THEIR EXHIBITS. Benton County School Pjpils Prepar ing for All Benton School Fair. Though few in rjunpkers Bud youog in years, the pupils of thia district are nevertheless, energe ie in the w irk Lr the All Benton County Fair. Naone Das refused to takb p-trt in tbU matter, but have gone 10 work with boe and rake preparing the giouni and plant fg 6eeds, vieiDg with tach other tu see wbosa seda co ne up firat and grow ibe fastest. Oje ii tle girl ia expeciug; to maks some tirsi-olaas butter, aud we have do doubt ot hor success, as she is vny diligent in all that he uodertakee. Another girl but ix ytars of tige, ia quite handy witb a needle, and htmotich a handkf rohief for tun fair. Lillitb McKenuey. teacher. ' District 23 la regard to the school Fair I foatre not sent you a report for tbe reason uat I have cotnparativf-ly little to report. My boys do tot wish to tahe part, paying that as it comes in the middle of tsm harvest eaeon thev cannot well attet d. I have interested most of ihe girls nd they have made li ts of the contests they wish to fnter. The seed 8 sent have been distributed, and pamphlets sent into every borne. But I caorjot get the enthu siasm aroused that tbtrs ouglt o be. Tbe matter may be brought flip at tbe partnta' meeting and per Ciaps if the older folks will tncour ge them, tbe pupils will exert themselves to make a creditable ex- libit. The primary room has been o; disorganized this year, that noth ing can be expected from the little folks if these parents do not, them selvee. take the matter in band. ' H. h. Mack, teacher. District 12 The Blodgett school is preparing to take an active part in furnishing exhibits for the Benton county fair. It will . furnish tbe following: Hemstitching, drawnwork, during, canned fruit, jelly, bread, butter, sewing, writkg, map drawing. Some of the pupils will grow flow ers, some vegetables, others grain. Every pupil in school has concent red to prepare something. Anna H. Matbany, teacher. District 79 Dietrict 79 expects to be repre sented at the fair. The pupils show great interest and hope to win many prizes. Although few in number we expect to bs heard from, before i r T l ;ii 1 uie iair is over, mere wui ce ex hibits from this district in tbe agri cultural, sewing and drawing de 2arttnent8. Etta Young, teacher. 33.:Dletrict36 The garden feeds received. The -school ia preparing to take an ac tive part in the work cf the fair. The parents have furnished 6eed from other sources. Will Bend you -e letter giving details later.. R R. Milltr, teacher. District 50 " We are doing all we can to help the A 11 Benton School fair to be the 'biggest and grandest ever held in Benton county. My pupils are 'watchi ng tbelr gardens very closely and hoping that their plants will ceceive the reward that is due them w&eo the contests comes. One gmpil is preparing a drawing of a nted character. We hope this fair win be very successful and will SieJjj to push it along. Mae Tracer, teacher. 55ietrkt62 1 am sending you a statement of what tbe pupils of this district are -djiog for the All Benton Fair. One DON'T BORROW TROUBLE You will find enough t'ouble in life .without borrowing. You can save trouble acd expense by buying Fart iture and House Fornishirgs of us. , Take life easy. Come around and get one of our $1.50 2z $3.25 2Saairicc2s Enjoy tbe good old summer time on the porch or in the shade of the old apple tree. See Our Line of Go Carts $2.75-$! 3.50 We want you to know that we keep Folding Porch Chairs, Folding Cots, Settees Camp Goods, and in fact everything that is needful about tbe house. LINOLEUM, CARPETS, ART SQUARES AND MATTiNG are found here with a larger assortment to select from and cheaper than any other place. Come and see. Mo en berg & Cady. m J Inez W. Warner, teacher. District! 3 Our cMIrtten ar- roucb 'nrf-std in tr e All Benton Far. Neatly to ba 9 xkn oui kind of ; seeds a grow uuii we txpect to have a to id showing from ai9triet I3 Otrseed were distributed early so that they will have time to urow at their bet period. We aLo txt,eet to have represent? tives in sime of thf cod tfsts at least. Owing to the email! nets of tbe schrol "w will not be e table 10 enter nearly all the com petitions out want to put our. best ioto it and feel sure it will make a showing. G. E. Hetbeit, teacher. District 5Q Evergreen school : district 59 will (bow what it i capab.e of d i"g at the AH Benton Couuty S:hooi Fair this fall. The girls are already making their flower beds and the boys will so.n begin plant iog vegetf blei. Simcel Betsor, teacher. District 48 District 48 is making extnive ureparationa for the All Benton fair. We intend to carry off a good