The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 31, 1907, Image 4

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    Glfti Goodman of Pdnd'etm, is j
xpect'd to arrive nt-xt week for a ;
iviit witb colltge friends. j
CM- has dropped in the local
market from 40 to 38 ctnie. j
Examinations at the publio '
echo )l bettio Monday. RcitJij,ons
there end for the year today t j
Cingres Hawley is to de!ivr
the oration at the Corvallis ctlebra
tioo of the glorious Fuurth.
A. special. rnetiri( of tha Etst
era S ur occurs TueeJay evenlutf in
Masunio Temple tj onfer djgreef.
Will Abrabim, well-known O.
A. C. gialuate, called home recent
ly from Schenectady by the illness
of hie tnothr, arrived in town to
day for a visit.
Mr. Jesse Spencer, whose con
dition of health ia a matter of coo
earn to her .relatives and many
friends went to Portland ye9terdav
for medical treatment. She will
enter a hospital, and may be com
pelled to resort to a turgical opera
ration. She wan accompanied by
tier eon, Victor Spencer.
The board of directors hive
more than a ecoie ot applications
far tne principalship of the Coival
lie public schools, made vacant by
the resignation of Principal
Holmee. Among tbtm aie many
well-known educators. Aoelt-ctiou
is to be made about the middle of
next week.
The hint is going the rounds
that four or five teachers io the Cor
vsllU public schools will not be can
didates for re-election to their pres
ent poeitloop. It might not be
wicked to add that copid is up to
faie capers again and thai some peo
ple deelare the little god to hv a
ixaad intbe prospective resignitions.
The water commission ba pur
chaeed the necessary pipe and will 1
shortly begin ex'enelons removicpj
the dead ends at the south ends of '
the atreets between Ninth and Fifib.
The pipe costs 20 cents a foot, 13
3-4 cen's haviog bePii pid for toe
atue sizs at the time the wcrks was
bailt. !
While it ran in the pasture, a;
$200 two-year-old colt on the J. '.
W. Hamlin farm ncross the Willa I
You will find enough
You can save trouble acd
House Furnishirgs of us.
trouble in life without borrowing,
expense by buying Fo nature and
Take life easy. Come around and get one of our
$1-5 Sz $3.25 ZEanacLzricclrs
Enjoy the good old summer time on the porch or in the
shade of the old apple tree.
See Our Line of Go Carts $2.7 '5-$! 3.50
We want you to know that we keep Folding Porch Chairs,
Folding Cots, Settees Camp Goods, and in fact everything that
is needful about the house.
are found here with a larger assortment to select from and cheaper
than any other place. Come and see.
Hollenberg & Cady.
Real Estate in Benton is Active List
of New Deeds Filed.
Isaac N. Winkle to Florence
Bryan land south of Corvallis,
David Bulks and wife to Bessie
M. Hess two lots in block 15 in 1
Job's Add., $850.
F. C. Sparkman and wife to J
P. Wilson, one lot in block 13
Growing Fastest witli Least Fuss
And if you don't believe it, come and see
EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer
chandise, can handle some wheat
DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon.
CQotte was oangbt and wontonly mu ; -Henry Ambler and wife to City
tilUted by unknown parties. It ' of Philomath tart of lot 87 in block
was eo cut and curved that the iQi Philomath, $100.
iote3tines were exposed. The sni j Norris Looney aud wife to
Mini died in great agorjy. Tnere are j Adolph C. Leisy, 160 acres south
fuspecte. ! of Summit, $Soo
. , . , . , Nettie Glassford and husband to
--Wheat is 5 cents m the local chester A.. Taylor and wife one
market, though tne boom in the lot in Avery.s 2nd Add $25Q.
