IS IS IP t V... V. Vol. XX.-No. CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31'. 1907.- By B. F. Irvine n 8 I We Are Now Prepared to Outfit The Man and The Boy KILLED BY A BANDIT CAR CONDUCTOR C. L. NEV IUS THE VICTIM OF HIGHWAYMAN. Om receipt of clothing this spriDg are nobby. Big assortment. Prices That Defy Competition! Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and the best wearers Our Line of Medium Priced Shoes Are from the bast factories in the country and all are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an inspection of the above lines. Call and See j Corvallis, Oregon What You See is Worth v; Twice What. You Read! As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of -comparing values, we ask you to see our lines.. ... We have a broken line o Ladies and Childrens Shoes, which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Some be fore your size is gone. V - Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc. at bottom prices. ' . Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspection. . Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting our prices, j r Henkle & Davis. . . I I Mi :n s Special Sales and Boys Suit broken sizes at less than cost A, K. RUSS The only exclusive men's Furnishing store in Benton County. Wouldn't Change Thrones with King. 2,, Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our superb Sporting Goods stock the latest in - Rods, Reels, Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries? -dlery, Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor Talking Machines, Records aruj Supplies. The hunter will find himself in a paradise of his own when he ' lands' irr" this fine Sporting Goods' stock. You are welcome to . buy, .or ' admire, just as you choose. Unmatchable prices: now. - : : - Mot or man Hull Wounded Hold up on New Rose City Park Line Ends in Murder Car- -men Fight the Robber. Conductor C. L. Neviua was shot aod killed and Motorman B. L. .Hall, was ehot through the right 'band in a battle with a lone bandit (who held up car No. 136, 00. tbe . Roe'Cuy Park branch of tbe Eet Aekeny street car line, at y:dU last night. There were no gaesengers on the car. ; '.. - After robbing tbe conductor of his day's receipts the highwayman ran away and is supposed to have boarded an eaatbound freight train on tbe O. R. & N. , Conductor Nevius was with the motorman on tbe front en 1 of the car, which had just left tbe end of the line, bound for Portland. JNev ins was about to alight when f maeked man boirded tbe front end of tbe car.- . ; UpoDJseeing tbat tne-sup; passenger was masked, Motorman Hall detached his controller and threw it at the bead of tbe stranger. He mused, and the bandit drew his revolver, firing poict blank: at the motor man. The s hot went wild, but Mutorman Hall pretended be was hit and fell off the car oa his back.; ' V .v Meanwhile Conductor Nevius had retreated into tbe car, where the bandit now followed him, pointing his pistol at the conductor's' head. The robber forced Nevius to produce bis day's receipts, estimated to be between $20 and $30, and also tock his chain holder and watch. At this juuctute, being unobserv ed, Motorman Hall picked , up a heavy rock and as the" robber came out of tbe car door threw it. strik ing him full in the chest. The des perado was felled by tbe blow, but quickly recovered and, seemingly confuted, turned toward conductor Neviua and fired two shots at. him, botb taking effect in the region- of tbe kidneys. The bullets ranged slightly upward and came out 3 art. below the Jasttib on either side afti. K "nntfnr.ftVv-RSa fallen .....v.. ..... . . ( the bandit turned tbe gun towards Huh and fired twice, and ran hast ily downHbe ra'lway tracks toward tbe city. One of the bullets mang led Hull's right band,7 two bones beirg shattered. ' ?. A few moments' later an east bound freight came puffing flowly up the gradeout of Sullivau'e Gulch. It is supposed the robber boarded tbis train. The c uiraj o io motorman then hurried to tbe HtU of his stricken comrade and endeavored to assist him to the car, but before be could gain n s leet thi bdly wounded conductor gave a gasp . and was dtad.