The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, June 04, 1907, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official County Pape.
JS f not Worth While?
Contrast and. comparison is a
mainspring of action. The. reason
civilization began, and goes right
along- unchecked is that old meth
ods and old devices are thrown
aside because new and better ones
are evolved. A little 1,000 pound
driving mare sold in Benton last
week for $500. That was $100 a
year to her . owner for each year
that she had lived. She cost no
more than a broncho and brought
twenty times as much in the mar
ket. Her notable value grew out
of the fact that she is a thorough
bred, with the staying powers and
going powers usual to good blood.
The feed of a cow that yields her
owner $100 a year in butler fat
costs no more than one that yields
$10. If a high class horse or cow
or hog or sheep or goat is not the
only kind that farmers ought to
fool with, then all the prices ate a
lie, the markets are liars,, and the
desire of largest returns for animals
sold, a delusion and a snare.
The purpose of next Friday and
Saturday's stock show in Corvallis
is to compare and contrast the best
specimens, to difiuse knowledge,
and by exhibits to awaken interest
In producing the best and only the
best. Isn't it worth the while of
everybody in Benton to . patronize,
push and accentuate this show? Is
it not a noble and conspicuously
useful enterprise? - ,
the C. & E. to Newport Car
ried 150 Passengers The '
The first excursion of the season
ran to Newport and return Sun
day. It consisted of six coaches,
and ran from the Front. It carried
150 passengers, all of whom enjoy
ed the day. They were transferred
from Yaquina to Newport on the
Legett, the steam schooner lying
in the harbor, and the return trip
between the two peaces was made
In the same way in the evening.
The Legett is over 200 feet 'long,
draws seventeen feet of water, is an
oil burner, and an all round good
boat. The excursion train left
Corvallis at 8:05, and arrived on
the return trip at 10:30 in the eve
High School Track and Field Meet a
Great Success.
A dozen or fifteen husky young
men standing in the center of the
college armory, the galleries and
floor lined with applauding specta
tors, Prof. Fulton presenting the
lads with gold and silver medals
and other trophies of victory, was
a closing incident in the big high
school meet at the college Satur
day. The meet was a success be
yond the most ardent expectations
of its promoters, the O. A. C.
student association. It was an oc
casion to reflect very great credit
on all concerned.
The meet was won by the Hill
Military Academy team of Portland
and the prize was a silver cup. The
relay race was won by Portland
Academy, and the prize was a sil
ver cup. The gre?test number of
points and a gold medal was won
by Sam May of Hill Military, who
took four first places and with them
four additional gold medals. Next
to him was Jay of Pendleton High
who scored 19 points, and after
him was Kellogg of Baker High
with 18 points. Portland High and
Pendleton High tied, for second
place with 22 points each. Four
teen schools took part in the meet,
the athletes coming from Astoria to
LaGrande and from Baker City to
Roseburg. A similar meet is
held each year hereafter, and It is
planned to make it a two affair
and include the colleges.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cougt
Remedy in His House.
"Wo would not be without Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
nally in our home," says W. W. Ke&me'
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mi
That is just what every family should d
When kept at hand ready for instant use,
cold may be checked at the outset and cun '
in much less time than after it has becot
.settled in the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for -croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
-done when the remedy is kept at hand. Fox
sale by Graham & Wortham
Popular Sacred Concert at the Armory
by Miss . Sheehy's Chorus.
A very enjoyable musical event
was the sacred concert given by
Miss Edna Sheehy's chorus in the
armory Sunday afternoon. Ab
sence of two of the lady members
of the chorus reduced the soprano
and alto parts to six, which with
nine male pupils of Miss Sheehy's
department constituted the chorus.
The program consisted entirely of
sacred selections, the various num
bers appearing in Friday's times.
In point of precision . and general
excellence of rendition, the vaiious
numbers were as good if not better
than has ever been heard from the
students, and called forth universal
commendation. .. The parts were so
delicately balanced and the various
shades of feeling so nicely brought
out that the effect was most pleas
ing. The remark was many times
repeated that a further appearance
of the chorus before the end of the
year is greatly to be desired.
It is said that several of those
who appeared on the program were
unable to sing a note when Miss
Sheehy began with them a lew
months ago. The fine progress
made by MUs Edna Allen, Miss
Marie. Pelland, and others was es
pecially the subject cf general re
maik. Both appeared with fine
eifcct in solos, f,nd also in a duet.
One of the leading voices of the so
prano was Miss Lulu Spanler,
who is always a favorite. There
was a large audience and every 1
number was listened to with per
fect attention-. . Miss Sheehy ap
peared as conductress and to excel
lent advantage, and Miss , Emma
Sox as accompany ist. , Miss Sox,
who is teacher of music in Albany
college, is accounted by many as a
result of her work on this occasion,'
as one of the best accompanyists in
the Valley. . Miss Sheehy . and the;
college is to be congratulated on
the success of her concert, .t ... :
The members of the chorus are:
soprano; Mrs. Edith Pernot, Mrs.