v,a.cSo uriter is paruy . xp;oaeo. ; Marv Q Wilbelrii and husband
The rejjorts of dUmage and shortage ! tn T
jui iUJjb, uuwover, me noi cumin- frmr ,orvr
i t Oregon crop will j s E f " and wife to E
be hort seems almost cerUio, bcib ' Horton in- block 2 N
.from lack of acreage and lack of j v a,-o a,
sua. Buyers say the export de-1 o Vnlin tn pi ,
Continued from Page 1.
aod m-riT rjPOr rprM s oh ainecl
to th opjtt Um day if Uwklty-
rtpeptnK fruit woum gotft mark
e'. s 1? trer ptctr bve
pnea tor worK tnis year tnan in any
prf-ceiog eeason, allhough the crop
is the beet in three yeare. ; While
mote help is coming in, there ie not
half erjoueh yet to go arout d. I', is
expclfd that (hip'tnehts wilt double
up'f r eeveral day9 until the beigipth
ot the season I reachei wiih on
sunt picking for eev-ral weeke. '
Growers say thbt if the ehor.i.i'ge
in hflp does not let up before toe
Grangers leave, they will be invited
lo stay and htlp gather the Jftig
crop. Tut re ij still room for 2060
pickers who will be provided
camping places and work as
as they can arrive.
iS- Expert
-Pvyl Chinese
fan Mclyennan, 120 acres near
xaand Is not to stiff as it wap, and !
Tu 1 K n, i , "flu two lots in block 1
10 the long run it will be the mflu- p Avery's Add, $
eoce that will determine the pnc, G. A. Robinson 1
foung to Roy Hollenberg
?btwriog the occasional excitement
'kicked op by the wheat gamblers '
Jimumeago and JNew York. The
prices for Portland are, club, 86 and
?87; blue etem, 88 and 90; valley,
i86 and -S7j red, 85.
A.hol Miy is annsual in Wil
lametle. Ii is here this season,
however, in all its glory. As epeci
aueoeofa heated term, yesterday
vod Wednesday were stem-windere.
5Eh3 thermometer yesterday rose in
several places to 90 in the shade, a
poict more oharacterietic of mid--sQEQaaer
than of May. Its effect on
,jr3wiog crops and gardens is be
wailed. With prevalent drouth
'conditions it is an nnhappy situa
tion. The rain, however, will prob
aBiv come directly, for it never fails
nn Oregon.
Corvallis dealers quote three
cents as the price for cbittim. A
trade paper eays of the price of
jark-; "Work in the gathering sec
tions has been commenced, but the
Sjw level of prevailing prices 8 ffjr ?s
jiiule incentive to labor. The trets
-naar the forwarding canters buve
been well stripped and with the nr
eessity of ex'eoding operations to
Teaiote districts the expense of
(moving supplibs may reasonably
fse expected to show an increase.
The IocbI market assumed a more
active appearance late in the week,
aith inquiries pending for car lote.
Forty-four athletes for the
h'rtfh echool meet tomorrow arrived
today coon, and ten more are to
come tonight from Astorii, La
Grande, Baker City, Pendleton, Isl
and City, : Union, and numerous
other schools have delegations. The
Portland High haB eight men. Hill
Military Academy seven and the
lEaatside High in Portland, four.
"The rivalry for places in the meet
"will be great and the various events
-extremelv interesting. The Rose
burg and the Eugene delegations
will arrive on this evening train.
"The visitors were met at the train,
and each delegation is in the hands
of a student oommittee. Tonight
there will be a brief reception in
their honor and tomorrow night a
partv in the armory. The meet be'
rgins at two o'clock tomorrow after-
lots in block 1 1 in N. B. and
's Add, $1.
Robinson to E. A. Horton
lots ia block 2 N. B. and P.
Avery's Add., $500.
Charles Rogers to Hattie Boul
den lot 11 in block 1, Chase's Add,
E. McLennan to R. S. Irwin
four lots in block 3 Chase's Add.,
H. R. Nehrbas to C. L. Fichard
one half interest in 552 acres south
of Philomath, $1.
