
In the name of the State of Oregon, mn im
hereby required to appear andanswer the com
plaint of the above named plaintiff. Hied in the
above entitled court with the clerk of said court
on or before the day of July, 1907, and you
are hereby notified that if you fail to ap
pear ana answer said complaint as hereby requir
ed the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled
court for the relief asked for In the complaint on
file herein, to-wit:
For a decree of the conrt correcting the deed
made on tbe20th day ol March, 1S88, by T. Eger
ton Hogg to George S. Coe as trustee, recorded
Aprl 9, lfe8S, in book of deeds. Vol. "X" page 62,
Deed records for Benton county, Oregon, and the
deed made by Edward P. Coe, Margaret D. Coe,
his wife; Alice Stanley Cre-AIontgomery. Rich
ard Montgomery ber husband and Marv Emma
Coe. widow of George S. Coe, deceased, to Arthur
H. Maston, on the 8th day of June, l!-99, which
said deed was recorded on the 2iet day of June,
1S97, in book t.f deeds Vol. 30, pace 122, Deed
Records of Benton county, Oregon, and to correct
the deed made by Arthur Maston as Uustee to
the Astoria company, dated the day of
April, 1903, and recoided on the 11th day of Julv.
1MX), in the Book of Deeds, Vol. 3S, page 4.i8 of
Deed Records for Benton county, Oregon, and to
correct the deed made by the Astoria comnanv,
a corporation, on the 12th day ol November. 190f,
to the Coast Land and Livestock Coronary, a
corporation, which said deed was recorded on
the 26th day of Mrrch, ioOl. Book of DeeOs, VoL
40. page SO. Deed Records tor Benton countv, Or
egon. In the following particular, so thatit'shsll
read '-The North one-half of the South-East one
fourth of section 7, Township 12, South Range T
West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon " in
stead of -The South one-half of the fioath-east
one-foi r h of section 7, Township 12, South Range
7 West ot the Willamette Menuian, Oregon, and
decreeing that the plaintiff is the owner in fee
sin-p e of lands and tbe whole theieof and
i) attsedeefendants or either of them hove no
rigut, title or interest in or to the said lands or
any part or portion thereof and that the defend
ants and each and all of them be required to
make a deed to th a plaintiff within (30) days of
the date of the decree recorded in this cause, con
veying to the plaintiff by correct descriptions of
sai'i lands any right, title or interest that the
defendants or either or anv of them may have In
and to the same and if the defendants tail to so
make a deed therefor that the decree rendered
herein may be filed as a deed correcting the sev
eral conveyances made by the cefendants as
asked for in plaintiff's complaint, and for such
other and further decree as to the court may
seem Just and proper and for the costs and dis
bursements.. This summons is published by order of the Hon.
E. Woodward, judge of the county court In and
for Benton county, Oregon duly made in the City
of Coivallis, Oregon, on the 24th day of May,
1907. ordering said summons to be served by pub
lication and that the name be published in the
Corvallis Times and that the first publication
be made on the 31st day of May. 1907, and the
last publication thereof be made on the 12th day
of July, 1907. requiring the defendants to answer
on or before the 13th day of Julv, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Account.
Notice Is hereby given that I have filed In the
connty court ot the state ot Oregon, for the coun
ty of Benton, my final account as administratrix
of the estate of Harvey Eugene Bums,
deceased, and that Saturdav. tbn sih Aa-v
of June, 1907, at 10 o'clock A.M., and the court
room of said court, have been appointed by said'
wuo- as me time ana place ior tne neaiing Of
the final account and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Harvey Eugene
Date of first publication. May 7, 1907.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is herebv eiven that the nndersicmed l
the duly appointed and acting administrator of
the estate of S. W. Jackson, deceased, pursuant
to the order of the county court of the state of
Oregon, for Benton county. All persons having
claims against said estate are notified to present
the same duly verified to this administrator a
the office of McFadden and Brvson in the city of
Corvallis, said county, within six months Ircm
this date.
Dated May 24, 1907,
Administrator of the estate of 8, W, Jackson.
Orer of Sale.
In the countv conrt ot the State of Oreeon for
the county of Benton.
In the matter of the Guardianship of the person
huu cautie ui uertruue a. aeiaier, a minor.
Order to show cause.
The court hav in er read the netitinn of Amif
Seckler, the duly appointed guardian ol the said
Gertrude A. Seckler, asking tba, the court grant
an order, to sell lots cne and two. In block stven
teen, . In the original town of Marysvllle, now
Corvallis. Benton county, Oregon, in which said
minor has an undivided one-half interest, and
the court being fully advised In the premises,
that it Is necessary and for the best Interest of
said miner.
It is therefore herebvordered. That the next of
kin of said minor, and all othei persons Interest
ed in said estate appearb efore this court on the
8th day of June, at ten o'clock A. M., at the
court loom ot the county judge ot said county,
in Corvallis, Oregon, and show cause why an or
der should not be granted as prayed for In the
petition herein filed.
And It is further herebv ordered. That a cony
of this order be published in the Corvallis Times,
a newspaoer of generl circulation published in
said Benton couuty, Ortgon, at least once aweek
for tour successive and consecutive weeks.
Dated May 7, 1907. '
County Judge.
In the' circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
County of Benton.
Samuuel E. Young, Plaintiff, vs. Curtis Beers
and Hattie Beers, his wife, Rebecca Rindlaub
and Sarah L. Cooper, defendants.
To Curtis Beers and Hattie Beers, defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to amjear in tbe above entitled
court and answer the complaint filed against
you in tbe above entitled suit on or before the 3d
day ot July, 1907, and If you fail so to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff wiU apply to the
court thereof for the relief prayed for In his com
plaint, to-wit: tnat ptaintin recover judgment
against defendant, Curtis Beers tor $300 and in
terests, attorney fees, aud costs : and that the
mortgage described in the complaint herein, exe
cuted by defendants Ourtia Beers and Hattie
Beers, his. wife, to Letha Rodgers and assigned
to plainfiff, on the N. 1-2 of tbe S; E. 1-4 of section
26, T. 10 S...R. 6 West of Willamette meridian.
contalnlne 80 acres, be decreed a first Hen on
said property and that said mortgage be fore
closed and raid real property be sold according
to law anoDai eacn oi you ana an xne aetena
snts beforever barred and foreclosed off and
from any and afl right, title, Interest and equity
of redemption in or to said mortgage premises,
and that plaintiff have such further relief as the
court may decree.'
mis summons us puntisned not less than six
consecutive weeks, date of first publication
to be May 21, 1907; date of last publication to be
July 2, 17j date of appearance to be on or before
July 8, 1907, by order of Hon. E. Woodward,
county judge of the above county and state.
Xfatea xay 14, ivu. ...
' ' " Attorney for Plaintiff.
by the undersigned that he has
purchased, as of date April 16,
1907, the saw-mill plant and busi
ness of E. W. Strong at Corvallie,
nrcrriTi tiTtnfrre OTCTAted t!tldfT
the name of (Jorvauw - saw-mill
Company and that he will continue
such buxineM under the saae name.
52x1m Fxsct Auxn