number of the various prizes and alio one of thoe three grand pr.zs givm to tbe districts having the best display at tbe fair. Each student vil have a good agricultur al display, whiie quit a number will compete for tbe flower prize. There will be contestants for the ciphering and "telling matches. Mica Harper, teacher. r Growing Fastest wiffl Least Fuss And if you don't believe it, come and see MY MOTTO ,IS:-"A CUSTOMER NEGLECTED, r - IS A CUSTOMER LOST." I GUAARNTEE YOU HONEST PRICES. EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer chandise, can handle some wheat VICTOR P. MOSES 1 DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon. . B. A. CATHEY j Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Honrtt 10 to ia wd a co 4. , Phone, office SIS Residence 1 i 0. Cprvallis. Oregon. G. it. FAKRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office np sia;js ia Burnett Bricl-U a idence on the comer of Mdieou and Seventh et. . ibou at house . and office. H. S. PEBNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoie. Residence Cor Fifth and Jefferson strners. Honrs 10 10 12 a. m., 1 In 4 . ip. Order? mny n Aft fit Grshptn S v 'tn'l rrriy ettsr . J. A. WOODS General Auctioneer. A Square Dea and charges right. Corvallis, Oregon. is that the court will force the com pany to sell it to actual seitler at $a-5o per acre.'in tacts not to ex- ceea too acres. Mill another coo ttnhon is that farther legislation by by c ingress : will be necessary to put the land on - the mar ket. In either case it seems to be tbe view that the'; persons .who get it will have to be "actual settlers within "the" full meaning of the term. That would mean that the buyer would have to actually live on the land, make it his home, and j do those other. things .necessary .to constitute a bone ffde residence. This would be very likely to be in sisted on if there is'.; a lorfaiture of thecompany's hold to t,he land at the present prices, the idea being that if the corporation should be made to obey the Iawj the "full terms of the law in providing its transfer to the buyers would also have to be complied with, which would mean a genuine residence on the property so that the require ments that it should go only to actual settlers" would be carried out. Further movements in tre matter will be watched with much nterest. AfTER RAILROAD LANDS. f the girla is ilantoo county. drawing a map Another one ia da so me hemstitching, and her sis tec is going to raise eome cabbage. Ta boys are to raieeeorn,-another is to raise carrots. Mabel Hibbs ie going to raise cucumbers and and also can some fruit. .Almost all of them have their planting done. Myrtle Langley, taacher. District 20 District 20 will have a display of 'vegetables and fruit grown by some ot tbe likeliest, liveliest, and heal Scramble for Them in Southern Ben ton The Claimants. People of the south end of Ben ton are after lands out of the South ern Pacific grant wbich they expect the courts to cause to be sold at 52.50 per acre, as is provided for in the law making the grant. mere are three million acres of these laods in the state, mainly in of 1 Southern Oregon. Large tracts of to j the land also lie in Benton county, Notice to Creditor Notice ia hereby riven that the nndersiened is the duly appointed and acting administrator ot me estate or a. w. jacason, deceased, pursuant to the order of the county oourt of the state of Oregon, for Benton count;. All persons hsmng Claims aaainst said esbttn are notified to nreaeiu tbe same duly Terifl-d to this administrator at tne omce of Mcradden and Brrson In the city of Corvallis, said county, within six months lrom tnisaate. Dated May 24. 1907, ISAAC H. JaCKSOX. Administrator of the estate of S. W, Jackson, deceased. Or-.'er of Sa'e. r court ot the State of Oregon for aeuiuu. particularly in tbe southwestern portion. Accounts irom Monroe are to the effect that a large number of persons in that vicinitv are ar ranging to file on lands, expecting that in doe time they will secure title for the government price. It seems that some attorney at . Junc tion is handling the business for tbem. A fee of $5 each is paid to him and he prepares such papers as are. necessary to give the proposed claimant a srt of tcmibawk right In the count the county of In the matter of the Guardianship of the person anu estate 01 urrtruae A set ier, a minor. Order to show cause. The court having read the petition of Annie Seckler, the duly appointed guardian of the said Gertrude A. Uecklt-r. atkiug tbat the court grnm an oroer, to eu lots rne ana two 111 oior-K seven teen. In tbe original town of Marysvilie, now Corvallis. Benton ccuuiy, Oregon, iu