L. R. Goodman to C. C. Huff 32
acres south of Philomath. $10.
G. V. Skelton to Emma B.
Thompson two lots in block 2 Ray
burn' s Add., $1.
W. P. Miner to C. F. Kempin
lot 6 in Dixon's Add., $1275.
E. E. Wilson to M. J. Vernon
40 acres in Alsea, $10.
B. F. Hyland to W. J. Dinges
four lots in block 4, Avery's and
Well's Add., $600.
U. S. to James N. Norris 160
acres west of Philomath.
IlFrank Lucas to George L. Davis
160 acres southwest or Philomath,
Benton Realty Co. et al to H. A.
Oleman 80 acres near Summit,
' A. J. Shipley to C. G. Shipley,
200 acres near Monroe, $3500.
U. E.Begert 160 acres south
of Philomath.
W. A. Cross to M. P. Burnett
160 southwest of Philomath, $200,
Loui-ville, Kv., My 28. Gen
eral George B. Caetlemao tolay e
reived a telegram from Adjutant
General A'Usworih at Wa hmgtor,
LOMfyirgbim that the endurance
test acro-e the coLtinent fron Ore
gon to New Jersey between an Ar
abian stallion and a h ree selected
ny the American Saddle-Hor0e
Breeders' Association has been in
definitely portponet
The ride was tJ have b"eo start
ed this week, the obj-ci to dettrm
ine the relative mdurar ca and speed
of the American and Arabian hors
es for the onfit of fulye breedirg
and seleciion of United S ates cav
alry hordes.
The Arabian stallioa which was
was to nave b-eo used was Homer
Davenport's sullion Nedjram, and
the pifetponemeot followed a letter
aanounciog that Nedjram waseick.
the American horse i-elrcted, Cli -on,
was hrougbt to this city from
General Caetlemau'a farm a week
ago. -:
BEST BREAD and pas ry can
obtained at Starr s Bakery.
SLAB WOOD At the Corvallis
sawmill at $ 1 50 per load , strictly
cash on delivery.
FOR SALE Jersey s Bull, three
years old.eligible toregistry. Gen
tle, a fine individual. Will ex
change for one of equal breeding.
W. F. Curry, Corvallis R.F.D.i.
Annual Rose . Fair.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold therr annual Rose
Fair on Wednesday, June ,th at
tne upera iiouse. .following is
the list of prizes and premiums.
Class 1. rinest specimen rose,
not less than eight named varieties-.
1st $21.50, 2nd $x.5o
Clas? -Mart artistically ar
ranged dfaiug tashle decoration
1 st $2.50, 2nd $1.50.
Class 3. Best collection climb
ers. 1st $1.50, 2nd $1.00.
Class 4 Most artistically ar
ranged vase of roses- 1st 75 cents,
2nd 5o cents.
Class 5. Best exhibit of wild
flowers by children under 15 years.
1st $1.00, 2nd 50 cents.
Class 6. Best boquet of miscel
laneous cut flowers. 1st 7s cents,'
2nd 50 cents.
Entry fee for all classes 10 cents.
All exhibits must be the prodoc
tion of the exhibitor. The hour
for receiving exhibits will close at
3 p. m. Doors open to the public
at 5 p. m.
The ladies will serve a warm din
ner from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., also
lunch, ice cream and cake in the
National Steel Ranges, at
Kempin' s new store north - of
Hotel Corvallis. ' , c:
Dress Making. Sewing done rea-
sonablew Two doors south " of the
Water works, oh First St. i tf
Say! ' u -
Do you know , Joiin Lenger or
Np. 9 meets all in , and1 out going
trains? . No! : Yes and he tends to
all your baggage and small . parcels
with prompt delivery. Please call
Res. 251 or Allen's Drug Store.".
Are the greateat and best selectors of Tea values. They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and smell, but by look and touch. We pride
ourselves upon, the exceptionally high grade lines of Teas'
and Coffees which we have in stock, and we are sure that
the most captious critic will approve both.' They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way.
