The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 28, 1907, Image 1

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Vol. XX.-No.
By B. F. Irvine ;
I We Are Now
I Prepared to Outfit The
1 Man and The Boy
Oui receipt of clothing this spring are nobby.
Big assortment.
Prices That Defy Competition!
Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and
the best wearers
Our Line of Medium Priced Shoes
Are from the bsst factories in the country and all
are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all
the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an
inspection of the above lines.
Call and See '
; Oregon
. What You Seejs Worth
Twice What You Read!
As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. s
We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens ' Shoes, '
which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Some . be
fore your size is gone. V
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc.
at bottom prices. '
Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save!
'money by getting our prices. . . -
Henkle & Davis. J
Special Sales HlH Uu
Men's and Boys Suit broken sizes dt less than cost
The only exclusive men's Furnishing" store in Benton County.
'" ' .:s i
Wouldn't .
Ghange j;
Thrones with
a King.
Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue
moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our
superb Sorting Goods stock the latest in Rods, Reels,
Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries, ultcry, Sewing
Machines ad Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor
Talking Machines, Records and SuDDlies. T'r.nnh.rwill f,nA
himself in a paradise of his jown when he lands in this ,fine
"r'.''e v-wvia aiwva.. vju ate weicume 10 , Duy, - or admire,
just as you choose. ,V Unmatchable prices nqw;v ' r '' ' '
; M- M.;lONG'S ; .
Ferocious Animal, on Gaining His
Fneiora, Slays Girl and Pony
and Sods the Crowd in
All Directions Oth
er News.
Twin Falls, Haho, Miy 25.
Daring the afternoon performance
of the Sells-Fiota ci o is in Twin
Falls today, a huge BeDgal tiger
broke from his cage in the menage
rie tent and charged into the crowd
killing a four-year-old girl, Shet
land pony and mauling several oth-
!er spectators and pemes before it
was ehot and Killed Dy a man in me
audience. For a few moments a
panic was threatened in the merag
erie. Women screamed and faint
ed, the elephants tagged at their
chains and trumpeted wildly and
there was great commotion until
the tiger rolled over dead in front
of the main entrance.
: "MarkeJ," the tiger, and bis mate
"Agnes," had . been restless lor some
time before the accident. They were
about to be fed, and at the sight of
the meat, "Marker brat furiously
with his paws on the door of the
case. The doer gave way and the
tiger sprang from bis cage to the
neck of a Shetland Pony 15 feet
away. The animal's keeper seized
an iron bar and struck . the tiger
between the eyes.
"Marker released bis grip on the
pony d necK ana leaped upon tne
back of anotter nouy. Again Ibe
keeper fell him with the Iron, -and
be relinquished his hold on the sec
ond pony, only to seize a third.
Another stiff blow from the iron
drove the tiger from hi; prey and
he leaped into the crowd.
The tent was well filled and the
people fled in all direction, mcst of
them crowding out under the can
vas. One woman scrambled to the
top of an rn'mal cage and refused
to come down until lorg after the
tiger was killed.. Shrill trumpetings
from the frightened elephants arous
ed the keepers to renewed activity.
The guns kept by the keepers for
emergencies were 75 feet away, and
had they been available they could
not have been uaed on account of
danger to spectators.
Women grasped their children
and dragged them from the path of
the maddened tiger. Hundreds of
little children clung to the skirts of
their tei rifled mother, and "Mark
el" headed for the main entrance,
4O feet away. In bis rush he struck
several people with bis shoulder?,
knocking m ra down.
Mr?. S: E. R z 11, of Twin Falls,
and her '"little, daughter, Ruih,
could dot escape tte, tiger's rush
and wore borne to the ground. The
tiger held Mr?. Rtzrll with his
paws while his tangs sarik into the
neck tf the child. J. W. Bell, a
Twin Falls Blacksmith, was ttaud
ing beside Mrs. Rozell when she
was attacked. His wife and chil
dren were with him and at the
mercy of the beast.