which eald minor has an undivided oi.e-half interest, and the court being lully advised lu tbe premises, that it is necessary and for the best Interest of said miner. . It is therefore hereby ordered. That the nest of Kin 01 bai-i minor, ana an otnei pertous interest ed in Sbld estate appearb efore this court on tbe 8th day of June, at ten o'clock A. M.. at toe court ran x taevetanr laden ot said cauntv lu vol vsiiu vrosjou, ca iriMvemuewsj aa or- aerwHnun vm rmgnuaeai a frayed torin me Petition BVIein. atmi. And it ia further hereby entered. That a copy ot this ordvr be ptrtttabvd 1b the Corvallis Times, a newspaper of general circulation published in said Benton couuty, Oregon, at least once a week tor iour successive sua coneccuti va weeas. Dated May 7, 1907. E. WOODWARD, , County J udge. thieet boys and girls on earth; also n s.uchcti,on. 83 m be selec,ed boy who, in rapid calculating, is not easily excelled in speed or ac uraoy. Beware of Beaver Cteek, .for oar school will be represented. G. A. Peterson, teacher. DiBtrict : My pupils are making good prep aration fer the School Fair and are looking forward to it with anticipa tion. From the moment we re- ceived the packages of seeds to the present time, there, has been a great desire among the pupils to help make the fair succeeeful. The ma -jority of the pnplls have entered the agricultarl contistandmany of Mum now have the pleasure of eesirg their plants growing nicely. Be sides having the school well repre . eented in this line we are also plan ning to be represented in several of tho other contests. Such credentials as he prepares are supposed , to give the claimant, a firm chance to file. For the pres em it appears mat no Dungs are made, but that this detail is to be attended to, later on. The Monroe claimants idcludes most of the prom inent citizens in and cut of the town. The Times informant said Saturday that, several dozen persons had en listed in the scheme. Of course, nobody knows what the outcome will be. The corpora tion will hold to the lands as long as there is any law for it. In some instances these lands have attained a great value. Even the remedy by which the lands are ti be made ob tainable by the public is not de termined. . One claim is that the whole grant should be forfeited to the public domain, and the railroad has no further daim on it. Another Summons. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the asmnuel E. Young, Plaintiff, vs. Curtis Beers ana name eeers, nis wife, Kebecca Rindlaub i auu oaritn cooper, ceienoanta, L, ' To Curtis Beers and Hattie Beers, defendants in me name 01 tne state or Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear In the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before the 3d day ot July, 1907, and If you fall so to answer for wanttaereof, the plaintiff will apply to tbe court thereof for the relief prayed for in his com plaint, to-wit: that plaintiff recover lodgment against defendant, Curtis Beers lor $300 and in terests, attorney fees, and costs; and that the mortgage described in the complaint hereln.'exe cuted by defendants Ourtta Beers and Haute Beers, his wife, to Letha Dntnin to Plaintiff, oa the K. 1-2 of the 8J E. 1-4 of section . . . '" otM- nuuamewe meridian containing 80 acres, be decreed a first lien or saw property and that said mortgage be fore closed and said real property be sold according to law and that each of yon and all the defend ants be forever barred ami fjwttnlrWMl nfF . nH from any and all right, title, Interest and equity ot redemption in or to said mortgage premises, and that plaintiff have such' further relief as the court may decree. inis summons la published not less than six consecutive wpeks, date ot ? first publication to be May ai, 1907; date of last publication to be July 2, 190T, date of appeal ance to be on or before Julys. 1907, by order of Hon. -E.. Woodward, county judge of the above county and state;. -. Dated May 14, 1907. - - - - 'E. R. BEYSON. Attorney for flalntlff. Th ert Chinese Are the greatest and best selectors of Tea values. They know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not by taste and smell, but by look and touch, We pride ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade lines of Teas and CofRjes which we have in stock, and we are sure that the most captious critic" will approve both. They are great money savers to the householder, too, as a small quantity goes a long way. " We Are Headquarters For Uptons, Teatlys, Fogers, SchillingsTea HOPES' GROCERY. PHONE 203. J. FHED STATES A TTORS a 1 -AT-LAW. Zierolf BiiildiDg.' Phone Ind. 384. ; Dr, Hanford Successor to Eowen