Escelle McCausland, Mrs. C: Pin
kerton. Misses Edna Allen, Lulu
Spangler, Gertrude McBee, Faye
Koadruck. Altos; Misses Marie
Pelland, Ada Finley. Nelle Marvin,
Helen Pelland. Tenors; Rupert
Wall, J. Robt. Stites, Ralph
Caves, Gus Abrahum, Kenneth
Cole, Donald Morgan, Jesse Tif
fany, Howard Zinser. Bassos; O.
G. Crawford, John Allen, S. Frank
Holm, John J. Clark, Rawla Mil
ler, A. R. Barnett.
Fmcy bin bon boxes for Cim-m-!
etOHnt n t t'l" PaIho" of Sweets.
WANTED at once. A man to
contract logging with teams at
at saw mill on P. A. Kline's
west of town, . Enquire of S.
H. Moore, Corvallis.
For Sale.
FOR SALE, (Furniture, carpets,
wall paper, opposite Hotel Corvallis.
A. H. Kempin.
1 i
High Price-
tpecied in FuV Measun EoccJu
Hi. -e
J. A. Folger & Go.
: San.' Francisco
SI, AB WOOD At the Corvallis
r sawmill at $1.50 per load, strictly
.cash on; delivery.
Say! '
jjo you Know.;jonn j,enger or
No. 9 meets all in and out going
trains? No! Yes and he tends to
all your baggage and small parcels
with prompt delivery. Please call
Res. 251 or Allen's Drug Store.
Hinuelf in the County
-John Stahlbusch.
John Stahlbusch, a well known
German, hung himself in the Ben
ton County jail last night. Dur
ing the day he had been adjudged
insane and was held in jail impend
ing the arrival of the Asylum at
tendants to take him to Salem.
While alone in his cell, he first at
tempted the deed with his hand
kerchief, but when it broke with
his weight, he tore a strip from his
blanket, and tying it to the door
frame above his head, succeeded in
carrying out his design. The body
was found at 5:30 by Sheriff Bur
nett wno entered the jail to give
Stahlbusch his breakfast. When
found, the body was suspended by
the strip of blanket, the feet resting
squarely on the floor. The body
was cold, and death had evidently
come several hours before, probably
before midnight. It was apparent
that Stahlbusch, after fastening the
strip of blanket around his neck
had deliberately held his feet up
until the deed was accomplished
i ne body was allowed to remain
undisturbed until the arrival of
Herman Stahlbusch, a brother, re
siding on Kiger Island, for' whom
a messenger was at once dispatched
by the sheriff.
Stahlbusch was adjudged insane
after an examinationby the oounty
court. The action was based
on belief that his mental condition
is such that he ought not to be at
large. At the hearing that occurr
ed at tiie county court nouse at 10
o'clock yesterday morning, a num
ber of witnesses' swore that they
did not believe Stahlbusch safe to
be at large. Others testified that
they had heard him make threats
In the evidence was a statement of
his doings nearly a year ago, when
he was disarmed, by Officer Wells
in the sherifi's office because of his
threats "to fix" retiring County 1
Judge Watters and other members
of the court, whom he fancied had
wronged him with reference to his
taxes. He also stated at the time
that he had brought along his gun
to "start the new court off right,"
displaying his weapon as an evi
dence of. his good intentions.
There was also testimony to the
effect that Stahlbusch had received
injury in the head which was be
lieved to have effected his mind.
The physicians were Dr. Newth
of Philomath, and Dr. Farra, of
Corvallis. Judge McFadden, who
is now district attorney, appeared
for the state.
Stahlbusch arrived from Port
land Sunday, and was at once taken
in custody by Sheriff Burnett for
the insanity hearing. At Portland
Stahlbusch had purchased an im
mense thresher and portable saw
mill, the engine for which is said to
weigh 32 tons being too large to be
allowed to cross Marys river
bridge. The character of the -purchase
was accepted as a sign of de
ranged mental condition. , It is also
strongly suspected that he was in
some way connected with the death
of a fine colt on the Hamlin place.
which was , so badly maimed and
cut as to produce death, the facts
of which were related in Friday's
times. . He was questioned about
the colt in the examination as to
sanity, he' invariably replied that
"you have ; no evidence against
me"in which of course, he was cor
rect. His actions when the ques
tioning was in progress tended to
confirm the1 suspicions of those
present that he knew something
about the matter. In fact the in
sanity examination was largely the
result of the horse incident. While
under , examination, Stahlbusch
said he had "drea'rued" about the
colt and of its being killed. He al
so stated that his head had been
huring him for several years partic
ularly since he had been injured
three years ago by a fall. It is al
so a fact that he sustained a heavy
blow on the head by a shot gun in
the hands of M. W. Smith, several
years ago.