- ' - Calling a man from a nearby cabin,-the motorman then assisted in lifting the body of Nevius to tbe car platform and "with his left hand etarted the car for the East Tweo-ty-Etghth street brn for assistance. Arriving at "Twenty-Eighth street and Sandy Road, an outbound car was encountered, which was manned by the motorman J. E. Hull, broth er of the murdered mac, and coo ductoi C. "p. dinger, why immedi ately reversed their car ! and towed the car bearing 'the: dead man to the barn. '. ; As the bandit fell off the car, af ter being struck by tbe rock, the robber dropped Ne?ius' cbainbold-, er and watcn, wrucn Motorman Hull recovered. . r that the body would be exhumed on Thursday, but tbis date was an ticipated by two days, it n said, to avoid publicity, Michael Feinberf representing Public Administrator Reddick, of Chicago, was present throughout tbe proceedings and ix preeeed satisfaction. Baron von Szhlippenbach, after viewing the body a moment, said: "This is the body of Nicolai de Raylan, who was for 12 yews my secretary" Mr. Schaeffer has not yet ssen the body. The result of the inquest estab lished beyond a doubt tbe identity of the corpse as the body of deRay lan and that tbe person in question was a female. Special Announcement OF One Week SAL Graduating Dress El Paso, May 28. In epite of tie fact that a eimilar charge was in vestigated and dismissed by a grand jury some time ago, another com plaint bas been nled with United States District - Attorney Liewelin, of New Mexico, that a tribe ot in dians in that territory is given to the worship of an enormous serpent to which is fed the new-born babes ef a puebla in which it is housed and carefully attended and guard ed- The complaint was filed by a Catholic-priest,' who alleges that a. dozen- families' were r segregated from several; Pnebls, around about IwO years ago; and -.formed into- a puebla by themselves. That ; al though it is known that many chil dren have been born to thtee faa ilies not a child is to be found in the PuebUu This led the priett to press his investigations with the result that he discovered in an adobe house, isolated and closely guarded, there is an enormous ser pent, which is worshipped by tbe Indians of all the Pueblas around,; and that every babe born in the small Putbla, and it is euspected many others, are fed to the serpent. Major Liewelyu, having no jurisdic tion, has hied tbe amdavit 01 tne priest and other evidence with the territorial authorities. We have set aside the entire week from Monday May 26th to Saturday June 1st in which we shall offer our entire stock of White Goods Consisting of French Organdies, French Lawnp, Mercerized Chiffons Persian Lawn, Swiss Goods & all figured White Goods at a saving to you of at least the price of making up. 60 cts White Orgaudie 72 "inches wide Special 49 cts. I 65 cts " -: ."?. 89 cts French Lawn 50 inches wide Special 711-2 ets. , -., A3 cts Mercerized Chiffori " Figoted Goods 75 cts $1.00 35 cts 50 cts 50 cts 35 cts 30 cts 25 cts All White Cotton Dress Goods reduced porportion ately for this week and on Display making choosing easy for you. . . J. M. Noan & Son 39 cts: 29 cts. 25 cts. 21 cts M: M. LON0S - feiin FrancUco, May 27. Tomor row is the day set l.or the sentencing of Abraham Ruef on the dbarge to which be pleaded guilty two weeks ago of extorting $1125 from propri etor Malfanti, of Delmonicp's res taurant, on a threat to prevent tbe renewal of Malfanti's linnor li cence. But eentenci , will not be passed at this time. Ruef rtfeilliap1. pear, the prosecution will -move the postment of sentencing, and Judge Dunne will acquiese. Tb prosecu tion prefers to dslay Ruefs punish ment until alter be bas appeared as a witness against the public service corporation officials, the mayor and others now indicted by the Oliver grand jury. CORVALLIS OREGON Twin Falls, Idaho, May 26. Complaints were sworn out tbis evening by S. E. Rozell, whose daugaiir -WHS . killed by. a tiger which escaped froai it cage in inc Sell-Flot(S citcux ' lat-t fcaturJav evening, agaio-t H, H. Tarn men, J. F. Boofiit-,- Frank Tammeo aid Chris O'Neil, charging them with manslaughter. H. H. Tammen and"?. F. Bontils, ptoprietors ot the 1 V A- - . P.I louver pon, a e tne owners 01 in show. Frank Tammen is thetrav eling manager, and O'Neill is the head keeper ot tne animal;. It is also said that a civil tuit for $5000 damages will be filed by Ro zeil, in addition to tt,e criminal pro ceedings. ' - ! It -'is- presumed tbe action agaimt H. H; Tamxuen and Bjnflls will be taken in tbe United States court in Denver. Tbe arrest of tbe other two men is txpected tomorrow.' .. This Man bought -his Fishing Tackle of, " GUN HODES A Complete Line of Spauld ing base ball goods at popu lar prices. s GVOCHTED 806 IW WSION.tK COI Phoenix, Ariz., ; May - 28,.