Lester Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or. E. E. WILSUN ATTORNEY A7 LAW. F. C. M'Reynolds Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Viola and "Cello OAG School of Music. Music furnished , (or! aB , oc casions. ' Large or small orchestra. - 3v B. horning, The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend - much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves. OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISF CTION Willamette Valley Banking Company ; Corvallis, Oregon. RESPONSIBILITY $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestk Exchange. Bays County, City and School 1 Warrant. ' Principal Correspondent. BAB FRANCISCO k FORTLAKD '.The Bank o 8KATTL.K f Cmllfaraua TAOOKA J IOEW TORE-Heasra. J P. atornsi bo. CHICAGO National Raaav r Tbe Mmpatt ' lie. LOMDO, ENG. N Of HothwaU 4s A bom CANADA . Cnloa Waak alOaaada . Call for City Warrants. There is money on bsnds wl'h City Treasnrer to pay all endorsed warrants in general fund, up to and including December 1, 1403. In tores t viil stop on time from this date, stay . 1907. QUANT ELGIN, city Tieasurer. Notice of City Election. Corvallli, Or., Hay 10, 190T. Notice is hereby given that the aun Ual election for the City of Coi rallis Oregou. will be held on the 20th day of May. 1907. betrinnii.g at 9 o'clock A. M., and continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. ot aald .lay at the city bull of said city, for the pur pose of electing one mayor to serve for a period of two years, one police judge, one chief of police and one treasurer, eacn to serve for a petlod ol one year: Uri-t Ward, one councilman to serve for a period of three yars, and oue couacilmau to serve for tw years; Second Ward, oue couiicil ma. to serve lor a period of three years; Toiid W ri, oue councilman to a?rve iur a perljd ot thr.eears; oue councilman to serve for a peri od i f two years, and one councilman to serve fur a peiiiKl oi one year. Th G. B Rortiingw Watch this space for Bargins in REaL ESTATE No 608 43 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some finebot . torn land, house of 5 rooms, small bam, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain. 598160 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house and bam, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price , $1700. School house on place. . . .. . , . . . . - 38310 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair bam 1-2 uinile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $ 1 700. 1 j. AMBLER & WAITERS he common couucil of said city has apn ed A C White of Hie first Wrd, Joseph. Y.tes for the becoud Ward, and K. H. Colburt, of the third w era to be jurices ot fate tleciloo.ann c. A. Uotild and S. L. Heuderson to act as clerks of M nlei 'iou. . l'at d May 10, 1907. J. THSD YATKs. fullc Judge. Not.ce of" Sale. Pub'lc notice is hereby given, that the under; tlgn'd, as the administrator of the estate ofPe ter Wilson, deceased, by virtue of an order of the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, sit ting In probate, said oider being et date the 26th day of April, 1907. will from and after Monday the 3d day of June, 1907, ,.ud at and from the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ia. of said day, onVr for sale, and sell all of the right, title and interest ol the ssld estate in and to all of the following de scribed real property, situated in Bentou county, Oregon, to-wit: i 'Ihe North-east quarter o' section 18. in Town ship li South, Range S Went, containing 160 seres. Said sale will take place at the law o flics ct E. E. Wilson In Corvallis, Benton county. Oregon, and will continue until the highest possible price has been received for said tract of land, and said pr petty rotd. Haul property will be sold free ujt ail liens and Incumbrances what soever. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this the 3rd day olMay.1907. , D.H.CBEKBY. Administrator et the estate of Feter Wilson, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Ejtate of - i Eliza A. Knfcjht, deceased, Notice I hereby given to all persons concern ed that the unoeralgned has been duly a ppointed administrator of toe estate ot said ilsa A. KniKht. deceased, by the oonnty. eonrt of tne state of Oreeou for Benton county. All perKMis having claims against said estate ot Eliza A. Knight, deceased, are hereby required tu pre .sent the same, with proper voucners therefor, duly ventied as by law requited, within tlx ' months from the date berof tojthe undersigned I at his law office In Corvallis, Oregon. DdtedApril 30, 1907.. C. C. W1L3UCI, Administrator cf the E.tate of Eliza A Knight, ' deceased.