-.- -We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, Schillings Tea
PHONE 2 0 3.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Hldg. Honrai
IO to ia and a to 4.
Phone, office a 1 2 Residence ISO.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np siajrs in Burnett Brlci Ties
idence on the coiner of Maditon and
Seventh it. Fhcu at house and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may b
eft at Graham & v -fcBm,R druir itor.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Building. '
Phone lad. 384.
Dr. Hanford
Successor to Bowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or.
. B ftorning,
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
. B Roraing
This Isn't the Place
Where they give something for nothing
But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you
can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina,
you ever got in this city. .
Come in and be convinced
A. Boulden
Grocery Store ' 'CorvalhsV
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and "Cello OAC School
of Music. Music furnished for all ocj
casions. Large'or small orchestra. " -
Willamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bnys County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND ( The Bank o
SEATTLE ( California
PTKW TORK-Nman. J. P. Honu A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Re pub
LONDON, ENG. N Ml BothMUlld ban
CANADA . Vniop Kitnk ot Canada
Notice of Sale.
Pub'lc notice is hrreby elven. tnt the under .
flgned, as the administrator ot the etste ot Pe
ter Wilson, deceased, by virtue of an order of
the county court of Jackson county, Ortgou, sit
ting In probate, said o-der being ef date the 26th
day of April, 1907. will from and after Monday
the 3d day of June, 1907, nd at and from the
hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, otfi-r for sale,
and sell all of the right, title and interest of the
sail estate in and to ail of the following de
scribed real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, tivwit:.
The Kortn-east quarter o' section is. in 'i own-
ship 12 South, Range o West, containing 160
Sain rale will take place at the law office of E.
E. Wilson in Corvallis. Benton county, uregon.
and will continue until the highest possible
price has been received for said tract of land,
and said property fold. Slid property will be
sold Tree irom ail liens ana tncumorances tvnai.
Dated at Corvallis. Oregon, this the 3rd day
of May, 1907.
Administrator of the estate ot Peter Wilson,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate
-Eliza A. Kt iebt. tfeeeased.
No-ie4 berebv elvrtri to all-neranhs eowcem-
etl h n 'i "e vmuei elgwd haa-been duly appelated""
i.imiiHnwr-of-tn "feite -of 'said' Eliza' A, '
Kini.i. Kn-aeneea, by the- county court of the
stie of Oreeon for Beuton county. All persons
having claims against s id estate ol Eliza A.
Knight, deceased, are hereby reauired to pre
sent the same, with proper voucners therefor,
duly verified as by law required, within six
montns from tne date neroi to tne unaertlgueu
at his law office in Corvallis, Oregon.
DatedApril 80, 1907.
Administrator ot the Estate of Eliza A Knight,
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the II after of the Estate ,
James Hayes, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the undesigned
administratrix of the estate of James Hayes, de
ceased. ha riled her final account as such ad
ministratrix with the clerk of the county court,
ol the state ol Oregon, for Benton county, and
the said court has fixed Saturdny the 8th day of
June, 1907, at the hour o( ten o'clock in the fore
noon as the time, ar d the county court room In
the court house In Corvallis, Oregon, as the place
for hearing any and all obiectlona to the said ac
count and for settlement thereof. ;
Dated this May 10,1907. S
Administratrix of the Estate of James Hayes,!
Deceased. i
Chamberlain's Salve.
Tfiis salve" is intended especially for sore
nipples,' burns; frost bites, chappcitjhandx,
itching piles, chronic sore eves, granulateil
eye lids, old chronic sores' and for diseases ol,
the skin, such as tetter, -salt rheum, xing
worm,' scald1 head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabies, or itch and eczema. ' It. has, met
with unparalleled success in "the treatment
of these diseases. Price 23 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & "Wortham.