i Vol. XX.-No. CORVALLIS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 7. 1907. By B. F. Irvine I an- .tin nn w 'Bn- I We Are. Now Prepared to Outfit The Man and The Boy Om receipt of clothing this spring are nobby. Big assortment. Prices That Defy Competition! Shoes P: B. Earths" are up to date in style and the best wearers Our Line of Medium Priced Shoes Are from the bast factories in the country and al are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask - an inspection of the above lines. Call and See ALL AT WORK PREPARING EXHIBITS FOR ALL BENTON-SCHOOL . FAIR. What Various Districts Are Doug Many Lines of Display Will Be in the Competitive Exhibits. Corvallis, Oregon What You See is Worth Twice What You Read! As you are now coming to market with th opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. , We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes, which ws areclojiaj out at remarkably low prices. . Some be fore your size is gone. Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc, at bottom prices. Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspection. Make money by buying pur lines, and save money by getting our prices. f Henkle & Davis. best to demonstrate this fact, to the many visitors that will be at the fair, that they do not see it all from a car window. It ie a a orjportunitv never enjoyed before, by rural neighborhood?, to show to the pub lic the special advantages of their neighborhood in the way of good schools and highly productive soils, and the result of the fair should not be highly educative alone but a so cial and financial benefit as well. R. R. Miller, Summit, Or. J A. K. RUSS Sells the Famous Parckard Shoe. Dealer in all Mens Furnishings. . Every pair guaranteed. Corvallis, Oregon. Intei est is waxiog warm all over the county in the big All-Ben ton -Sahbol Fair. Such an array'ofex rjibiti &n was never seen before will be on display. In every precinct and school district, "yoUDg people are striving to produce products cr handiwork that will win one of the many prizes. Tnere will be a rev elation of Benton's possibilities when the exhibits are all in place when the fair occurs. Wait and see. Here are statements of work ia progress in various dish ict: District 43. The following i my report on the Benton County School Fair: The Beeds were distributed among the pupile, each pupil choos ing the seeds he wishea to plant The hoys chooaog the vegetable eeeds while the girls choose mostly flower seeds. Mu h interest has been shown. in the work and if con ditions are favorab:e I think their display will be a creditable one, considering the size of the school and the age of the pupile. Much eocouragement has been given the pupils both at school and at home, and 1 think the interest will be stimulated by the parents during the summer as they have shown much interest in the work. Tne school may not have a full ex hibit, but expects to make a good showing in individual work. Edith MtCourt, teacher. The following are nimes of the pupils who will take part in the fair: Helen Hodges, Er win Rodgers, Harold Bailt-y, -Wallie Krocker, Charlie Hale, Albert Hele, Verl Hale, Pearl BalUy, Herman Sailey, Elfcwortb Kay, Hazel Kay, Dollie Glen, Alva Krocker, Monroe Win, Anna Holman. Cleona Davitt, teacher, Albany, Or. Dietrict Niv 3. The pupils of district No. 3 expect to be heard from as well as.eten at the fair Garden making is in prcgrees and if work has anything to co with it we will get our share of the prizes. We alro expect to take part in the writing, map drawing, spelling ci phering and all other contests. We have our shoulders to the wheel and we are going to lift to make the fair a eucceos. Look out for us for we're going to be there. Walter Winniford, teacher. District No. 5 District No. 5 is vfry busy, preparing for the fair. We will have exhibits in the agri cultural, diawing, writing, sewing and cooking departments. We ex pect to have a complete exhibit, and are trying for one of the grand prizes for our district. The chiltirtn are all deeply inter ested in the coming fair, and are do ing their best, their parents, aleo, are interested, and are encouraging them to put forth their best tftorte Every cbiid in the school will b represei tsd at the fair. . Etta Young, teacher. At . t c mi . - uisttici ao. inis article wa& JO Bti$ine$ Calk ON - M ODERN ERCHANDISING ETHODS Roseburp, Or., June 4. The con tractors who are boring the well on the Southern Pacific s property near the roundhouse in this city, made' an unexpected diecovery last Fri- J uay. ror tne paei monin mey nave T7 - . . , . . . . been drilling through a hard blue ' Valley & especially in and around the vicinity of our town, In the march of progress now entering the Willamette stratum, but Friday the drill at a depth of 600 feet, ped through this formation, and into a sand re sembling sea sand, but considera ble at this point. A very salty and brackish water began flowing into the well and eoou reached a depth of l3ofeet, or nearly sea level. The United States geographical sur places the exact measurement at the place as being 464 feet above the sea. - Drilling operations were at onoe suspended, and the strike reported to the Southern .Pacific officials, who wilt inve stigate, as tne contract is for a looo-foot well, and it is not known whether the company will continue the work or not, as their object in drilling the well is to get a supply of pure water for use on the trains and engines. Wouldn't Change Thrones with a King. Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our superb Sporting Goods' stockthe latest in Rods, Reels, Dandy Minnows, Hooks,'Bicycles, Sundries, ulfery, Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison - and - Victor Talking Machines, Records and Supplies, The hunter will find himself in a paradise of his own when he lands in , this fine Sporting Goods stock. You are welcome to buy, or admire, just as you choose. Unmatchable prices how. M. M. LONG'S nothing is more conspicuous than the spirit of progress on among our merchants, to this end and to keep in the front., rank in the business community, we shall inaugurate a series of modern methods in the line of "Profit Sharing Sales" that should be appreciated by all our patrons. This will not mean that we shall have a sale of every ar ticle in the store but one line of merchandise will be taken from each Department every week, and offered you at such. a reduction that will not fail to have your hearty support, London Tit-Bits: ' Among the his torical curiosities tj be teen at Chatworth House, the residence of the Duke of Devonshire, is a willow tree that actually weeps, very oiten to the personal discomfort of taoBe beneath it. To the casual observer it appears just an ordinary willow, but on close inspection it is seen to be art fully artificial. It is made from a metal to closely resemble a living tree, and each of its branches is covered with innumerable holes. In fact, the whole tree is a monster syringe, being connected to a water maid near by. The key for turo:n on and cff is close at hand, and many a vUiting party has been enticed beneath its branches by practical jokers. New Orleans, June 4. The sen tence of the court in the Greene and Gajmr cas involving over a half million dollars fraud in govern ment contract work in the Savan nh Harbor, was affirmed today in an opinion handed ' down by the United States circuit coutt of ap peal p. The sentence is four years' imprisonment each and a fine ag gregating $s75 000. Jndge Saelby and McCormick rendered the opinion, and Judge Pardee dissented. Benjamin F. D. Greene and John F. Gaynor, the defendant, appeal ed on I9U3 assign mtnts of errors Most interesting tf tnese was the cla'm that their extradition from Canada, a case which went to the privy council of -England before be ing finally tried, was illegal. They alleged they were extradited upon one offense and tried upon another. Upon this point the court says: "It is not unusual, nor would it be exyedient or practicable, for a warrant of extradition to describe the crime 'with all the fullness that This week we shall offer Dress Goods & LADIES SUITS SPECIALS ictment mutt be for the same criminal acts, it does not fjlLw.that the crime must have the sime name in both countries." prpfed for us before Mr. Miller T1 qu d ma indulgent ' i- . . 1 Woib extradition and indictment IUULU 1 lUiUUDDlUlO tu WUUIrlfJUB IL C school. We will have a later re port from the prestnt teacher to ap eir shortly. The children are pleased with the prospect of a pleasant time with other ecbools and an opportunity of comparing the hard work they are doing wrth the work of other schools. I think it is an added impetus to the pupils and teacher as well as for thoroughness in their work. Al though the spring has been back ward and work in the gardens great ly retarded, the eeeds distributed to the schools, with many others, bavj been safely put away in boxes of loam prepared by the children in their homes, and the knowledge of conditions necessary to produce beet results are eagerly sought' for. I have noticed the rainy day play time seems to bepleasantiy employ ed by the girls in various kinds of sewing;-and aB for baking bread, every metnoa. xnown among wo men is being investigated. The enthusiasm in this fair is not and should not be confined to the school and teacher: but every man, woman and child should do their MONDAY JUNE 10 TO SATURDAY JUNE 15, none sold before or after this date at these prices 65c Wooi Dress Goods at 48c These goods come in popular Shepherds Plaid effects, 40 inches wide, all wool, Black & White, Blue & White, Brown & White, Garnet & White, See Window Display "Ladies Suit Special" You should suit yourself with a suit at the prices we shall offer them this week for we are going to make this depart ment even more popular than it ever was. You know the styles are absolutely correct and when you talk of "Wboltex quality" it means "Good Goods and Make up" combined. Chicago, June 4. Chicago's ar my of meat-eaters is facing a run of high prices which threat ns to force the man who does not earn more than $2 a day to a vegetable diet. Meats of all kinds, with the excep tion of the poorest cats of beef, have been rising steadily for three weeks and dealers say that the advance will contmne. In some of the poorer sections of Chicago retail-, dealers have' not handled a piece of meat except beef tor the last three weeks. Lamb. pork and other meats are beyond the reach of their customers. The retailers found that . these meats were spoiling on their cntting blocks because people could not afford to buy thf m, and in consequence they quit buying of - , the - wholesalers. Lamb .advanced three cents nound in the last three weeks and the big wholesalers eay they cannot Continued on-Page 4.' 10.00 Ladies Suits this week 15.00 44 it . 7.95 12.50 14.95 15.50 4.50 5.75 ,17.50 20.00 ' 6.00 Misses u " 7.50 " The confidence we have in the merchandise we offer is backed by years of experience and we hold ourselves per sonally responsible to our customer which merits . your confidence in us. EESPECTPULLY, - " Corvallis, TO Holati Son - - - Oregon. Sent us your mail orders-