Thrusting his family aside Bell
drew a 32-caliber revolver and op
ened fife on the tiger at a distance
rick Cilboun.
Although 19 iudi tments were
placed on tile, the grand jury has
14 more on its eecret file, which it
will shortly make public. The case
against the United Railroads has
been one or tbe most bumitg m the
battle against the grafters, but it
has been worked up with an exact
ness that has startled the entire
city. It was the tightening web of
evidence in this caae that drove
Abe Ruef to a concession and with
the testimony of Ruef the indict
ment of Calhoun came as a matter
of course.
The prosecution has traced the
$200,OCU with which 'the United
Rauroal secured its franchise from
Wa'l strset to the Sin Francisco
Mat immediately after the big fire
in April, 1906, wbea the Mint w s
used for banking purposes. There
the motey remained for a few days,
when it was drawn out in piece meal
in'ktj of $50,000 converted into
currency ana paid over, to Ruef and
by him passed on th the mayor and
supervisors. - The evidence is
strengthened by bits of conversa
tion, records of conference at "the
office of Tirep L. Ford, attorney for
the United Rialroads. The fact
tbat the mayor received $00,000 for
signing the ordinance granting the
overhead-trolley permit was learned
through the testimony of Ruef.
Fourteen indictments were re
turned charging Calhorw, Mullvlly,
Ford- Abbott, Scbuiitz and Ruef'
jointly with, the bribery of the eu-
pervivors. b.venteen supervisors
were bribed, eo it may therefore be
s:en that three of the indictments
will act as a sort of advance guard
to draw the fire of ths defense.
If the succeeds in shoot
ing any holes in them, the three in
reserve will be altered to make them
impregnable, Uking advantage of
the facts, brought out. However,
all of the indictments filed today
show a moit careful attention to all
the details, and leading lawyers to
night pronounced them perfect. "
The brunt of the fight of the de
fense will fall upon Calhoun, who
has already enlisted the services of
Moiitz Rosenthal, the Stadarin Oil
attorney . of . Chicago . and
Earl Rogers, the : best
known attorney of Los Ange'ee.
Calhoun is prepared to spend the
last cent of bis vast fortune to de
feat the prcsccution.
California is lookiog ahead to one
of the greatest legal battles in the
history of the r a.ion. :
Special Announcement
One Week
Graduating Dress
We have set aside the entire week from Monday
May 26th to Saturday June 1st in which we shall offer
our entire stock of White Goods Consisting of French
Organdies, French Lawnp, Mercerized Chiffons Persian
La wd, Swiss Goods & all figured White Goods at a saving
to you of at least the price of making up.
60 cts White Orgaudie 72jnches wide Special 49 cts.
75 cts " " " 65 ctt
$1.00 " " '. 89 cu
35 cts " French Lawn 50 inches wide Special 2 ets.
50 cts " ' " " " " 43 cts
50 cts " Mercerized Chiffon " " " 39 cts
. '35 cts - Figuried Goods " " 29 cb."
30 'cts " - " - 25
25 cts " 21 cu
All White Cotton Dress Goods reduced porportion
ately for this week and on Display making choosing easy
for you.
J.-M. Nolan & Son
"'Chicago, May 24. Baroa von
Sen. ippenbacn, Russian consul in
Chicago, will .. leave for Phoenir,
Ariz., tomorrow to identify the re
mains of Nicholai Kocstantinovich
De Raplan, as those of the clerk
formerly employed in the office of
the Russian consulate in this city.
The body was exhumed today: lor
this purpose.
