THE BOGUS PRINCE. Wednesday Night This entertaining musical com edy which comes to the opera house May 29, is a very merry affair, and one of the hit of the season. A large chorus of singing and dancing girls insures an unusually clever, performance. The music is de lightfully catchy, the humor laugh provoking, and the singing above the average. The costuming and scenery are in keeping with the production. Reserved eatS now selling. Prices 35, 50 and 75. Mies G-Jrtrnde Nolan eve h party Friday evening fjr the 9th grade cias of the pubiic tcbuo'.s. Miss Lillian Ranoey rpturn-rl Sunday evenicg frooa attendant at he praud lodge o R'iutkafcs at La Grande. . P. M. Zieiolf is at his rot. of duty again after a wvek'e confint iiifcnt tu his room with rheumatism. The next annual metirr of tbe Boys' Conferei:ce is to recur in Corvallis in May 1908. AttbeS lem meeting just coLcludeJ, there was an attenoance of 161 Mr. and Mis. Leu s Bumough of Euterprise, bave arrived lor a C mmeocemfnt vWit with Corvall e relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Hays left today for Pjrtland, after a visii ot several ayj at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will HorniDg. Mra.A. Hays, who haabfeo a Corvallis visitor for S'me time, left today for Spokane, Wath'ng on, where sha Is to make her home, af ter a ebort visit at Independence. Brady Burnett ia to retire as superintendent of the mouutaim water works the first of the month, and '8 to be eucjeeu'ed by Frank Aldrich. Jasper Newton, a former B-n-ton county man, ba-i soli his farm at Tborntoo, WaBbington, and with his eon has taken up a homestead at Cbesaw, the same state. Fred Parter arrived Saturday f or a s j iuro atjhome. He has been traveling for the past three minths ia Montana, Idabo and o'.her states in the employ of a Portland electn cal house. Forty-five dollars is applicable to tbe debt on the W. C. T. U. building as a result ot the entertain ment recently given. To all who assisted, the ladie are profoundly graieiui. ine average weekly at tendance at the reading room is 120. C. A. Dobell, wife and children, and his father and mother arrived yesterday, and occupies the houe formerly owned by Prof. McK-llips 00 College hill. Mr. Dobell is 10 be assistant cashier io the Johnson bank, when it opens July 1st. In the matter of fancy f took it ii doubtful if any county in Oregon can beat Benton, in competitive ex hibits. Benton farmers are pro gressive and have been improving their herds for a long time. The ar ray of fancy stock that should be Been at the live stock show on Fri day and Saturday will be worth traveling many a mile to see. The team of the Pblbmath mail carrier took a spin Saturday that cleared the streets of Corvallis for a minute or two. Starting at the Kaupisch creamery they raced up paet tne postothce and out to ward the Methodist church DON'T BORROW TROUBLE You will find enough t ouble in life without borrowing. You can save trouble aud expense by buying Furniture and House Furnishi- gs of us. Take life easy. Come around and get one of our $1.50 z $3.25 Hammcclis Enjoy the good old summer time on the porch or in the ,. shade of the old apple tree. See Our Line of Go Carts $2.7 5-$! 3.50 We want you to know that we keep Folding Porch Chairs, Folding Cots, Settees Camp Goods, and in fact everything that is needful about the house. 1 LINOLEUM, CARPETS, ART SQUARES AND MATTING are found here with a larger assortment to select from and cheaper than any other place. Come and see. Hollenberg & Cady. r Growing Fastest vriffl Least Fuss .. And if you don't believe it, come and see V B. A.'CATHEY Physician & Surgeon BANKING BY MAIL YOU MAY KEEP AN ACCOUNT WITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON AND YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOWS NOTHING OF IT MY MOTTO IS:-"A CUSTOMER NEGLECTED, ISA CUSTOMER LOST' I GUARARNTEE YOU HONEST PRICES. EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer chandise, can handle some wheat VICTOR P. MOSES DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon. Office, room 14, BanK Bids'. Hoam - IO to 13 sod 8 to 4. Phone, office S 1 a . Residence 1 E 0. Corvallis, Orvtfoa. G. It. FA KB A, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Ties idence on the comer of -Madison and Seventh ut. Phoni at hoiise and office. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoiEc. Residence Cor Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 t. 4 p, m. Orclero way t e ft t Arab s ' v'srn'ii rug ptor . 