Warning to Bayers.
To the times: . :- . '
- Corvallis, Oregon. ' -
I see my residence property in
South Corvallis is advertised for
sale in the Republican. I wish to
announce to the :': public and to all
concerned through the times that
this is without my authority.
My property in Corvallis is not
now for sale and any one buying it
without my signature to the deed,
will surely buy a lawsuit, of which
I hereby give notice. -
" F. P.' Morgan,
West, Texas.
May 28th, 1907.
FOR SAIE. All kinds of rough
' lumber at mill on P. A. Kline's
ranch, also slab, wood 4 ft.
length. Before building "see S.
' H. Moore, Corvallis.
It is better to use '
than to wish you had.
Call and see tla-eaao. at
C Watch this space for Bareins in
No 608 43 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot
tom land, house of 5 rooms, small bam, young orchard, 2 1 -2 miles of
a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598 1 60 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1700. School house on place.
383 10 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair bam 1-2
mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $1 700.
No Prizes
f n
ise 1 isaiiDora -m e
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Something Doing
Beginning May 1 st there will be something doing in our Department-Store
you will find us as usual up and a-coming in our great
Reduction Sale for May Call in and we will convince you. .
go with our . .
mmu m mm m
1 '
"MP 1
In th nimnlt Pnnrt nl Ih. St.,. nt ,
. v. vi VI 1 c UIJ . ltir
the county ot Benton:
The Ooast Land and Live Stock Company
I aonila C. Hogg, William Flnckney Whyt.
William Burke. Thomas E. Burke.Emlly
Bentley, J. p. Yates, a 8 admlnis rator ol
the estate of T. Egerton Hogg; Jefferson
D. Younir. Edward P. Coe, Margaret D.
Coe, his wile; Alice Stanley Coe,Mont
gomety, Richard Montgomery, her hut- I
band; Mary Emma Coe, widow of George
S. Coe, deceased and Arthur H. Maetoii.
and the Astotla Company, a Corporation
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear andfanswer the com
plan.t of the above named plaintiff, filed in the
above entitled court with thecletk of said court
on or before the day of July, 1907, and you
are hereby notified that if you fail to an
pear and answer said complaint as hereby requir-
"""i" tp?y to tnn 8bOT "'titled
court for the relief asked for In the complaint ou
file herein, to-wit:
For a decree of the conrt correcting the deed
made on the 20th day of March, 1888, by T. Erer-
tA?JIg,BI".Ge?!e.8- Cne 89 frte. recorded
Aprl 9, ls8a, in book of deeds. Vol. "X" page s
Deed records for Benton county , Oregon, and the
deed made by Edward P. Ooe. Margaret D. Coe
his wife; Alice Stanley C-re-Montgomery. Rich
ard Montgomeiy her husband and Marv Emma
Coe widow of George S. Coe, deceased, to Arthur
H. Maston. on the 8th day of June, l-99, which
Bali deed was recorded on the iist day of June
I&97, in book (f deeds Vol. 30, paee J2- Deed
Records of Benton county, Oregon, and to correct
the deed made by Arthur Maston as Uui-tee to
A",,'la f"Pany, dated the day of
April. 1000, and refolded on the 11th dav of j"ulv the Book of Deeds. Vol. 38 page 4! 8 ot
Deed Records for Benton countv, Oregon, and to
correct the deed made by the Astoria companv
acorporation, on the 12th day ol November l'tOO
to the Coast Land and Live Stoc k Company, a
corporation, which said deed was recorded on
the 2(im day of Mirch. ic,01. Book of Deeas. Vol
40. page 60. Deed Records tor Benton county, Or
tg0w 1?,e foIowing particular, so that It shall
lead '-The North one-half of the South-East one
fourth of section 7, Townihlp 12. South Kange 7
Westof the WillHii.ettc Meridian. Oregon" in
stead of "Tl.- ,.itb ... .i.if of sT.uth-sast
one-fm r h ef sec 1 mi 7 Tuw-ithip 12. u'.ti Etnge
7 West ul the iliainie M,r ui n Or.-t or. and
decreeing tlmt the plilntiff is the owner In tee
Pimple of said lau. s and it-e wl.nle tlieifcf and
that the deefen.lirits ortMinrof theui h-ve no
right, title or int. reft in or m the mio imiils or
any part or i otiou iheieofan.! that the d-renci-ants
and each hi , I all of them lie r qul ed to
make a deed to tin ibliiiitf within (3n) dty of
the date of the d.rce r. curbed in tins cause, con
veying to the plaintM'byi-.,rie-t descriptions of
saia lands any rlgtit. iit!e or iniei.'st tu..t. the
defendants or either or iinvot them niav hV- in
and to the same and If the delei dmt. tail to so
niakeaoeedtherofoi that the die-en repdeied
herein may be filed as a deed correcting the sev
eral conveyances made by the i efeudauts as
asked for in plaintiff s complaint, and for such
other and further decree as tu the court may
seem Just aud proper and for the costs and dis
bursements.. This summons is published by order of the Hon
E. Woodward, judite of the county court In and
roi Benton county, Oregon duly made iu the City
of Coivalils, Oregon, on the 24th day of May,
1907. ordering said summons to be served by pub
lication and that the name be published iu the
Corvallis Times and ihat the first publication,
be made on the 31t day of May, 1907, and the
last publication thereof be made on the 12th day
of July, 1907. requiring the defendants to answer
on or before tho 13th day of Julr, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Account.