- The body of Nicolai da Raylan, whose ser bar beer the subject of dispute and litigation since lat December, was exbomep yesterday afternoon and taken to an ' undertaker' a par lor, where jiie facts of the, disinter ment were made known upen tbe arrival late ' today of Baron ' von Sjblippenbach, the Russian consul at Chicago, accompanied by Samuel J. Schaeffer, attorney for Mrs. Ac na D. Ravlan. Tne body was in a fine "state of preservation and the -face, was en-, tifely unchanged; VVben' the white casket-Was opened the body" was seen attired in a woman's white robe,ii 1 , Ci " It bad been previously announced .Hcquiam, WasbM May 28 War- rants were ittued today for the ar rest of two dam-diggers of Moclips for -robbing Indian graves of 'tbe Qainiault tribe. Over 25 Indians came to this city today and entered complaint against the ghoulish work. A warrant was sworn to by John Cbepalis, a prominent Indian charging tbe miscreants with rob bing tbe graves of Jtt,is father and mother-in-law. Several saw tbe work done, and informeoV the In dians. speaking of - the matter. Jonn Cnepalis said: - ' J - ''Whiteman cannot rob the graves ol our people and we woa't stand 1 fi 1 i. . comeaay we eaten tnem and an Indian will take his rifle and kill him. We want 10 st p this- work before it comes to that." my TICEWT IS ALL IT WILL COST YOU to write for our big FREE BICECLE catalogue showing the most complete line of high-grade UBEXOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. DO HOT BUY A BI0Y0LE or on any kind or terms, ram you nave received our complete ree cata logues illustrating ana aescnoing every jcraa ot mgn-graae ana low-graae bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP Olt APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Fay the Freight and allow 10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. Vou will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. 1 We need a ftldof Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. . $8.50 PUHGTUESE-FEOOF TEHES 9P kn Regular Price $ To Introduce Wo Villi Soil You a Sample Pali for Only .80 II II HI !! Illl ifl 11 1 1 1 NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR fcaBM WITH ORDER S4.55 NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. . : Tjocnl nl te vpjira exrjerience in tire molrincr. Na J.nOnr from THORNS. CAC tiis." PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Savtnty-fivo Thousand pairs sold last year. ' OCMOmPTIOHl Made In all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside withasDecial quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers statins that their tires have only been pumped uponce or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially ,n,n (.Won the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being Notice the thick rubber tread! A" and puncture strips "B" and "D," also rim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make SOFT. ELASTIC and BASS' BIDING. iaueeseawt between xne ure ana inc reu uiu'-.S lucmuw i..v. tires is 8. w Der pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO.D. on approval. Vou do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strict ly as represented. We will allow a oanh. dlxeount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.55 per pair) If you send mtvv cn with itBnER mnA Mflnw this advertisement. We will also send one nickel Hood River, Or., May 28 Strawberries are still at a preoium Continued on Page 4. slated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us u as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. -If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run taster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire yon have ever used or seen at any price. Vfeknow that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. . . ImLm tmT nrMMrr-t buUt-up-wheela, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and COASTER" BRA l(o everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual crices charsed bv dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNDRY catalogue. but write us a postal today. DO NOT THIdTk OF BUYING si DO NOT WAIT bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal te learn everything. Write it NOW. XttO CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "J L" CHICAGO, ILL.