4 o INTEREST WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL UNCLE SAM S POST OFFICE MAKES OUR BANKING Br MAIL SYSTEM A SUCCESS SAVINGS BANK OF THE tCttle Guarantee1 & Crust Company - 240-244 Washington Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon , At Kings-Valley. Continued from Page I. There is as ovr eupply ofj work ' ty Cimpny, of Sin Francisco in the Valley aDd a v ry ebort etip ply ot laborers, r urteeo-year-oiri boys are doing men' work acd. get-'Matly. or ttie'United Railroids aod driver clang to the reins desperate ly however, and after steering his hors's between several trucks he managed floally to stop them after passing Fourth street. The only damage was the wear and tear on tbH nerves of passing pesdestrians and truck owners. The fifty prizes to be awarded in the big live etockahow cn Friday and Saturday of rjext week ebnald attract a great many exhibits. They should, in fact, attract to Corvallis all the fancy stock in the county, as well as much from abroad. The occasion will be taken advantage of by many to make purchases, and for this and other reasons there should be a great crowd in attend ance. The committee has arranged to supply pen3 free of charge to ex hibitors of sheep, goats and hogs. The excursion annually run to Newport by the seniors at the col lege transpired Saturday, and in point of numbers was the moUsuc- cessful one that has yet taken place. About 700 students and others par ticipated leaving Corvallis early in the morning) and arriving on the return trip after eleven p. m. There were eight coaohes, but even this was not sufficient ' car accommoda tion and many had toetand through out the journey. The day at the seaside was pleasant and the seaside and the trip was much enjoyed. A number of the excursionists failed to make connections for the return trip, and had to remain over until yesterday. ting bett-tr wages than ain could & few years ago. Jouu Pace has found it necessary to increase the Tne ! wages of tbe roid workerswithteams. We don't know woetbt-r tbe coun ty court will Increase the supervi sor's pay or t ot, but if it dent he if liable to jump the job and take to the camps where U ey pay te ter Wages. . Ths rain has been of great bene fit to grain and gardens. John ha a large stock of farm mtciiuery nriiving from Portland Wlter Winfo'd' school rl wed in the valley district last Friday. Herman Seifert has gold a part of his farm and given a 30 days option on tbe ba'a cs of it. He says he expects to leave tte Valley for another location whether he sells tbe remainder or not. John P. ice ha erected a flee monument on lis lot in the. Valley cemetery. Walter Winf- rd believer a good buggy to be oDe f ih equipments of a successful ach .l teaooer. The boys are all f ling bd be rause they were r ot S -ifrt Ram.r dell when be got hi& 1-gbrokt. President Patrick Cilhoun and Arsistant President Thornwell Mul General Ciuo-ei Tiery L. Ford Land Assistant General Counsel Wil liam Aoooct, ui . tbat coiporatlon, appeared iu company with A.A. Myore and tinnley Mobrev ofthe Ubi ed Rai'roadt-; Mnritz 'Rien tba', of Ctiicg", and Eirl Rogfrs, o' Atige ej, a 1 if whom twill take ao active part in their defeuse, Wiii H. Crocker, president of the Crocter National Bank of this city, and tVcogo'ZHri as tbe foremost tao iutf.f f F atw'two, and preei dr. Hry T. Se-Ht of the pAttfic Staw Trli-ifb&Be & Telegt-apb Co , n(ertd fbt: couftr"Om rid remain ed for eome titue. Erl Rogers eta t ed that tney were there to make good an offer to furnish pergonal htii, cash or bonds in the sum ot $060,006 for i Calhoon. Mullally. Fjrd 1 ni Abbott. ' ' ; ' National Steel . ' Ranges, Kempin's new store north Hotel Corvallis. at of Dress Making. Sewing done rea sonable. Two doors south of the water works, on First St.' . tf ; . Say! - ' Do you know John Lenger or No. 9 meets all in and out going trains? No! Yes and he tends to all your baggage and small parcels with prompt delivery.; 'Please call Res. 251 or office 130. v i . BEST BREAD and pas'ry can be uuuuaea at oiarr s iiaxcry. SLAB WOOD At the Corvallis sawmill'at $1.50 per load ,' strictly XV. .. SAJUE Jersey ; Bull,:., three years pld.eligible toregistry. Gen- ; tie, a fine individual.." Will ex change for one of equal breeding. W. F. Curryj Corvallis R.F.D.I. I i), fly? -:dr,!;,!