Notice is her by given that I have filed In the
connTy court of the state of Oregon, for the coun
ty of Benton, my final account as administratrix
of the estate of Haivey Eugene Burns,
deceased, and that r-ntiirdpv t'uM flih d.v
of June, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. i., ai d the court
room oi satn court, nave been nptolnted by said
court as the time and place for the heating oi
the final account and the settlement there, f
IDA A nnnica
Administratrix of the estate of Harvey EugeDe
Date of first publication, May 7, 1907.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is herebv riven th;.t tho unlprVnp i.
the duly appointed ai:d nctlug administrator of
the estatn of s. Jackson, recessed, pursuant
to the orlt r or the county court of the state of
Oregon, for Benton c.n-.iiiv. All n-Ts-ons hvti-.i
claims against s.-.trt est-tte ore notified to pieseut
the same duly verifi d to this admit. l.-ir.uor at
the onrre of McFadden and Brvson In tiie city of
oo ' us, Buia county, wiuiiu six 'mon'hs lrcm
Dated May 24, 1C07,
Administrator of the estate of S. W,'D.
Order of Sale.
In the county court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Benton.
In the matter of the Guardianship of the j ersou
and estate ol Gertrude A. Seikier, a minor.
Order to show cause.
The court having read the pe'ition of Annfe
Seckler, the duly appointed guarolan of the said
Gertrude A. Seckler, asking that the cout grnnt
an order, to sell lots cne and two in block seven
teen, in the original town of Marysviile. now
Corvallis. Benton county, Oreccn, in which said
mhmrhasan undivided oi.e-half interest, and
the court being fully advised in the premises,
that it Is necessary and for the best luteiest of
said miner.
It la therefore herebyordered. That the next of
kin of said minor, and all otbei persons Interest
ed in said estate appearb efore this court on the
Sth day of June, at ten o'clock A. M., at the
court loom of theconnty judge of said countv.
In Corvallis. Oregon, and show cause why an or
der should not be granted as prayed tor In the
petition herein filed.
. And it is further herebv ordered. That a copy
of t bis order be publishea"m the Corvellis Times,
a newspaner of general circulation published in
said Benton couuty, Oregon, at least once aweek
for four successive and consecutive weeks.
DMtd Slav 7, 1S07.
Couuty Judge.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the
Oounty of Benton.
Samnuel E. Young, Plaintiff, vs. Curtis Beers
and Hatlie Beers, his wife, Rebecca Rindlaub
and Sarah L. Cooper, defendants.
To Curtis Beers and Hattie Beers, defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon, vou are
hereby requiied to appear in the above entitled
court and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or be I ore the 3d
day ot July, 1907, and if you fall so to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court thereof for the relief prayed for in his com
plaint, to-wlt: that plaintiff recover judgment
aeainst defendant, Ourtts Beers for $3t)0 and in
terest?, attorney fees, and costs: and that the
mortgage described in the complaint herein, exe
cuted by defendants Curtis Beers and Hattie
Beers, his wife, to Letha Rodgers and assigned
to plaintiff, on the N. 1-2 of the S; E. 1-4 of section
26. T. 10 S., ft. 6 West of Willamette meridian,
containing 80 acres, be decreed a first lien on
said ptoperty and that said mortgage be fore
closed and said real property be sold according
to law and that each of you and all the defend
ants be forever barred and foreclosed off and
from any and all right, title, Interest and equity
of redemption In or to said mortgage premises,
and that plaintiff have such further relief as the
court may decree.
This summons fa published not less thin six
consecutive weeks, date ot first publication
to be May 21, 1907; date of last publication to be
July 2, 1907, date of appearance to be on or before
July S. 1907, by order of Hon. E. Woodward,
countv judge of the above county and state. -Dated
May 14, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
by the undersigned that he has
purchased, as of date April i6,
1907, the saw-mill plant and busi
ness of .E. W. StroDg at Corvallis,
Oregon, heretofore operated under
the name of Corvallis Saw-mill
Company and that he will continue
such business under the same name.
521 im Percy Alien