A deputy from the office of
Gardner, Ste n & Andr'on, lepre-
rentin Public A mioisiraior Red
d ck, is ak'ady in Phoenix for. tbe
purpose ot taking depositions to es
tablish the sex of Da Raj lan and
and - tie leaiiog. will; be
held ;in Pnomix Tuesday. Tne
death of De Raylan and. the tfforts
of hii alleged 0 widow to rtcover
$8,000, the estate left by the myt t -rious
clerk has opened tbe most
perplexing problem the public t d
ministrator'o office ever has been
called upon to sol?e. Mre.i E. P.
orucnuuis, 01 nicago, wno wes
married to De Raylan for nine
Tbe conflict between the evidence
to be given by De Raylan' a wivea
and of tbat begun by officials
and physicians from Phoe
nix promises to bring about
an unparallfllsled issue in the local
probate court. The cae is myste
rious from any standpoint. Men
who belonged to the same athletic
club with De Rayhn insist he was
a mm. His physicians who cared
for him during his illness at Phoe
nix and attendants who prepared
the body for burial insist be was a
woman. ..The burial was secret and
hasty, no one from Chicago being
Sjo Francisco, May 25. Million
aires and multi-millionaire?, pres-
ti '-swk .h, k..h years, ana Anna Vi Kaylac, who
niiuj tug Kioic, cauu . ueciare iuiv
he vii man. , -
stTtfoif "Markel" behind the shoul
der he winced and opened his jaws,
growing viciously and lashing his
tail against the wall of spectators.
The second bullet caused him to
re'eise Mr?. Rozell and her daugh
ter from the grasp of his paws and
the third put him on the run. Ball
followed heroically firing three more
bullets into tbe fleeing .tiger as it
rah outside the teat. , ; "
VMarkel' waa sorely bit . but "he
managed to crawl some distance te
fore he collapsed. Recovering his
strength for an instant, the tiger
tamed and started hack toward the
spectators, fell and expired.
San Francisco, May 24. "The
people of San Francisco want, acts
not words. I will only say that we
will make good wherever we accuse,"
wa? the brief of William A. Burns
tonight, and it was the only state
ment made for publication by; tthe
prosecution' after it had accomplish-
ea wnat nan 01, tn9 citizens nip o
San. Francisco declared q be impo s
gible the Indictment of ore of t b
most powerful magnates known '
Wall street. in the person of jPa
Information to the effect tbat D'
Raylan was a woman, masquerad
ing as a man,, ten the public ad
mlmstrator into an investigation to
determine sex 01 the decfaaed. ,
; "If Di Raylan , was a; woman.
said Atfo ney - Anderson ;j today,
'.'there could have been no marriage
oetwe9n tier and Anca UtRiylan ,
who claims to be . the widow. : ; Jo
tms even the alleged widow. is not
entitled, to ah y cart : of the estate
If Da Riylan was a man ,! Anna De
Raylan will come in for. her share
of the estate. vThe evidence so; iar
torwarded to the public ad mimstra
tor by the coroner in Phoenix tends
to conhrm the report that De. Ray
lan was a woman, who. bad. masquer
aded .successfully as -a ' jao for
ytare. ' , - u;.
De. Raylan first carxe to .Chicago
with a representative of .the Russian
arvernmDt,: at ,thel time -of th
World's Fair, and had : lived here
almost all tbe time ein:e. Last
year Da Riylan became ill with
consumption and -'wenr ro Arizon
in search of health, dyiAg p phbe-J
nlxD'cembw 18, 19Q6 .
Tackle of
A Complete Line of Spauld
ing base ball goods at popu
lar prices.
"nnnn in nn -on aa a
idents hod vice-presidents and lee.
eer officials of great corporations
thronged Judge Coffee's coort room
this morning with their attorneys
and attendant?, whither they had
been summoned to give hail to in
sure their personal liberty pending
their trials on ffbny indictments
return d against them yesterday
by tne Ol-ver grand jury.
First came Louis Glass, vice
president of the P cifio Telephone &
Telpgrapb Company, to give bonds
in tbe $ im of $2 ,000. Mr. Glass
was represented by Attorney C -o-gn,
who handed o Judge Coffee
for bis approval two bonds for$lo,
000 eacb, given by the Pacific Sure
Continued on Page 4.
Htot Biscmit
iS'vlti . ,;w --V-CJ .t ; ' 1 .5-5:1
are the most appetizing, health- - ;
ful and nutritious of foods
Much depends upon tbe Baking Powder