-ift The Expert Chinese Are thegraat93t and best selectors of Tea values. They know good Tea from trie poor and indifferent kinds not by taste and smell, but by look and toucb. We pride ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade lines of Teas and Coffees which we have in stock, and we are sure that the mo3t captious critic will approve both. They are great money savers to the householder, too, as a small quantity goes a long way. We Are Headquarters For, Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, SchillingsTea HOPES' GROCERY. PHONE 203. J. A. WOODS General Auctioneer. A Square Dea and charges right Corvallis, Oregon. Phone Ind. 384. Dr; Hanford Successor to Eowen Lester Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or. G B Bornitid, The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. tg OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. j WE WANT YOUR TRADE. g WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION gv E. B Boming - - ' - " " - This Isn't the Place Where they give something fyghpthing But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you can get FREE the Finest Piece of; Decorated China, you ever got in this city, : -I Come in and be convinced T. A. Boulden, ' . .. , ' ' " " "" - f ' ' ': - " " ;- Grocery Store 7 n-.rwj Corvallis, J. FHED FATES A TTOR. c, I -A T-LA W. Zierolf KuildiDg. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. F. C. M'Reynolds Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Viola and "Cello OAC School of Music. Music furnished for -all ocj casions. Large or small orchestra. Willamette' Valley . Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. RESPONSIBILITY $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bnys County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. 8AI FBA-NCISOO PORTLAND ( Tha Bnk SEATTLE f CaUfinnia TAGUMA 1 NXTW TORK Messrs. J. P. Hortu Co. CHICAGO Natfonal Bank of The Bepab Ho. liOMDOS, ENG. N M Rothw&Udi Dot CANADA . Cntcv Bank of Ouuii Not ce of Sale. Pub ic notice is hereby given, that tbe under , (ignml, as the administrator o( the estate ot Pe ter Wilson, deceased, by virtue of an order ot the county court of Jackson county. Oregon, sit ting In probate, said o-der being el dce the 26th day of April, 1907. will from and alter Monday the 3d day of June, 1907, ud at and from the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, offor for sale, and sell all of the liffht. title and interest of the sal 1 estate in aud to all of the following de scribed real property, situated in Bentou county. Oregon, rn-wic: The North-east quarter o' section IS. in Town ship 12 South,. Karjge 6 Wort, containing 160 acres. Said .ale will take place at the law office of E. E. Wilson in Corvallis, Beuton county, uregon, and will continue until the highest possible price has been received for said tract of land, and said property cold. Bald property will be sold free from all liens and Incumbrances what soever. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this the 3rd day ot May, 1907: D. H. CHEXEY. Administrator of the estate ot Peter Wilson, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In tbe Matter of the Estate i of I Eliza A. KnUht, (ieeeaam, 1 N.i 1'-.? 1- Hereby given to all persons concern ed int lf:i trddefKlgBed has beea duly appointed wlinn 1-ir irm of tne evfcite of salt! Eusa A. Kiiighi. :"teed. by the county court of toe st ite ol oreeou lor Benton county. All persona having claims against said estate of Eliza A. Knight, deceased, are hereby required to pre sent the same, with proper voucoers therefor, duly verified as by law required, within six months from the date herof to the undersigned aims law omce in uurvauis, ureguu. DatedAprU 30, 1907. . . E. E. WILSON, Administrator ot tbe Estate of Eliza A Knight. . deceased. Notice of Final Settlement In the Hatter of the Estate ) of James Haycs, deceased. ; Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of James Hayes, de ceased. ba rilen her final account as Such ad mlulairatrix with the clerk of the county court, ol the state ot Oregon, for Benton county, and the said court has fixed Saturday the 8th day ot June, 1907, at the beur of ten o'clock la tbe fore noon as the time, and the county court room in the court house In Corrallls, Oregon, as the place for hearing anv and all objections to the said ac count and for settlement thereof. . Dated this May 10,1907. , , CAROLINE HAYES, Administratrix of the Estate of James Hayes, iseceaoea. ' ' . Chamberlain's Salve. .. This salve is intended especially fa sow nipples, burns, frost bites, chappeipandsV itchii!g..piles,j:hronic sore, eyes, graiiulated eve lids, old chronic sores and for diseases i iKe ,cfh,iiiieli is ' tetter, salt rheiiin, ring worm, scald head, herpes,' barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. . It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases.; Price 25 cents, per box. 1 Try it. For sale by trraham & Wortham.